This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Helena Archer
Would you like to have a snake eating all your contributions on your GitHub Profile README? Well, thanks to Platane, that is possible!
Check it out
Are you ready?
Step 1: Create your profile README
That would be the README that is shown on your profile link, you create it with a repository with the same name as your GitHub username (including casing). If you wanna know more about it click here.
Step 2: Set up your GitHub Actions
➡️ On your profile repository click on Actions
➡️ Create a new workflow and click on set up a workflow yourself
➡️ Make sure the workflow you are setting up is a yml
➡️ On Edit new file
you can paste this and the line github_user_name: [YOUR_USERNAME_HERE]
with your GitHub Username
name: Generate Snake
schedule: # execute every 12 hours
- cron: "* */12 * * *"
name: Update Data
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Snake Animation
- uses: Platane/snk@master
id: snake-gif
github_user_name: [YOUR_USERNAME_HERE]
svg_out_path: dist/github-contribution-grid-snake.svg
- uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v2.1.3
target_branch: output
build_dir: dist
➡️ Under Workflows
, you should see the Generate Snake
Action you created. You should have now a green ✅ "build" checkmark. That means your Action is working and you're ready for the next step
Step 3: Add to your README
So there are 2 ways of adding that to your README file. You can either use Markdown or good old HTML
I decided to go for HTML so I could centre the image. That's how it looks on mine:
➡️ Don't forget to change YOUR_USERNAME
for your GitHub Username.
<img src="" /></p>
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Helena Archer
Helena Archer | Sciencx (2021-08-06T11:22:58+00:00) Simple Guide: How To Set Up A Snake Eating Your Contributions On GitHub. Retrieved from
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