This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Sunith
The future of aerospace engineering looks bright, particularly as developments in space exploration and space flight become a reality. Aerospace engineering is a profession that focuses on the construction and research of aircraft, spacecraft, and related technologies using engineering principles.
Classification Of Aircraft
When it comes to aircraft classifications, we're talking about classes of planes that have identical flying characteristics.
The way they land, as well as their propulsion and in-flight handling. Airman certificate categories are even more closely related to classifications than aircraft categories.
Lighter Than Air
Balloons, non-rigid airships (blimps), and dirigibles are built to have a sufficient volume within their structure that, when filled with a gas lighter than air, they can fly.
(heated air, hydrogen, or helium) displaces the ambient air and floats, similar to how a cork floats on water.
Heavier Than Air
This type of aircraft requires a power source to generate the thrust needed for lift. Kites are a simple heavier-than-air craft.
Civil Aircraft
Civil flights are all nonmilitary planes. Private and corporate jets, as well as commercial airliners, are among them.
Private planes are single-engine monoplanes with non-retractable landing gear that are used for pleasure flying.
Business Aircraft
These flights are used to produce income for their owners and range from small single-engine planes used for pilot training or transporting small parcels over short distances to four-engine executive jets capable of crossing continents and oceans.
Classification Of Spacecraft
Spacecraft are specially developed and built structures capable of operating in hostile environments. Their capacities and sophistication differ greatly, as do their purposes.
Flyby Spacecraft
The initial reconnaissance phase of solar system exploration was carried out by flyby spacecraft. They maintain a constant solar orbit or escape trajectory, never entering planetary orbit.
Orbiter Spacecraft
A spacecraft designed to fly to a distant planet and enter into orbit around it must be able to decelerate quickly enough to achieve orbit insertion.
Atmospheric Spacecraft
Atmospheric satellites are planned for a brief mission to collect data on a planet's or satellite's atmosphere. A spacecraft's subsystem complement is usually reduced.
Lander Spacecraft
Lander spacecraft are intended to enter a planet's surface and stay long enough to transmit data back to Earth.
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Sunith

Sunith | Sciencx (2021-05-04T07:50:59+00:00) Types Of Aircrafts In Aerospace Industry. Retrieved from
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