Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm

The intention behind this article is to provide high level understanding of what they are, how to use them and explain the commonly used syntax & semantics. the article might be a bit long but the reason I preferred not make it into series is becau…

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by bazen-teklehaymanot

The intention behind this article is to provide high level understanding of what they are, how to use them and explain the commonly used syntax & semantics. the article might be a bit long but the reason I preferred not make it into series is because there is no deep dive into each and every aspect of container solution.

Points of discussion in this article

  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose
  3. Swarm

If particular section is not area of your interest feel free to jump between sections. having said that lets get to it.

1. Docker

Docker at its core is a platform used to run and deploy applications in container, in addition to this docker also comprises a lot of features which you will come to see as we go further. The reason for running applications in a container is to facilitates the entire life cycle of software development and management(which includes development, testing, deployment, update & maintenance), which docker does in a very elegant way.

Docker CLI

The commands used in this article are from Windows machine & if you are using Mac/Linux the commands might be different(you might need to run the commands as sudo).Initially the docker CLI commands were structured as following


And as the product become bigger and bigger they also introduced Management commands to make the CLI more organized. The command structure for Management commands is as following


For every command there is --help option which provides all the necessary information's about the command and its corresponding options.


docker container --help

will have the following output.
Alt Example Sceenshot
The --help command is quite useful because with the extensive feature sets of docker it can be difficult to memorize all the commands.


Are running instances of docker image & it is possible to run multiple container from the same docker image. Images are explained in the Image section for now lets take a look at a simple container command.


 docker container run --name nginx-server --publish 80:80 nginx

or alternatively

 docker container run --name nginx-server --publish 80:80 --detach nginx

After running this command if there is an existing image of nginx docker will run a container from that image however if there is no image of nginx docker will pull the image first and then start the container. lets take a look at the command

  • container : Management command used to execute all container related commands.
  • --name : sets the name of the container.

It is not possible for multiple containers to have the same name because the container name will be used for DNS resolution(which is explained in detail in the Network section ).

  • --publish : Maps the containers running port into host port. in this case we check this by visiting http://localhost:80 from browser. The port mapping pattern is as following
... --publish [HOST PORT]:[CONTAINER PORT] ...

It is not possible to use the same host port to run multiple containers.

  • --detach : starts the container in background and prints only the container id
  • nginx : name of an image from which we want to run our container

Another example


docker container run --name db-server --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-sample-password --detach mysql

Some images require environment variable to run(such as database server) and the --env option is used to pass environment variable from CLI.

Other common container commands

docker container ls : lists all running containers
docker container ls -a : lists all containers that are running and that are not
docker container stop nginx-server : stops the container named nginx-server
docker container start nginx-server : starts the container named nginx-server
docker container logs nginx-server : prints the logs from running container named nginx-server
docker container rm nginx-server : removes container named nginx-server

As you can see above the commands are self explanatory and strait forward. The intention of showing those basic commands is to demonstrate & be familiar with the commands and usages. There is no need to memorize any of this as you can get those and many more sub-commands of the container command which are not listed above by simply using the --help command.

Interacting with containers

There are two commands we can use to interact with containers.

1. Using run command

When starting a container using the run command it is possible to add -it option and have the container start in interactive mode.


docker container run -it --name nginx-server-it --publish 8080:80 nginx bash

Will give us the bash console inside the nginx-server-it container to interact with. The output is shown below
Alt Interactive
With this method once we exit from the interactive window (in this case bash terminal) the container will be stopped automatically.

2. Using exec command

exec command is used to interact with running container.

docker container exec -it nginx-server-it bash

This command will have the same result to the previous(... run -it) command. the difference is once we exit from the interactive window the container will keep running.


Are simply the binaries, libraries and source code that make up the application. and images are used as a template to construct a container. images are constructed in a layered fashion and Union file system is used under the hood to achieve this. Union file system is not covered in this article but for those of you who wants to know more about it Deep Dive into Docker Internals — Union Filesystem is good article. the reason for creating images in layered fashion is mainly to:

  1. Speedup the startup time
  2. Avoid storing duplicate files
Creating an Image

Images can be created either from an existing image or from Dockerfile. lets take a look at each method.

  • Creating image from existing image The tag command can be used to create from another image as shown below


 docker image tag nginx sample/my-nginx

The output will look like
Alt Custom Image From Another
Though there is newly created image the Id attribute for both images is the same. That's because the layers used to construct both images are identical therefor the layers are shared between the two images(This has to do with the Union file system).

  • Creating image from Dockerfile

Dockerfile comprises all the commands that user can use from the CLI. here are quick overview of the commands and description

FROM : sets the base image for subsequent instruction

WORKDIR : Defines the working directory of the image
ENV : Environment variables expected to start a container similar to the mysql example above.
RUN : To run commands inside the container
COPY : Copies files from source to target directory
EXPOSE : Exposed container port. This port can then be mapped to the host port using the --publish command as shown in the example above.
CMD : Final command that runs when starting container.

These are the most commonly used commands, for extensive list of all available commands official documentation is a great place.

  • It is recommended to put the commands for frequently changing items(such as source code) at the bottom and commands for items that doesn't change as often at the top.as the order of command entries define the way the image is constructed.

  • In every Dockerfile there must be FROM & CMD commands. and to clarify if there is no CMD command in a Dockerfile that means CMD is defined in the base image & it is inherited via the FROM command.


create file named Dockerfile with the following content

FROM nginx
WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY . .

create index.html file with the following content

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <h1>Docker is awsome!</h1>

from the root directory run the following command

docker image build --tag sample/my-nginx-2 .

Great! you created your own image which you can check by running the ls command. to make things more interesting lets run the image created and see the the changes made.

 docker container run --rm -p 80:80 sample/my-nginx-2

When visiting localhost from browser you should get something like this
Alt CustomImage

Persistent data

Containers by design are short lived and immutable(redeploy not change). this design puts the need for persistent data as separate concern, and there are two solution provided by Docker for persistent data namely Bind Mount and Volumes.

Bind Mount

Is a way of mounting host machines file system in to a container. while this is not often used in production it is better way for local testing and development. lets take a look at example by running the following command inside root directory of Example-7

docker container run --rm --publish 8080:80 --volume ${pwd}:/usr/share/nginx/html/ nginx

While the container is running if the index.html file is updated in the host machine those changes will be reflected from the running container as well. for demonstration update the index.html as shown below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <h1>[Content Updated] Docker is awsome!</h1>

after these update you can see the changes from browser as shown below
Alt UpdatedBindMount

TIP for referencing current directory when Bind Mapping from CLI
${pwd} - PowerShell
$(pwd) - Mac/Linux
%cd% - Command Prompt


Similar to Bind Mount volumes are another means of persisting data. The distinction from that of bind mount is that volumes are managed by Docker Bind Mount on the other hand are reliant on specifying the destination path on the host machine.

The first place to specify volume is in the Dockerfile by using the VOLUME command. the Dockerfile of databases (such as postgres, mysql) are setup to include volume.

docker container run --rm --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test-password postgres

Will start postgres container, then we can check for the volumes using the following command

docker volume ls

To make things even more interesting we can inspect the volume as well

docker volume inspect [VOLUME_NAME]

The output will look like this
Alt Unnamed Volume

As you might have noticed the problem with this is the name of the volume is not readable. this can be fixed by naming the volume using the following command

docker container run --rm --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test-password --volume my-db-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres

if we now inspect the volume it will look as follows
Alt Named Volume
Which is more readable.

NOTE the syntax difference between Bind Mount & Named Volume Is that the host path of Bind Mount is preceded by /(on Mac/Linux) or by //(on windows).


Docker network is basically a way of making the running containers accessible from the outside world(it could be the internet or local network) and enables containers communicate to each other. of-course there is a lot more to it but I will not go deep in this article.
Creating virtual network is as easy as running create command as shown below

docker network create my-network

We can run multiple containers in side this container by running the following command

docker container run --rm --network my-network --name nginx1 nginx
docker container run --rm --network my-network --name nginx2 nginx

NOTE Running containers in the same virtual network can communicate to each other by using the container name as a domain name.

Since both containers (nginx1, nginx2) are on the same virtual network it is possible to use the container name as domain name and to communicate between containers. from Example-5 we can use the exec command to open bash & run Curl and see if we can reach the other container

docker container exec -it nginx1 bash
curl nginx2

The result is shown below
Alt Container communication

NOTE Bridge(or Docker0) is the default docker virtual network & it doesn't support the usage of container name as a domain name even if the container are running in the same virtual network.

The next section is about Docker compose, but before that cheers on reading this far, most of the important fundamentals are covered. as you will come to see docker compose is only a more organized way of doing the previously mentioned points. lets get to it...

Docker Compose

Is a simplified way of managing multiple containers at the same time. docker-compose works fine both in production and local development. docker-compose comprises yml configuration file and CLI tool to manage containers using the configuration file.
configuration file syntax overview


For better understanding of the general syntax defined above lets take a look at an example. for this example create file called docker-compose.yml in the same directory as Example-7


version: "3.4"                                       # Specifies the docker compose file format
    nginx-simple:                                    # Service name
        image: nginx                                 # Image name & docker checks if image is available locally if not image will be pulled first 
        ports:                                       # Expose ports to make services accssible from outside. the port mapping is read as map host's port 80 to container port 80 
          - 80:80                                    # host_port:container_port
        image: nginx
        volumes:                                     # defines the volume for the container   
          - .:/usr/share/nginx/html                  # BindMapping of the files in the current directory(in host) into containers path (which is /usr/share/nginx/html). the "." indicates current host directory  
          - 5005:80
        depends_on:                                  # defines the priority of the services. in this case nginx-bindmount is dependent on nginx-simple therefor nginx-simple has to start first
          - nginx-simple                             # list of services that nginx-bindmount is dependent up on
        build:                                       # Tells docker we want to build the image from local Dockerfile
          context: .                                 # Defines the directory of the Dockerfile in the host machine. "." indicates current host dircetory 
          dockerfile: Dockerfile                     # name of the Dockerfile
          - 5006:80
        image: mysql
          - db-volume:/var/lib/mysql                 # defines named volume called db-volume for nginx-named-volume service to store persistent data
        environment:                                 # passes list of environment variables into nginx-named-volume service
          - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-password          # enviroment variable variable_key=value, in this case MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD is variable key & my-password is the corresponding value   

volumes:                                             # defines list the named volumes
   db-volume:                                        # entrie of named volume

I hope the comments on the compose file are explanatory enough for each entries. now by running

docker compose up

Will start all containers & setup all volumes, networks. yeah! it is that simple. & to clean up everything(container, volume & networks) use the following command

docker compose down

docker compose also contains start & stop commands to start and stop services with out cleaning up everything.

NOTE: docker compose doesn't attach the services with docker's default virtual network(called bridge) rather it creates it own network and runs the services in that network. that way the services in the same docker-compose configuration file can communicate with each other by using the Service name as domain name.


From the previous section we have seen how to setup and manage image as well as containers and finally using docker compose to manage multiple containers and images. while that all good it doesn't address a couple of problem that surface when using docker, such as

  1. Easily scaling up and down
  2. Restarting container if it fails
  3. Deployment with zero down time
  4. Secure communication between containers
  5. Manage which container runs where
  6. Storing sensitive information & making it accessible only to specific container

That's where Swarm mode comes to the picture and address the problems stated above. Swarm is docker built in clustering solution.

Manager Nodes: are nodes with proper authorization and configuration to manage swarm.
Workers Nodes: are nodes with responsibility to carry out a task and no authority to administer the swarm.
Raft Database: Is a database the resides on every manager nodes, It comprises manager node's configuration that guarantee's their authority.

By default Swarm mode is not enabled. to enable swarm mode run the following command.

docker swarm init

There is multiple ways to setup the swarm, but for demonstrating some of the basics I will use Play with Docker.


Create multiple instances in the docker lab and to initialize the swarm run the following command

docker swarm init --advertise-addr

The IP Address has to be public IP so other instances can join to that swarm(in my case it happens to be
Alt Create Swarm
Once swarm is created other instances can join using the command generated after creating the swarm

docker swarm join --token [TOKEN] [IP_ADDRESS]

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-64cek9j9nfuysu5v76ydgqxn16te1tfwcyv1beqks023dh1yz2-0y6lj91cx03iwbu53btmsmdm3

Alt Joining swarm
After joining the two instances into the swarm we can see the nodes in the swarm

docker node ls

Alt Swarm nodes
With in the swarm we can now create multiple services with out worrying about the container distribution because that will be handled by the swarm.

docker service create --publish 80:80 --replicas 3 nginx

This will create three containers of nginx and distribute the containers into the instances with in the swarm. to see active services list

docker service ls

To see more information's of particular service run

docker service ps [SERVICE_NAME | SERVICE_ID]

Alt Multiple service
As shown above there is 3 replicas of nginx and they are running on different instances. by updating the number of replicas we can easily scale up and scale down. even more intersting if a container fails in the swarm for some reason it will then be recreated automatically.
Alt Stopping containers
And if we see the list of containers again
Alt Restarted container

This is only the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot more you can do with swarm(such as using secrets using docker-compose with swarm) which could not be explained in one article. but I hope this is enough to give you an idea of what Swarm is & its importance.

Thanks for reading. Cheers!

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by bazen-teklehaymanot

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bazen-teklehaymanot | Sciencx (2021-06-22T11:39:57+00:00) Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm. Retrieved from https://www.scien.cx/2021/06/22/understanding-docker-docker-compose-swarm/

" » Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm." bazen-teklehaymanot | Sciencx - Tuesday June 22, 2021, https://www.scien.cx/2021/06/22/understanding-docker-docker-compose-swarm/
bazen-teklehaymanot | Sciencx Tuesday June 22, 2021 » Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm., viewed ,<https://www.scien.cx/2021/06/22/understanding-docker-docker-compose-swarm/>
bazen-teklehaymanot | Sciencx - » Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from: https://www.scien.cx/2021/06/22/understanding-docker-docker-compose-swarm/
" » Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm." bazen-teklehaymanot | Sciencx - Accessed . https://www.scien.cx/2021/06/22/understanding-docker-docker-compose-swarm/
" » Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm." bazen-teklehaymanot | Sciencx [Online]. Available: https://www.scien.cx/2021/06/22/understanding-docker-docker-compose-swarm/. [Accessed: ]
» Understanding Docker, Docker Compose & Swarm | bazen-teklehaymanot | Sciencx | https://www.scien.cx/2021/06/22/understanding-docker-docker-compose-swarm/ |

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