How to Make a Portfolio Brochure Template in InDesign

What You’ll Be Creating
Whether you’re a photographer, illustrator, or graphic designer, having a portfolio that presents your work beautifully is a sure way to help you stand head and shoulders above the competition. 
In this simple tutorial, you’ll l…

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Grace Fussell

Final product imageFinal product imageFinal product image
What You'll Be Creating

Whether you’re a photographer, illustrator, or graphic designer, having a portfolio that presents your work beautifully is a sure way to help you stand head and shoulders above the competition. 

In this simple tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a portfolio template that can be easily adapted to your own content, complete with a stylish design, front and back cover, masters, and a print-friendly color palette.

So if you’re looking to impress some new clients, make sure to read on to find out how to put together this minimal and stylish portfolio brochure template design. On the other hand, if you're looking to save some time, you can get a portfolio brochure template that's ready to customize, like the one below.

This Portfolio Brochure Template is available to download from Envato Elements.This Portfolio Brochure Template is available to download from Envato Elements.This Portfolio Brochure Template is available to download from Envato Elements.
This Portfolio Brochure Template is available to download from Envato Elements.

Scroll down after this tutorial on how to make a portfolio to find a selection of top portfolio design templates. And if you're looking for a completely different style for your digital brochure, make sure to check out the range of portfolio templates on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver

What You'll Learn in This Design Portfolio InDesign Tutorial

  • How to set up the portfolio document in InDesign
  • How to set up the master for your portfolio
  • How to add a background color to your portfolio
  • How to add images to your portfolio
  • How to format typography on your portfolio
  • How to export your portfolio for printing

What You’ll Need to Create Your Portfolio

You don’t need much to create a stylish portfolio—after all, it’s your images which will be taking center-stage. You do, however, need access to Adobe InDesign and a stylish font to use on your design:

Download and install the font on your computer.

The images used in the digital brochure design pictured here are:

1. How to Set Up the Portfolio Document in InDesign

Step 1

Open InDesign and go to File > New > Document. 

With the intent at the top of the window set to Print, choose Letter for the page size, and set the Orientation to Landscape

Increase the Number of Pages to 10, and make sure Facing Pages is checked. 

Set the Top and Outside Margins to 16 mm, the Inside to a more generous 20 mm, and the Bottom Margin to 18 mm. 

Add a 5 mm Bleed to all edges of the page except the Inside edge, which should be kept as 0 mm.

new documentnew documentnew document

Click Create

pages panelpages panelpages panel

Step 2

Expand the Swatches panel (Window > Color > Swatches) and choose New Color Swatch from the panel’s main drop-down menu. 

Set the values to C=22 M=24 Y=29 K=4, and click Add and Done.

Repeat to create two more new swatches, C=49 M=39 Y=38 K=20 and C=35 M=12 Y=12 K=0.

new swatchesnew swatchesnew swatches

Step 3

Expand the Layers panel (Window > Layers) and double-click on Layer 1, to rename it Background

Create three more new layers—Images, Overlays, and Type

layer optionslayer optionslayer options

Then lock all the layers except Type, which we’ll work on first. 

type layertype layertype layer

2. How to Set Up the Master for Your Portfolio

Step 1

In the Pages panel (Window > Pages), double-click on the A-Master icon at the top to bring it up on screen. 

master pagesmaster pagesmaster pages

Pull out a guide from the left-hand ruler to 139 mm on the left-hand page of the spread, and a guide from the top ruler down to 106 mm to mark out the center point between the page’s margins.

guides on masterguides on masterguides on master

Select both guides and Edit > Copy, Edit > Paste them, moving them over to a mirrored position on the right-hand page. 

pasted masterspasted masterspasted masters

Step 2

Select the Type Tool (T) and create a small text frame at the bottom of the left-hand page, centering it on the guide. 

Type in ‘- -’.

type tool text frametype tool text frametype tool text frame

Set your type cursor between the two dashes and head up to Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number. 

Set the Font of the text to Bergen Sans Semi Bold, Size 12 pt, Tracking 10 and Align Center.

bergen sans fontbergen sans fontbergen sans font

From the Swatches panel, set the Font Color to C=22 M=24 Y=29 K=4.

color swatchcolor swatchcolor swatch

Step 3

Copy and Paste the text frame, moving the copy over to the right page, into a mirrored position at the bottom of the page. 

pasted page numberpasted page numberpasted page number

Step 4

In the Pages panel, click on the [None] master icon at the top of the panel to highlight it. Then choose Apply Master to Pages from the panel’s menu. 

apply masterapply masterapply master

Type in ‘1-3, 10’ and click OK, to remove page numbers from the front and back cover and the first inside spread.  

apply master to pagesapply master to pagesapply master to pages

3. How to Add Background Color to Your Portfolio

Step 1

Lock the Type layer and unlock the bottom layer, Background

background layerbackground layerbackground layer

Double-click on Page 1 in the Pages panel to bring it up on screen. This will be the front cover of your portfolio. 

Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create a tall, narrow shape across the left edge of the page, setting the Fill to C=33 M=12 Y=12 K=0. 

rectangle toolrectangle toolrectangle tool

Step 2

Scroll down to Page 3, and create a second shape across the whole page, extending the edge up to the bleed and the spine, and setting the Fill to C=22 M=24 Y=29 K=4.

color fillcolor fillcolor fill

Select this shape and Copy it. Scroll down to Page 8 and Paste the shape onto the page. 

pasted shapepasted shapepasted shape

Scroll down to the final page, Page 10, which will be the back cover of your portfolio, and Paste again. Switch up the Fill to C=35 M=12 Y=12 K=0. 

blue rectangleblue rectangleblue rectangle

4. How to Add Images to Your Portfolio

Step 1

Head back up to Page 1, the front cover of your portfolio. Lock the Background layer and unlock the Images layer above. 

Use the Rectangle Frame Tool (F) to create an image frame across the right side of the page, extending it up to the bleed edge on the top and bottom. 

image frameimage frameimage frame

Go to File > Place, navigate to an image for your cover (in this case, I’m using this close-up portrait), and Open it. 

placed imageplaced imageplaced image

Step 2

Create a second, smaller image frame on the center of Page 2, placing another image (here, I’ve used this one).

placed imageplaced imageplaced image

Step 3

Create another image frame on Page 4, centering the frame using the guides. File > Place, selecting an image with a portrait (not landscape layout), such as this one of a woman on a beach

Double-click inside the frame to directly select the image, and shuffle its position so that the top half of the image is visible inside the frame. 

image frameimage frameimage frame

Copy and Paste the image frame, moving the copy over to the facing page. 

pasted framepasted framepasted frame

Then shuffle the image upwards so that the bottom half of the image is visible in the frame. 

shuffle imageshuffle imageshuffle image

Step 4

Add images to the next spread down, varying the size and layout of your frames to create variety. 

image on pageimage on pageimage on page
facing imagesfacing imagesfacing images

On Page 8 and 9, add smaller image frames to the layout, scattering them across the spread. 

scattered imagesscattered imagesscattered images
scattered imagesscattered imagesscattered images

Step 5

Lock the Images layer and unlock the layer above, Overlays

On Page 1, create a shape using the Rectangle Tool (M) over the right side of the image. Set the Fill to C=22 M=24 Y=29 K=4.

rectangle toolrectangle toolrectangle tool

With the shape selected, go to Object > Effects > Transparency, and set the Mode to Multiply. Click OK.

multiply effectmultiply effectmultiply effect

Copy the shape and head down to Page 6. Paste onto the page, adjust the Fill to C=35 M=12 Y=12 K=0, and adjust the width and height of the shape, as shown below. 

pasted shapepasted shapepasted shape

5. How to Format Typography on Your Portfolio

Step 1

Lock the Overlays layer and unlock the top layer, Type.

Use the Type Tool (T) to create a text frame on the front cover, across the center of the image, typing in a title and setting the Font to Bergen Sans Semi Bold, Size 95 pt, and Font Color to [Paper].

type tooltype tooltype tool

Add more text below set in smaller size Bergen Sans, typing in a subtitle. 


Add your name to the cover, switching the Font Color to C=35 M=12 Y=12 K=0. Right-Click > Transform > Rotate the text frame and position it along the left side of the cover. 

rotated text framerotated text framerotated text frame

Step 2

Scroll down to Page 3. This would be a good place for a contents page or an introductory page. 

Format a title set in Bergen Sans Bold, Size 83 pt. 

bergen sans headerbergen sans headerbergen sans header

Add body text below set in Bergen Sans Regular, Size 13 pt. Set the text of both frames to Align Right, and flush against the right-hand margin. 

body textbody textbody text

Step 3

You can use both of these text frames as a model for populating other pages. 

template text framestemplate text framestemplate text frames

Copy and Paste both frames together onto other pages in your portfolio. 

pasted text framespasted text framespasted text frames

Step 4

Add contact details to the back cover of your portfolio, setting the Font to Bergen Sans, as before. 

contact pagecontact pagecontact page

You can also add captions next to your images, set in Bergen Sans Italic, Size 11 pt, and a C=49 M=39 Y=38 K=20 Font Color.

captions for imagescaptions for imagescaptions for images
captions on spreadcaptions on spreadcaptions on spread

6. How to Export Your Portfolio for Printing

Step 1

Make sure to File > Save your portfolio. Then go to File > Export. 

Choose Adobe PDF (Print) from the Format menu and name your file. Click Save

In the Export Adobe PDF window that opens, choose [Press Quality] from the Preset menu at the top. 

Under the Pages options, make sure Pages is checked, not Spreads

press quality pdfpress quality pdfpress quality pdf

Step 2

Click on Marks and Bleeds in the window’s left-hand menu. 

Check both All Printer’s Marks and Use Document Bleed Settings, before clicking Export

marks and bleedsmarks and bleedsmarks and bleeds

Awesome work! You can send this PDF straight off to be printed professionally at a print shop or online print-on-demand service. 

You're Done! You Know How to Create a Portfolio in InDesign 

Your portfolio layout is finished—great job! You can easily add more pages to your portfolio brochure template from the Pages panel, or switch up the color swatches and images for a different look. 

finished portfolio size InDesignfinished portfolio size InDesignfinished portfolio size InDesign
finished portfolio size InDesignfinished portfolio size InDesignfinished portfolio size InDesign

5 Top Portfolio Brochure Templates From Envato Elements

Now you know how to create a portfolio in InDesign and how to make a portfolio template. But as you know too, making a portfolio in InDesign from scratch can be time-consuming.

If you want to design a portfolio in InDesign and save hours of work, you need professional portfolio templates. And we've got the best from Envato Elements.

If you're a creative who uses design software on a daily basis, you'll find the best value for your money in Envato Elements. This subscription-based marketplace offers you unlimited creative assets like graphic templates, add-ons, premium fonts, and more!

Today we bring you five of the best portfolio design templates to make your job easier. Let's check them out!

1. Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)

Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)

If you're a photographer, you know portfolios are a great way to promote your work. And making a portfolio in InDesign will be a piece of cake with this portfolio template.

This minimal and clean photography portfolio template has an elegant design. It's super easy to customize, and it comes with 26 pages in A4 and US Letter.

2. Interior Design Portfolio Template (INDD)

Interior Design Portfolio Template (INDD)Interior Design Portfolio Template (INDD)Interior Design Portfolio Template (INDD)

Portfolios are essential for the interior design industry. Get a professional portfolio template that reflects your brand, like this one.

This interior design portfolio template features a clean and polished design. You can edit the 14 pages in A4 or US Letter size and customize this portfolio brochure template to your liking.

3. Sermos Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)

Sermos Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)Sermos Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)Sermos Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)

Sermos is another fantastic option if you need a graphic design portfolio template. This professional portfolio template stands out with its clean design and straight lines.

This portfolio design template includes 20 fully customizable A4 pages and uses free fonts.

4. Lonest Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)

Lonest Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)Lonest Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)Lonest Photography Portfolio Template (INDD)

Gain more customers with this stylish photography portfolio template. You can customize the colors and typography to match your brand.

This portfolio design template features 40 custom pages in A4 and US Letter, and it's based on master pages.

5. Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)

Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)Graphic Design Portfolio Template (INDD)

Looking for a portfolio template with a clean design? Check out this graphic design portfolio template.

This complete portfolio brochure template features 60 pages with a minimal and clean layout. You can adapt this professional portfolio template to a lot of purposes thanks to its great features.

Design a Portfolio in InDesign Today!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial about how to create a portfolio in InDesign. We covered the steps for making a portfolio in InDesign, and we also showed you top professional portfolio templates that are ready to use.

If you're looking for a completely different style for your portfolio, make sure to check out the range of portfolio templates on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver.  And if you're looking for more inspiration, don't miss our selection of InDesign templates for creatives:

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Maria Villanueva. Maria is the Associate Editor of the Tuts+ Design channel.

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Grace Fussell

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Grace Fussell | Sciencx (2018-12-08T09:34:39+00:00) How to Make a Portfolio Brochure Template in InDesign. Retrieved from

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» How to Make a Portfolio Brochure Template in InDesign | Grace Fussell | Sciencx | |

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