This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Leopold
Hello everyone, this is my first post here, and I hope my English is going to be smooth enough to make it enjoyable to read ?.
It looks cool to create a npm package and type :
npx my-dream-boilerplate app-name
And boom ! Your project is magically there all setup with your favorite configs, tools and more.
That's what we will do right now.
Why ?
Before we really start, let's try to answer to this question :
Why would you create your own wep-app boilerplate when there are great tools already in place such as create-react-app which also do a lot more that a simple project boilerplate ?
Here is what motivated me :
When I create a web application, I started to be very bored of having to install each time the same packages, commands, folders, etc. over and over.
I can extract some kind of layout of my projects.
I mostly use React.js and I do need EACH TIME (or almost) to install/change the same bunch of things (react-router-dom, styled-component, build my components structure, redux, etc.) while at the contrary I don't need create-react-app to make a small app or fast prototyping stuffs.
I waste time installing packages, add configs and organizing my folders.
So I get interested in making that npx my-dream-boilerplate app-name command works to generate the project starter i like.
Initialize the project
For demo purpose let's keep things very very (and very) simple.
We'll do like in a lot of projects: add a package.json and install all the dependencies we need.
Installing dependencies and setup
First let's initialize the project :
Create a new foler, for example "create-my-boilerplate" and run inside it :
npm init
The only dependencies we will use here are parcel and rimraf.
- Parcel is a web application bundler, there are others Javascript bundlers (webpack, rollup, etc.) but parcel comes up with (almost) no config, a development server, hot module replacement, etc. So this is well enough for our need here.
- rimraf is a npm package used as the UNIX command equivalent rm -rf for node. We will only use it for a command in the script part.
npm install -D parcel-bundler
npm install rimraf
Change the npm scripts field in your package.json :
"scripts": {
"start": "parcel index.html",
"build": "parcel build index.js"
Create the structure
Create an index.html and an index.js file.
Your index.html looks like this :
<script src="index.js"></script>
Now verify that everything is working :
npm start
Again, the project structure is ridiculous here but how to setup a web project isn't the point of the article.
Script + Npx = speed
More setup
All right so how do i automatized all of this ? We want to type some kind of command like npx create-react-app app-name and boom my project appears !
This is possible thanks to the 'bin' field in the package.json and npx the package runner command.
Add to your package.json
"bin": {
"create-boilerplate": "./generate-app.js"
Create at the root of the project a 'bin' repository with a generate-app.js file (name it as you want).
So ./bin/generate-app.js is the script executed when we will type the command npx create-my-boilerplate name-of-your-app.
Before going any further we need to create a git repository.
So run git init and create a .gitignore file..
Your .gitignore file have to ignore folders that parcel generate when you run/build : .cache, dist and build.
To finish the setup part, push your project to a new git repository, your git repo url is going to be use in the next part because we want to clone the repo.
The script
We are working on create-app.js now.
Again, let's keep things simple, the script have to handle this :
- We want to execute a command who accepts an argument representing the application name and validate it.
- If it is valid, verify if the project name doesn't already exist in the current folder.
- Then we want to clone the github repository of this project boilerplate.
- We want to install all the dependencies.
- We want to delete files not useful.
Firstly we require the packages we need : (you don't need to install them).
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
We verify that an app name is provided (npx create-boilerplate with no argument isn't a valid command) :
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.log('You have to provide a name to your app.');
console.log('For example :');
console.log(' npx create-my-boilerplate my-app');
Declare variables we need :
const projectName = process.argv[2];
const currentPath = process.cwd();
const projectPath = path.join(currentPath, projectName);
const git_repo = YOUR_GIT_URL;
Verify the project name is available otherwise cancel the process :
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'EEXIST') {
console.log(`The file ${projectName} already exist in the current directory, please give it another name.`);
} else {
Now we reach the main part :
async function main() {
try {
console.log('Downloading files...');
execSync(`git clone --depth 1 ${git_repo} ${projectPath}`);
console.log('Installing dependencies...');
execSync('npm install');
console.log('Removing useless files);
execSync('npx rimraf ./.git');
fs.rmdirSync(path.join(projectPath, 'bin'), { recursive: true});
console.log('The installation is done, this is ready to use !');
} catch (error) {
Read lines with console.log(), they pretty much explain every command.
This is a very basic CLI but you could do a lot more thanks to node environment, add colors, package.json generator, etc.
That's it.
You can test your package locally :
npm link create-my-boilerplate
It creates a symbolic link so that you can use it as a node module in the folder you are currently located.
And now it is the great time, where the magic comes :
npx create-my-boilerplate app-name
Your script runs and your project spawns.
As you can see, a basic generation is definitely not complicated.
You can start :
npm start
Go further, make your own boilerplate with your favorite setup and learn to publish on npm.
npm login
bash npm publish
Now check your package on !
I hope It wasn't too confused and that it will inspire you a little bit about Node.js scripting possibilities, yours project needs and/or new packages ideas.
I myself ending up building my own project boilerplate last week (and in fact thats my first npm package ever) for react-applications with parcel, which include features I use regularly such as prettier, css autoprefixer and reset, tests, styled-components, etc.
If you are interested you can have a look to the code on my github particularly the ./bin/ folder where i have a bit more advanced script than in this article :
Thanks for reading and have a good day.
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Leopold

Leopold | Sciencx (2021-04-08T17:24:04+00:00) Generate your web-app boilerplate like create-react-app does.. Retrieved from
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