Altering the DOM with JavaScript

If you’re learning JavaScript, the first thing you should learn (after understanding the basics like variables, functions, etc.) is to alter the DOM. This is one of the things you do daily as a frontend developer.
Changing the DOM used to be difficult….

This content originally appeared on Zell Liew and was authored by Zell Liew

If you’re learning JavaScript, the first thing you should learn (after understanding the basics like variables, functions, etc.) is to alter the DOM. This is one of the things you do daily as a frontend developer.

Changing the DOM used to be difficult. We needed jQuery to make things easier. Luckily, there’s no need for jQuery anymore.

In this article, I’ll show you the things you need to be familiar with as a frontend developer.

What do you do with the DOM?

When you work with the DOM, you’ll find yourself needing to do one or more of the following things:

  1. Selecting HTML elements
  2. Adding or removing event listeners
  3. Adding or removing classes
  4. Adding, changing or removing attributes
  5. Adding or removing HTML elements

I’ll explain what each of these things are, why you use them and how to do them in the following sections. Let’s jump into the very first one — selecting HTML elements.

Selecting HTML elements

Knowing how to select HTML elements is the first step before you do anything else with the DOM. Once you’ve selected an element, you’ll be able to add event listeners, change classes, and do other fancy things.

You only need to know two methods to select anything you want — querySelector and querySelectorAll.


querySelector helps you select one HTML element. If multiple HTML elements are found with your selection, querySelector always returns the first element. It looks like this:


You can select an element by its id, class or even tag with querySelector.

Let’s walk through a quick example. Say you have the following HTML:

<div id="the-one">ID</div>
<div class="an-awesome-class">Class</div>
<p>A tag</p>
  • To select the element with an id, you prepend the id with a #
  • To select the element with a class, you prepend the class with a .
  • To select the element with a tag, you simply write the tag as your selector.
// => <div id="id">ID</div>

// => <div class="an-awesome-class">Class</div>

// => <p>A tag</p>

Complicated selections

querySelector is incredibly powerful. You can perform complicated selections by chaining ids, classes and tags together, like this:


Although it’s possible to chain selectors, I recommend you don’t do this because it’s unnecessary most of the time.

Selecting elements within elements

Here’s one thing great about querySelector. You can instruct it to look for an element within another element, which reduces the time needed to lookup a deep selector.

To do so, you add a space between your classes, ids or tags. Here’s an example:

<div class="container">
  <div class="inner-item">Inner item!</div>
let innerItem = document.querySelector('.container .inner-item')
// => <div class="inner-item">Inner item!</div>

Alternatively, if you’ve already selected an element with querySelector you can also use that element to perform another querySelector call:

let container = document.querySelector('.container')
let innerItem = container.querySelector('.inner-item')
// => innerItem is <div class="inner-item">Inner item!</div>

That’s all you need to know about querySelector.

Now, what if you needed to select more than one element? This is where querySelectorAll comes in.


querySelectorAll is a method that helps you select multiple elements.

let allELements = document.querySelectorAll(selectors);

selectors, in this case, has the same syntax as querySelector. The only exception is that you can perform multiple selections by separating selections with a comma (,).

<div class="thing">A thing</div>
<div class="thing">A thing</div>
<div class="another-thing">Another thing</div>
let allThings = document.querySelectorAll('.thing, .another-thing')
// => [
//   <div class="thing">A thing</div>,
//   <div class="thing">A thing</div>,
//   <div class="another-thing">Another thing</div>
// ]

Here’s the important part.

querySelectorAll returns a NodeList (even though it looks like an array).

If you’re only working with modern browsers, you can get individual elements within the Nodelist with a NodeList.forEach call.

If you’re working with older browsers, you need to convert the NodeList into an Array before looping through it with a forEach call. The easiest way to do so is to use Array.from().

// Modern browsers
let allThings = document.querySelectorAll('.thing, .another-thing')
allThings.forEach(el => {/* do something with element */})

// Older browsers
let allThings = document.querySelectorAll('.thing, .another-thing')
// You might need a polyfill for Array.from.
// Alternatively, use;
let allThingsArray = Array.from(allThings)
allThingsArray.forEach(el => {/* do something with element */})

Next, let’s move on to adding and removing event listeners.

Adding and removing event listeners

Event listeners allow your JavaScript to perform an action whenever an event is triggered. This is how you know when a user has interacted with the DOM. One example is when they clicked a button:

See the Pen Altering DOM with JS demo by Zell Liew (@zellwk) on CodePen.

Here, you only need to know two methods — addEventListener and removeEventListener.

Adding event listeners

To add your event listener, you first select your HTML element, then call the addEventListener method. It accepts two parameters, like this:

let thing = document.querySelector('.thing')
thing.addEventListener(event, callback)

event is the name of the event you want to listen to. These events are already predetermined in the spec. Here’s a handy list of common event types you’ll want.

callback is a function that does what you want whenever the event is triggered. It contains one parameter — the event object. Here’s what a typical callback looks like:

thing.addEventListener('click', callback)

function callback (e) {
  e.preventDefault() // Prevents default behavior. Only use this when necessary
  console.log('thing is clicked!')

We can do a lot of stuff with the event object (e), but that’s a topic for another day. Let’s move on to removing event listeners.

Removing Event Listeners

Removing an event listener is similar to adding an event listener. Here, you call the removeEventListener method, then pass in two parameters — the event type and your callback.

thing.removeEventListener('click', callback)

Typically, you will only remove an eventListener after a task is completed. So, it’s common to find removeEventListener within an addEventListener call.

thing.addEventListener('click', callback)

function callback () {
  console.log('thing is clicked!')
  // removes event listener
  thing.removeEventListener('click', callback)

When you remove an event listener, you no longer listen to the event. So, in the code above, the callback only triggers when .thing gets clicked for the first time. Further clicks on .thing will not trigger the callback.

Note: you should remove an event listener when you have no more need for it. By doing so, you free up resources for other tasks.

Let’s move on.

Adding and removing classes

Remember button demo above?

See the Pen Altering DOM with JS demo by Zell Liew (@zellwk) on CodePen.

Here’s what I did to make this demo work:

  1. Add .is-open to <nav> when a user clicks on the button
  2. Remove .is-open from <nav> if <nav> is already open when the user clicks on the button.
  3. Transitioning the <nav> is done with CSS.

This demo shows you the power of CSS when combined with JavaScript. You can create all sorts of interactions just by adding (or removing) a class.

Here’s how you can add a class, remove a class or check if a class exists:

  1. To add a class, use element.classList.add('classname')
  2. To remove a class, use element.classList.remove('classname')
  3. To check if a class exists, use element.classList.contains('classname')

Here’s the code to add or remove .is-open from <nav> when you click on the button.

let button = document.querySelector('button')
let nav = document.querySelector('nav')

button.addEventListener('click', toggleNav)

function toggleNav() {
  // Checks if nav has is-open class
  if (nav.classList.contains('is-open')) {
    // removes is-open class
  } else {
    // adds is-open class

Let’s move on to adding, changing and removing attributes

Adding, changing and removing attributes

Attributes are an important part of HTML elements. Sometimes, you need to extract information from these attributes to give context to your JavaScript. Other times, you can use these attributes to help write accessible interfaces.

Here’s a demo of the above nav, written in an accessible way:

See the Pen Altering DOM with JS demo (Accessible way) by Zell Liew (@zellwk) on CodePen.

In this demo, two things changed:

  1. I added aria-expanded to button to tell screen readers if the menu is expanded.
  2. I added aria-hidden to nav to prevent screen readers from reading the menu when it’s hidden.

Here’s how you can extract information from and attribute, set an attribute and remove an attribute:

  1. To get an attribute, use getAttribute('attribute-name')
  2. To change/set an attribute, use setAttribute('attribute-name', 'attribute-value')
  3. To remove an attribute, use removeAttribute('attribute-name')
// Get attribute

// Set attribute
button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true)

// Remove attribute

Finally, let’s move on to adding or removing elements.

Adding or removing elements

Let’s start this section with a demo:

See the Pen Altering DOM with JS demo (Adding and removing elements) by Zell Liew (@zellwk) on CodePen.

If you clicked on the prepend or append button above, you’d see I’ve added the text Hello again, world! into the DOM as another list item.

Adding elements to the DOM

There are three steps to adding this text into the DOM. They are:

  1. Create an HTML element with document.createElement
  2. Add content to the HTML element by setting the innerHTML.
  3. Add it to the DOM with parentNode.prepend or parentNode.append.
let ul = document.querySelector('ul')

// Creating a <li> element
let li = document.createElement('li')

// Adding content to the <li> element
li.innerHTML = 'Hello again, world!'

// Adding it to the DOM

Removing elements from the DOM

To remove an element from the DOM, you need to call parentNode.removeChild. This method takes in a parameter — the element to remove.


We can’t simply say remove <li> and expect the JavaScript to know which list item to remove. We need to tell our JavaScript which one to remove explicitly.

If you can use querySelector to choose with element to remove, that’s going to be the easiest method:

let parent = document.querySelector('.parent')
let elToRemove = document.querySelector('.element-to-remove')

// Of if you don't want to write a separate querySelector

In the demo above, we can’t do this because there’s no way to tell which is the first or last list item with classes or ids.

Instead, we can use parentNode.children to get a NodeList of elements within ul, then, use Array methods to get the specific element to remove.

Here’s the code to remove the first child element:

let list = document.querySelector('ul')
removeFirst.addEventListener('click', e => {
  if (list.children.length) {
    let firstNode = list.children[0]

Wrapping up

Altering the DOM is one of the most important things you need to know as a frontend developer. You’ll be able to do all sorts of fancy stuff the moment you learn to work with the DOM.

In this article, I’ve showed you five common ways you need to alter the DOM, plus the relevant code you need to know. Now, go and play with the DOM and create some magic ?.

What do you think of this article? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below :)

This content originally appeared on Zell Liew and was authored by Zell Liew

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