This content originally appeared on justmarkup and was authored by justmarkup
Hello and welcome to issue 21 of Browsers and Bugs. Happy bug reporting!
Browsers, Bugs and Workarounds #
Flexbox bugs #
Flexbox gotchas for Android 2.1 – 4.3 (stock browser).
CSS Transform Module Level 2 #
Intent to Implement: Independent Properties for CSS Transforms (scale, translate, rotate) in Chromium.
SVG sprite #
Tests and notes about browser support for referencing an external SVG file in HTML.
Assistive Technologies #
Update for IE with future considerations for Assistive Technologies and integrated Accessibility API support in Windows 10 with Edge.
Debugging, Testing and more #
W3C developer tools #
Various tools and validators to test your site.
Browser testing #
So to put it in glib terms, I support every browser …but I optimise for none.
Throttled Thursdays #
Throttle your internet connection once a week to embrace the pain of slow sites and improve performance.
ConsoleBot #
Allows savvy developers to chat to a website owner via the browser console.
Friefox DevTools #
Access MDN directly within the Firefox DevTools.
This content originally appeared on justmarkup and was authored by justmarkup

justmarkup | Sciencx (2015-05-29T04:18:07+00:00) Browsers and Bugs 21/2015. Retrieved from
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