This content originally appeared on and was authored by Bramus!
Fabio Giolito explores three new CSS color features that landed in Safari Technology Preview:
Relative color syntax, e.g.
.bg-primary-100 { background-color: hsl(from var(--theme-primary) h s 90%); } .bg-primary-200 { background-color: hsl(from var(--theme-primary) h s 80%); } .bg-primary-300 { background-color: hsl(from var(--theme-primary) h s 70%); } ...
CSS color-contrast, e.g.
.text-contrast-primary { color: color-contrast(var(--theme-primary) vs white, black); }
CSS color-mix, e.g.
.text-primary-dark { color: color-mix(var(--theme-primary), black 10%); } .text-primary-darker { color: color-mix(var(--theme-primary), black 20%); }
All three features are part of the the CSS Color Module Level 5 spec and are a very welcome addition.
Create a color theme with these upcoming CSS features →
This content originally appeared on and was authored by Bramus!
Bramus! | Sciencx (2021-04-27T22:33:24+00:00) Create a color theme with CSS Relative Color Syntax, CSS color-mix(), and CSS color-contrast(). Retrieved from
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