This content originally appeared on Lea Verou’s blog and was authored by Lea Verou
While exploring browser-supported Unicode characters, I noticed that apart from the usual @ and . (dot), there was another character that resembled an @ sign (0xFF20 or @) and various characters that resembled a period (I think 0x2024 or ․ is closer, but feel free to argue).
I’m wondering, if one could use this as another way of email hiding. It’s almost as easy as the foo [at] bar [dot] com technique, with the advantage of being far less common (I’ve never seen it before, so there’s a high chance that spambot developers haven’t either) and I think that the end result is more easily understood by newbies. To encode this way, we’d use (in an html page):
and the result is: foo@bar․com
I used that technique on the ligatweet page. Of course, if many people start using it, I guess spambot developers will notice, so it won’t be a good idea any more. However, for some reason I don’t think it will ever become that mainstream :P
By the way, if you’re interested in other ways of email hiding, here’s an extensive article on the subject that I came across after a quick googlesearch (to see if somebody else came up with this first – I didn’t find anything).
This content originally appeared on Lea Verou’s blog and was authored by Lea Verou

Lea Verou | Sciencx (2009-11-29T00:00:00+00:00) Yet another email hiding technique?. Retrieved from
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