This content originally appeared on Modern Web Development with Chrome and was authored by Paul Kinlan
<p>Another visitor came to my site from google with the query: "c# css parser"<p />I have no idea why my site was found with this search, but I might as well try and answer the question.<p />I did a little search on Google to see what I could find relating to a C# based CSS parser. I couldn't find anything. I am tempted to try and make one now :) <p />I can envisage it now.<p />A class for each of the CSS types, each type has a list of rules as to how they are applied, each type also has a list of attributes that are parsed from the text.<p />There would also be a "Finder Class" which would find all instances of a particular CSS class and then instantiate the appropriate C# class.<p />I might have this as a little side project now :)<p /></p>
This content originally appeared on Modern Web Development with Chrome and was authored by Paul Kinlan