This content originally appeared on Modern Web Development with Chrome and was authored by Paul Kinlan
Service Worker gives you control. Service Worker offers me as a developer great power and flexibility when creating sites and managing how I can make them fast and resilient to network issues.
Because of the flexibility that the Service Worker API offers in terms of control over the network there are a lot of choices that you have to make when managing and this could be daunting the first time that you start to play with the API.
If you want to get an overview of the many caching strategies that you can take then I encourage you to check out the Offline cookbook by my friend and colleague Jake Archibald.
The question is, what strategy should you take for creating a fast loading and resilient static content site like this Blog? Well that is for you to decide. A strategy that works well for me is Stale While re-validate.
I chose this strategy by first setting out some requirements for how I would like it to work.
- The development cycle should be simple and not annoy me, at most two refreshes of a page before I could see the content
- It should not require a re-architecure of my build or hosting system
- I am quite happy using Hugo and a simple NGINX static host.
- I should not need any in-page JavaScript to have readers read the content
- I currently don't care about proactively caching content for people to read so I don't need any tooling for that... yet.
The "Stale While re-validate" strategy works for me because it will always serve the content that is cached, but at the same time will proactively fetch fresh content from the network and update the cache with that. The side effect of this is that updates are always one refresh away from being the latest, but I am happy with this trade-off.
The Service Worker below gives me that control and meets the requirements I need.
I have no install step because I am not actively caching or installing an "App Shell" and all of my pages rely on all the same core structural assets. That means if one page is requested and goes through the service worker then I have all I need - Note: I might change this in the future to cache the content on first page load
When the Service Worker intercepts the network request it will check the data from the cache, if in the cache it will respond with that to the browser but also start a fetch to the network. If it is not in the cache then it will just fetch the contents from the network.
It works well for me and ensures that I have a fast and resilient site.
const version = "1.2.3";
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
const request = event.request;
const url = new URL(event.request.url)
// Don't cache anything that is not on this origin.
if(url.origin !== location.origin) return;
event.respondWith( => {
return cache.match(request).then(response => {
var fetchPromise = fetch(request).then(networkResponse => {
cache.put(request, networkResponse.clone());
return networkResponse;
// We need to ensure that the event doesn't complete until we
// know we have fetched the data
// Return the response from cache or wait for network.
return response || fetchPromise;
This content originally appeared on Modern Web Development with Chrome and was authored by Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan | Sciencx (2016-06-15T12:20:32+00:00) My blog’s Service Worker and Caching Strategy. Retrieved from
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