This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Dev to
Nothing excites me more than finding an out of the ordinary API.Many times we just want to focus on the frontend but also need interesting, dynamic data to display.This is where public APIs come into play. API is an acronym for Application Programming Interface.The core benefit of using it is that it allows one program to interact with other programs.Using public APIs allows you to focus on the frontend and things that matter without worrying so much about the database and the backend.Below are 7 less-talked about public and free APIs.
1. Evil Insult Generator
How many times have you tried to insult your best friend? Now you have got a helping hand!
As the API name suggests, the goal is to offer some of the evilest insults.
You can create an app centered around this API or combine this API with other excellent APIs provided below like implementing the generated insults in meme templates.
The API is extremely simple to use. You just need to visit a URL and you get the desired JSON output without even signing up for a key.
Sample output of the API is provided below:
"insult":"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.",
"created":"2020-11-22 23:00:15",
You get the other properties as well such as the time it was created, the language, any comment as well as the views.
2. Movies and TV API
TMDb is a famous API, but do you know there are other API that provides insights from specific shows and movies?
Below are some of the APIs you can use to develop apps featuring your favorite show:
Breaking Bad API
API of Ice And Fire
Harry Potter API
YouTube API (for embedding YouTube functionalities)
The Lord of the Rings API
Like the API above, you can get started with some of the APIs without even signing up for a key.
Not only this, using non-copyright images, you can truly create a great fan app for your beloved shows.
Below is a sample output from the Breaking Bad API which you can get here.
It doesn’t require a key however has a rate limit of 10,000 requests per day.
"quote":"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger!",
"author":"Walter White",
"series":"Breaking Bad"
"quote":"Stay out of my territory.",
"author":"Walter White",
"series":"Breaking Bad"
"author":"Skyler White",
"series":"Breaking Bad"
It returns a JSON containing an array of objects with quotes, the author of the quotes, and an ID.
You can mix these dedicated APIs with YouTube API to create an ultimate app for the fans of these shows.
3. Mapbox
Mapbox provides precise location information and fully-fledged tools to developers.
You get instant access to dynamic, live-updating maps which you can even further customize!
If you have a project geared towards location and maps, this is a must-know API.
However, it is worth mentioning that you have to sign up for free to get a unique access token.
Using this token you can use the amazing services offered by this API.
Not only this, you can use Mapbox with libraries such as the Leaflet.js library and create beautiful, mobile-friendly maps.
I have discussed this and much more in my recent article covering the basics of Mapbox and Leaflet.js.
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Dev to

Dev to | Sciencx (2021-05-01T06:40:11+00:00) Free APIs That Nobody Is Talking About. Retrieved from
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