This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Div Rhino
Originally posted on
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Maroto package to create a PDF. From invoices to certificates, being able to generate a PDF from app data is a pretty handy feature. In this tutorial, we will use the Maroto package to build and save a product list. We will also learn how we can use the GoFakeIt package to generate some random dummy data that we can use in our PDF.
To follow along, you will need to have Go installed. We are using version 1.16.2
for this tutorial.
The packages
The Maroto package is described as being bootstrap-inspired
, but you don't need to know Bootstrap to use it. However if you have used Bootstrap before, the approach Maroto takes will feel familiar to you. A document is built using rows, columns and components. The package gives us the ability to include features such as:
- images
- signatures
- Barcodes, and
- QR Codes
Using mock data is a great way to speed up the prototyping process. We will use the GoFakeIt package to create a little dummy data generator to insert into our PDF.
We will see how to install these in the Getting Started section.
Wireframe of what we're building
We will be creating an product list for an imaginary fruit shop called "Div Rhino Fruit". The document will have a header
and a table
of products.
Getting started
Now that we've covered the basic background information, we can start setting up our project.
Inside our Sites
directory, we can make a new folder which we will call fruitful-pdf
and we will change into it
cd Sites
mkdir fruitful-pdf
cd fruitful-pdf
We will be using go modules
to manage our dependencies.
It is a good idea to name your project using the URL where it can be downloaded, so I'm going to use my Github repo URL as the name of my package. Please feel free to substitute the following command with your own Github account or personal website
go mod init
After the command runs successfully, you should see a go.mod
file in your project directory.
Next we will install the Maroto
package. This tutorial will be using version v0.31.0
. If you're using an older version of the Maroto
package, certain properties such as text colours may not be available.
go get -u
go get
We will also need to install the GoFakeIt
package for our mock data generator. We will be using version v6.3.0
for this tutorial. You can install it with the following command:
go get
After installing these packages, you should see a go.sum
file has been created in your project folder. This can be thought of as a lock file. It is used to verify that the checksum of dependencies have not changed.
Those are the only third-party packages we need. We are now ready to start creating our PDF structure.
Skeleton PDF
Like with most Go projects, we can go ahead and create a main.go
file at the root of our project directory.
touch main.go
Inside our main.go
file, let's import all our necessary Maroto
sub-packages. Each package provides us with useful functions that will allow us to use things like colours, images, fonts and components.
package main
func main() {}
Now, inside the body of our func main()
, we can create a new maroto
using the pdf
sub-package. The NewMaroto()
method creates a new maroto
instance and returns a pointer to pdf.Maroto
. It also expects two arguments: (i) orientation, and (ii) paper size. We can get these values from the consts
package main
import (
func main() {
m := pdf.NewMaroto(consts.Portrait, consts.A4)
We also want to give our PDF document some margins so the content isn't falling off the sides. We can do this by using the SetPageMargins
method, which takes 3 values: (i) a left
, (ii) a top
, and (iii) a right
margin value.
package main
import (
func main() {
m := pdf.NewMaroto(consts.Portrait, consts.A4)
m.SetPageMargins(20, 10, 20)
Our content isn't ready yet, but we can go ahead and save an empty file for now using the OutputFileAndClose()
method. Let's tell it that we want to save the output as div_rhino_fruit.pdf
, in a folder called pdfs
package main
import (
func main() {
m := pdf.NewMaroto(consts.Portrait, consts.A4)
m.SetPageMargins(20, 10, 20)
We'll have to remember to create the pdfs
folder too.
mkdir pdfs
The OutputFileAndClose()
method returns an error, so let's do some quick error handling before we move on. If, for some reason, we're unable to output a PDF
file, the program immediately aborts, because its only purpose is to create this PDF
package main
import (
func main() {
m := pdf.NewMaroto(consts.Portrait, consts.A4)
m.SetPageMargins(20, 10, 20)
err := m.OutputFileAndClose("pdfs/div_rhino_fruit.pdf")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("⚠️ Could not save PDF:", err)
And just so we know something is actually happening, let's print out a little message every time we run our code:
package main
import (
func main() {
m := pdf.NewMaroto(consts.Portrait, consts.A4)
m.SetPageMargins(20, 10, 20)
err := m.OutputFileAndClose("pdfs/div_rhino_fruit.pdf")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("⚠️ Could not save PDF:", err)
fmt.Println("PDF saved successfully")
If we run our program now, we'll get an empty PDF
file saved to our pdfs
go run main.go
Building the header
An empty PDF
file isn't all that interesting, so let's add some content, starting with a header. Our header will hold an image of the "Div Rhino Fruit" logo.
We don't want to put everything in our func main()
, so let's create a new function to build our header. We will pass in our previously-created instance of pdf.Maroto
as an argument. This function will perform some transformations on the pdf.Maroto
instance (i.e. m
), and we won't be returning any values.
func buildHeading(m pdf.Maroto) {}
The Maroto package gives us a method that lets us register a header "component" that will appear on every page of our PDF
document. This RegisterHeader()
method accepts an anonymous callback function as the only argument. This anonymous function can be thought of as a header container.
func buildHeading(m pdf.Maroto) {
m.RegisterHeader(func() {})
Within the body of the "header container
", we can set up a row that contains a column. Much like the Bootstrap grid system, rows are wrappers for columns. Here we've given our row a height of 50
and we've indicated that we want a full-width column that takes up 12
spaces. The number 12
is significant because most grid systems use 12
func buildHeading(m pdf.Maroto) {
m.RegisterHeader(func() {
m.Row(50, func() {
m.Col(12, func() {
We have a logo that was created beforehand and we've named it logo_div_rhino.jpg
. To keep things organised, let's make a new images
directory to hold images we use in this project. Feel free to use your own logo image instead.
mkdir images
We will also want to import the props
subpackage from maroto
import (
Inside our full-width column, we can set up an image component to display our "Div Rhino Fruit" logo. We will centralise it and tell it to take up 75% of the height of the cell.
func buildHeading(m pdf.Maroto) {
m.RegisterHeader(func() {
m.Row(50, func() {
m.Col(12, func() {
m.FileImage("images/logo_div_rhino.jpg", props.Rect{
Center: true,
Percent: 75,
The FileImage()
method returns an error, so let's do some quick error handling before we move on. If the image cannot be loaded, we print a message in the console to let the user know.
func buildHeading(m pdf.Maroto) {
m.RegisterHeader(func() {
m.Row(50, func() {
m.Col(12, func() {
err := m.FileImage("images/logo_div_rhino.jpg", props.Rect{
Center: true,
Percent: 75,
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Image file was not loaded ? - ", err)
Next we want to create another row and full-width column to add some descriptive Text — "Prepared for you by the Div Rhino Fruit Company".
func buildHeading(m pdf.Maroto) {
m.RegisterHeader(func() {
m.Row(50, func() {
m.Col(12, func() {
err := m.FileImage("images/logo_div_rhino.jpg", props.Rect{
Center: true,
Percent: 75,
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Image file was not loaded ? - ", err)
m.Row(10, func() {
m.Col(12, func() {
m.Text("Prepared for you by the Div Rhino Fruit Company", props.Text{
Top: 3,
Style: consts.Bold,
Align: consts.Center,
Color: getDarkPurpleColor(),
func getDarkPurpleColor() color.Color {
return color.Color{
Red: 88,
Green: 80,
Blue: 99,
We want to use a custom colour here, so we will also want to make a new function func getDarkPurpleColor()
and use the color
sub-package that Maroto provides to create a dark purple colour
import (
And that's our header. Let's call it inside out func main()
func main() {
m := pdf.NewMaroto(consts.Portrait, consts.A4)
m.SetPageMargins(20, 10, 20)
err := m.OutputFileAndClose("pdfs/div_rhino_fruit.pdf")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("⚠️ Could not save PDF:", err)
fmt.Println("PDF saved successfully")
We can run our code to generate a PDF
file to see what this looks like:
go run main.go
Lay out a table of products
We can build our table of fruit next. We first want to give the whole table a heading. We can create a new teal
colour and set the background colour of the cell to this teal
colour. Then, like we've done previously, we can add a row that contains a full-width column. We are giving the Text component properties such as top
position, size
, color
, etc.
func buildFruitList(m pdf.Maroto) {
m.Row(10, func() {
m.Col(12, func() {
m.Text("Products", props.Text{
Top: 2,
Size: 13,
Color: color.NewWhite(),
Family: consts.Courier,
Style: consts.Bold,
Align: consts.Center,
func getTealColor() color.Color {
return color.Color{
Red: 3,
Green: 166,
Blue: 166,
At this point, if you'd like to see what this looks like, you can just generate a PDF
and preview it:
go run main.go
Along with content, our table should have column headings as well. Similar to the HTML
table structure, we first want to create something that resembles a thead
and tbody
. We also want to set the cell colour of this section to white
and set the background colour of alternate rows to a light purple. We will need to create a new light purple
colour function.
We can use the TableList()
component that Maroto provides to get a table. We want both the HeaderProps
and the ContentProps
to have 3 columns. We can do this by giving the GridSizes
property a value of []uint{3, 7, 2}
(a slice of unsigned integers with the values of 3, 7 and 2). These grid sizes add up to 12
func buildFruitList(m pdf.Maroto) {
tableHeadings := []string{"Fruit", "Description", "Price"}
contents := [][]string{{"Apple", "Red and juicy", "2.00"}, {"Orange", "Orange and juicy", "3.00"}}
lightPurpleColor := getLightPurpleColor()
m.Row(10, func() {
m.Col(12, func() {
m.Text("Products", props.Text{
Top: 2,
Size: 13,
Color: color.NewWhite(),
Family: consts.Courier,
Style: consts.Bold,
Align: consts.Center,
m.TableList(tableHeadings, contents, props.TableList{
HeaderProp: props.TableListContent{
Size: 9,
GridSizes: []uint{3, 7, 2},
ContentProp: props.TableListContent{
Size: 8,
GridSizes: []uint{3, 7, 2},
Align: consts.Left,
AlternatedBackground: &lightPurpleColor,
HeaderContentSpace: 1,
Line: false,
func getLightPurpleColor() color.Color {
return color.Color{
Red: 210,
Green: 200,
Blue: 230,
Just some notes on the code, above:
- the
if of typeslice of string
- the contents are
a slice of slice of string
. Another way of sayingslice of slice of string
is to saytwo-dimensional slice
. This type will be important in the next section when we work on our mock data generator.
Call the buildFruitList()
in func main()
func main() {
m := pdf.NewMaroto(consts.Portrait, consts.A4)
m.SetPageMargins(20, 10, 20)
err := m.OutputFileAndClose("pdfs/div_rhino_fruit.pdf")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("⚠️ Could not save PDF:", err)
fmt.Println("PDF saved successfully")
Let's do a quick preview of our PDF
again to see what we've just added so far
go run main.go
Mock data generator
Okay, now let's take a small detour out of our main.go
file. So far we've used hardcoded content to inject into our table. We're going to try something different and use some randomly-generated data instead. To achieve this, we will create our own custom data
package and make use of the GoFakeIt
package we installed, earlier.
In our project root, let's make a new folder called data
mkdir data
And within this new data
folder, let's create a new file called products.go
touch data/products.go
Let's head into our newly-created products.go
file. This is going to be a new package on its own, so we can start by indicating that it's part of package data
instead of package main
. Then we can import GoFakeIt
package data
import ""
The GoFakeIt
packages gives us all sorts of functions for concepts such as a File
, a Person
, a Number
, among other things. We will be using Fruit
in this tutorial.
We can represent the structure of each fruit item using a Fruit
struct type. Each Fruit will have a Name
, a Description
and a Price
. Each of these values will be randomly generated using GoFakeIt
package data
import ""
type Fruit struct {
Name string `fake:"{fruit}"`
Description string `fake:"{loremipsumsentence:10}"`
Price float64 `fake:"{price:1,10}"`
Now that we have our Fruit
struct type, we can create a function to make use of it. Every time the generateFruit()
function is called, we get a new random fruit.
package data
import (
type Fruit struct {
Name string `fake:"{fruit}"`
Description string `fake:"{loremipsumsentence:10}"`
Price float64 `fake:"{price:1,10}"`
func generateFruit() []string {
var f Fruit
froot := []string{}
froot = append(froot, f.Name)
froot = append(froot, f.Description)
froot = append(froot, fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", f.Price))
return froot
Lastly, we want to create a function we can access outside this data
package. We need this in order to generate this random fruit data inside out PDF
table that lives in our main.go
package data
import (
type Fruit struct {
Name string `fake:"{fruit}"`
Description string `fake:"{loremipsumsentence:10}"`
Price float64 `fake:"{price:1,10}"`
func generateFruit() []string {
var f Fruit
froot := []string{}
froot = append(froot, f.Name)
froot = append(froot, f.Description)
froot = append(froot, fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", f.Price))
return froot
func FruitList(length int) [][]string {
var fruits [][]string
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
onefruit := generateFruit()
fruits = append(fruits, onefruit)
return fruits
Just some notes about the code, above:
is a public function that we can access from outside thedata
package, which is why it starts with a capital letter. - As we saw earlier, our
component needs the data to come in as atwo-dimensional slice
. -
takes in one parameter oflength
so we can dynamically determine how many items of fruit we want to generate. - We then pass this
value into a littlefor loop
that calls ourgenerateFruit()
function however many timeslength
determines. - Then we return a
two-dimensional slice of string
Hooking up the dynamic content
Back in our main.go
file, we can import our data
package and replace our contents
variable. Let's use the FruitList()
function to generate 20
random fruit.
package main
import (
func buildFruitList(m pdf.Maroto) {
headings := []string{"Fruit", "Description", "Price"}
contents := data.FruitList(20)
And now if we run our code, we have a table of 20 randomly-generated fruit.
go run main.go
If we decide to generate many, many more random Fruit, say 100, our PDF
automatically adds pages to accommodate this.
Going further
If you'd like to extend this project further, you can consider doing the following
- try replacing the mock data with actual data from an API
- use the
method to add a footer to every page of thePDF
document - add a signature, barcode, page numbers and a QR code
This repository includes an extended version of this tutorial code in the examples
folder. You can also look at the Maroto
package Github page for even more examples.
In this tutorial we learnt how to generate some dummy data that we saved in a PDF
file. We used the maroto
and gofakeit
packages to help us achieve this.
If you enjoyed this article and you'd like more, consider following Div Rhino on YouTube.
Congratulations, you did great! Keep learning and keep coding. Bye for now, <3
Create a PDF document with Go, Maroto and GoFakeIt. Video tutorial available on the Div Rhino YouTube channel.
Create PDFs with Go, Maroto and GoFakeIt
- Text tutorial:
- Video tutorial:
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Div Rhino

Div Rhino | Sciencx (2021-05-02T04:27:37+00:00) Creating a PDF With Go, Maroto & Gofakeit. Retrieved from
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