This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by OpenReplay Tech Blog
by author Craig Buckler
My previous article, Getting Started with IndexedDB for Big Data Storage, demonstrated how to use the browser's IndexedDB NoSQL database to store data. IndexedDB has good cross-browser support and offers at least 1GB of storage.
This article explains how to use IndexedDB to store state in a typical client-side JavaScript application.
The code is available from Github. It provides an example to-do app which you can use or adapt for your own projects.
What do we mean by "state"?
All applications store state. For a to-do app, it's a list of items. For a game, it's the current score, weapons available, power-up time remaining, etc. Variables store state but these can become unwieldly as complexity increases.
State management systems such as Redux and Vuex provide centralized data stores. Any JavaScript component can read, update, or delete data. Some systems permit components to subscribe to change events. For example, when a user toggles light/dark mode, all components update their styles accordingly.
Most state management systems store values in memory although techniques and plugins are available to transfer data to localStorage, cookies, etc.
Is IndexedDB suitable for storing state?
As always: it depends.
IndexedDB offers some benefits:
It can typically store 1GB of data which makes it suitable for large objects, files, images etc. Moving these items out of memory can make an application faster and more efficient.
Unlike cookies and Web Storage (
), IndexedDB stores native JavaScript object data. There's no need to serialize into JSON strings or deserialize back again.IndexedDB access is asynchronous so it has minimal impact on the main JavaScript processing thread.
Note that Web Storage is synchronous: your JavaScript code pauses execution while it accesses data. This can cause performance issues when saving larger datasets.
Asynchronous data access has some drawbacks:
The IndexedDB API uses older callback and event methods so a Promise-based wrapper library is practical.
class constructors and Proxy get/set handlers are not possible in JavaScript. This poses some challenges for state management systems.
Creating an IndexedDB-based state management system
The example code below implements a simple State
management system in 35 lines of JavaScript. It offers the following features:
You can define a state with a
(string) and avalue
(primitive, array, object, etc). An IndexedDB object store saves these values using the name as an index.Any JavaScript component can
a value by its name.When a value is
, the state manager alerts all subscribed components about the change. A component subscribes itself via theState
constructor, or by setting or getting a named value.
A to-do list project demonstrates the State
manager. It defines two Web Components which both access the same todolist
array of tasks managed by State
: renders thetodolist
HTML and removes an item when the user clicks it's 'done' button. -
: shows an "add new item" form which appends new tasks to thetodolist
Note: A single todo list component would be more practical, but this demonstrates how two isolated classes can share the same state.
Creating an IndexedDB wrapper class
The Getting Started article provided a Promise-based IndexedDB wrapper. We require a similar class, but it can be simpler because it fetches single records by name
The js/lib/indexeddb.js
script defines an IndexedDB
class with a constructor. It accepts a database name, version, and upgrade function. It returns the instantiated object following a successful connection to the IndexedDB database:
// IndexedDB wrapper class
export class IndexedDB {
// connect to IndexedDB database
constructor(dbName, dbVersion, dbUpgrade) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// connection object
this.db = null;
// no support
if (!('indexedDB' in window)) reject('not supported');
// open database
const dbOpen =, dbVersion);
if (dbUpgrade) {
// database upgrade event
dbOpen.onupgradeneeded = e => {
dbUpgrade(dbOpen.result, e.oldVersion, e.newVersion);
dbOpen.onsuccess = () => {
this.db = dbOpen.result;
resolve( this );
dbOpen.onerror = e => {
reject(`IndexedDB error: ${ }`);
The asynchronous set
method stores a value
with the name
identifier in the storeName
object store. IndexedDB handles all operations in a transaction which triggers events that resolve or reject the Promise:
// store item
set(storeName, name, value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// new transaction
transaction = this.db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite'),
store = transaction.objectStore(storeName);
// write record
store.put(value, name);
transaction.oncomplete = () => {
resolve(true); // success
transaction.onerror = () => {
reject(transaction.error); // failure
Similarly, the asynchronous get
method retrieves the value
with the name
identifier in the storeName
object store:
// get named item
get(storeName, name) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// new transaction
transaction = this.db.transaction(storeName, 'readonly'),
store = transaction.objectStore(storeName),
// read record
request = store.get(name);
request.onsuccess = () => {
resolve(request.result); // success
request.onerror = () => {
reject(request.error); // failure
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Creating the State manager class
A js/lib/state.js
script imports IndexedDB
and defines a State
class. It shares five static
property values across all instantiations:
: the name of the IndexedDB database used for state storage ("stateDB"
) -
: the database version number (1
) -
: the name of the object store used to store all name/value pairs ("state"
) -
: a reference to a singleIndexedDB
object used to access the database, and -
: an EventTarget() object which can dispatch and receive events across allState
// simple state handler
import { IndexedDB } from './indexeddb.js';
export class State {
static dbName = 'stateDB';
static dbVersion = 1;
static storeName = 'state';
static DB = null;
static target = new EventTarget();
The constructor accepts two optional parameters:
- an array of
names, and - an
function. This function receives thename
whenever a state updates.
A handler listens for set
events called when state changes. It runs the updateCallback
function when the passed name
is being observed
// object constructor
constructor(observed, updateCallback) {
// state change callback
this.updateCallback = updateCallback;
// observed properties
this.observed = new Set(observed);
// subscribe to set events'set', e => {
if (this.updateCallback && this.observed.has( )) {
this.updateCallback(, e.detail.value);
The class does not connect to the IndexedDB database until it's required. The dbConnect
method establishes a connection and reuses it across all State
objects. On the first run, it creates a new object store named state
(as defined in the static storeName
// connect to IndexedDB database
async dbConnect() {
State.DB = State.DB || await new IndexedDB(
(db, oldVersion, newVersion) => {
// upgrade database
switch (oldVersion) {
case 0: {
db.createObjectStore( State.storeName );
return State.DB;
The asynchronous set
method updates a named value. It adds the name
to the observed
list, connects to the IndexedDB database, sets the new value, and triggers a set
CustomEvent which all State
objects receive:
// set value in DB
async set(name, value) {
// add observed property
// database update
const db = await this.dbConnect();
await db.set( State.storeName, name, value );
// raise event
const event = new CustomEvent('set', { detail: { name, value } });;
The asynchronous get
method returns a named value. It adds the name
to the observed
list, connects to the IndexedDB database, and retrieves the indexed data:
// get value from DB
async get(name) {
// add observed property
// database fetch
const db = await this.dbConnect();
return await db.get( State.storeName, name );
You can retrieve and update state values using a new State
object, e.g.
import { State } from './state.js';
(async () => {
// instantiate
const state = new State([], stateUpdated);
// get latest value and default to zero
let myval = await state.get('myval') || 0;
// set a new state value
await state.set('myval', myval + 1);
// callback runs when myval updates
function stateUpdated(name, value) {
console.log(`${ name } is now ${ value }`)
Other code can receive state update notifications about the same item, e.g.
new State(['myval'], (name, value) => {
console.log(`I also see ${ name } is now set to ${ value }!`)
Creating a state-managed todo list
A simple to-do list app demonstrates the state management system:
The index.html
file defines two custom elements:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>IndexedDB state management to-do list</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/main.css" />
<script type="module" src="./js/main.js"></script>
<h1>IndexedDB state management to-do list</h1>
- the todo list controlled by./js/components/todo-list.js
which updates the list when tasks are added and removed, and -
- a form to add items to the todo list controlled by./js/components/todo-list.js
loads both component modules:
// load components
import './components/todo-add.js';
import './components/todo-list.js';
The scripts define frameworkless Web Components which get and set a shared todolist
state. Web Components are beyond the scope of this article, but the basics are:
- You can define a custom HTML element (such as
). The name must contain a dash (-
) to avoid clashes with current or future HTML elements. - A JavaScript class which
HTMLElement defines the functionality. The constructor must callsuper()
. - The browser calls a
method when it's ready to update the DOM. The method can append content, optionally using an encapsulated Shadow DOM which is not accessible to other scripts. - customElements.define registers the class with the custom element.
The <todo-list>
defines the TodoList
class for the <todo-list>
component. It shows a list of tasks and handles deletion when the user clicks a 'done' button. The class sets static HTML strings and creates a new State
object. This monitors the a todolist
variable and runs the object's render()
method when its value changes:
import { State } from '../lib/state.js';
class TodoList extends HTMLElement {
static style =
ol { padding: 0; margin: 1em 0; }
li { list-style: numeric inside; padding: 0.5em; margin: 0; }
li:hover, li:focus-within { background-color: #eee; }
button { width: 4em; float: right; }
static template = <li>$1 <button type="button" value="$2">done</button></li>
constructor() {
this.state = new State(['todolist'], this.render.bind(this));
The render()
method receives the updated name
and value
(only todolist
will arrive). It stores the list as a local object property then appends HTML to the Shadow DOM (created by the connectedCallback()
// show todo list
render(name, value) {
// update state
this[name] = value;
// create new list
let list = '';, i) => {
list += TodoList.template.replace('$1', v).replace('$2', i);
this.shadow.innerHTML = `${ }<ol>${ list }</ol>`;
The connectedCallback()
method runs when the DOM is ready. It:
- creates a new Shadow DOM and passes the latest
state to therender()
method, and - attaches a click event handler which removes an item from the
state. Therender()
method will automatically execute because the state changed.
// initialise
async connectedCallback() {
this.shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' });
this.render('todolist', await this.state.get('todolist') || []);
// remove item event
this.shadow.addEventListener('click', async e => {
if ( !== 'BUTTON') return;
this.todolist.splice(, 1);
await this.state.set('todolist', this.todolist);
The TodoList
class is then registered for the <todo-list>
// register component
customElements.define( 'todo-list', TodoList );
The <todo-add>
defines the TodoAdd
class for the <todo-add>
component. It shows a form that can append new tasks to the todolist
state. It sets a static HTML string and creates a new State
object. This monitors the todolist
state and retains it as a local object property:
class TodoAdd extends HTMLElement {
static template =
form { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; padding: 0.5em; }
input { flex: 3 1 10em; font-size: 1em; padding: 6px; }
button { width: 4em; }
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="add" placeholder="add new item" required />
constructor() {
this.state = new State(['todolist'], (name, value) => this[name] = value );
The connectedCallback()
method runs when the DOM is ready. It:
- fetches the latest
state into a local property which defaults to an empty array - appends the form HTML to a Shadow DOM, and
- attaches a submit event handler which adds an new item to the
state (which, in turn, updates the<todo-list>
component). It then clears the input field so you can add another task.
// initialise
async connectedCallback() {
// get latest todo list
this.todolist = await this.state.get('todolist') || [];
const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' });
shadow.innerHTML = TodoAdd.template;
const add = shadow.querySelector('input');
shadow.querySelector('form').addEventListener('submit', async e => {
// add item to list
await this.state.set('todolist', this.todolist.concat(add.value));
add.value = '';
The TodoAdd
class is then registered for the <todo-add>
// register component
customElements.define( 'todo-add', TodoAdd );
Projects often avoid IndexedDB because its API is clunky. It's not an obvious choice for state management, but the indexed database and large storage allocation could make it a good option for complex projects which store significant volumes of data.
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by OpenReplay Tech Blog

OpenReplay Tech Blog | Sciencx (2021-07-08T05:03:34+00:00) How to Use IndexDB to Manage State in JavaScript. Retrieved from
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