Visualize GitHub Repos with Python: Trawling Github for Useful Projects and Interview Tips

Getting the most out of GithubStep-by-step walkthrough to scrape, cluster, and visualize GitHub repositoriesGephi Visualization of Github repositories and topics related to OSINT and INFOSEC | Image by authorEveryone here is familiar with Github. Softw…

This content originally appeared on Level Up Coding - Medium and was authored by osint discovery

Getting the most out of Github

Step-by-step walkthrough to scrape, cluster, and visualize GitHub repositories

Gephi Visualization of Github repositories and topics related to OSINT and INFOSEC | Image by author

Everyone here is familiar with Github. Software engineers and data scientists use Github to find inspirations from open-source projects and gather tips for technical interviews.

Github API provides a convenient way to query repositories based on popularity, programming languages, and contributors. Network graphing tools provide an easy way to cluster and visualize these results.

Scraping Github

Let’s say you are prepping for an upcoming technical interview and would like to see if there are any compiled resources on Github.

With just a few lines of code using the PyGithub library, we can search Github to get repositories tagged to the topic: interview-practice.

Next, we can get more statistics for each repository such as date_of_last_push, number_of_forks, list_of_contributors, and number_of_subscribers. We won’t be using all these fields, but they could be used to filter and sort our data later on.

Calling get_subscribers() and get_watchers() to get the list of subscribers and watchers would take several minutes as there may be thousands of them. The tqdm.notebook library would come in handy, to view a dynamic progress bar in Jupyter Notebook.

We could save a copy of the queried results as a JSON file and view the data in a Pandas Dataframe.

Transforming data into nodes and edges

Let’s visualize the data in a network graph such that

  • Nodes represent repository {r} or topic {t}
  • Edges {r} — {t} would link the repository node to the topic node if the repository is tagged with the topic
  • Repository {r} node sizes represent the number of stars of the repository
  • Topic {t} node sizes represent the number of repositories in the dataset with the topic tag

Data Exploration using PyVis

To visualize a sample of the network graph, we can use PyVis, to generate an interactive plot within Jupyter Notebook. Let’s select those repositories which are tagged with topics related to Leet or Python.

PyVis provides an Options panel to configure various graph layouts and aesthetics. The yellow nodes represent Github topics while the blue nodes represent GitHub repositories.

PyVis feature in Jupyter Notebook | Image by author

These are the repositories that contain Leetcode solutions for Python, and technical interview tips and resources.

Network Visualization using Gephi

Gephi is a robust tool with several built-in clustering algorithms and many more layout features to perform advanced network analysis.

Dual Circle Layout

The Dual Circle Layout is one of the layouts provided by Circular Layout, a Gephi third-party plugin. This layout is extremely useful to show directed links between two node types of different hierarchies.

In our example, we have two node types: repository and topic. We can plot these two node types as two separate circles, the inner circle for repository nodes and the outer circle for topic nodes.

The nodes are sorted anti-clockwise with decreasing size. As we hover through the more popular topics, we can see all the repositories tagged to the topic.

Hovering over popular topics (blue) to get corresponding Github repositories (purple) | Image by author

Likewise, when we hover through the repositories, we can see their respective topic tags.

Hovering over popular Github repositories (purple) to get their tagged topics (blue) | Image by author

Trawling for Open-source Tools

GitHub serves as a hivemind to scan for open-source tools, especially useful for analysts in the domain of Open-source Intelligence (OSINT)and Infomation Security (INFOSEC).

Better search and classification of these tools will help analysts to stay abreast with the latest techniques in their research. For the later sections, we will look at the Github repositories that were tagged as OSINT or INFOSEC.

Fruchterman-Reingold layout

The standard Fruchterman-Reingold layout is a force-directed algorithm that treats the edges as springs. This layout would pull highly connected nodes to the centre of the sphere while leaving less connected nodes at the periphery.

Let’s zoom into the centre and hover over popular (i.e. larger node sizes) repositories and topics. Pink nodes represent topics while blue nodes represent repositories.

Hovering over popular Github repositories (blue) and topics (purples) associated with OSINT and INFOSEC | Image by author

Clustering by Modularity

By running Modularity clustering in the statistics panel, Gephi uses the Louvain method for community detection in a network and this will cluster nodes with similar connections together.

To view the results of this clustering, we proceed to colour the nodes based on the Modularity output and select the Radial Axis Layout. We will obtain a shuriken-shaped network where each blade represents topics (nodes with orange labels) and repositories (nodes with blue labels) belonging to the same cluster.

An analyst can hover over interesting topics to find open-sourced tools for their OSINT or INFOSEC research | Image by author

Interpreting Radial Axis Layout

Let’s look at one of the clusters by choosing the top shuriken blade.

Nodes with orange labels are the dominant topics for the cluster. The topics are sorted by decreasing sizes, as we move away from the centre of the shuriken. We can see that this cluster is related to the topic of Pentesting.

Nodes with blue labels represent the repositories. For this cluster, we get repositories that are tools for Pentesting. As we hover over repositories from the edge of the blade and move closer to the centre, we can see that the repositories at the edge are niche tools with a smaller number of tagged topics, while tools nearer to the centre seem more multi-purposed, with more tagged topics.

Clustering provides intuition on how different repositories and topics are related | Image by author

Other use cases

Since the Github API provides ways to query a repository’s created_date and date_of_last_push, the visualization could be extended to identify trending open-source projects or recently updated documentation. By making use of the fields for a repository’s contributors, subscribers, and watchers, a more profile-centric analysis could be done to rank accounts.

Zoom-in GIF of cover photo | Image by author


[1] Jacques V. (2018), PyGithub Library

[2] West Health Institute (2018), PyVis Library

[3] Bastian M., Heymann S., Jacomy M. (2009). Gephi Software

Visualize GitHub Repos with Python: Trawling Github for Useful Projects and Interview Tips was originally published in Level Up Coding on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This content originally appeared on Level Up Coding - Medium and was authored by osint discovery

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osint discovery | Sciencx (2021-08-11T01:07:06+00:00) Visualize GitHub Repos with Python: Trawling Github for Useful Projects and Interview Tips. Retrieved from

" » Visualize GitHub Repos with Python: Trawling Github for Useful Projects and Interview Tips." osint discovery | Sciencx - Wednesday August 11, 2021,
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" » Visualize GitHub Repos with Python: Trawling Github for Useful Projects and Interview Tips." osint discovery | Sciencx - Accessed .
" » Visualize GitHub Repos with Python: Trawling Github for Useful Projects and Interview Tips." osint discovery | Sciencx [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» Visualize GitHub Repos with Python: Trawling Github for Useful Projects and Interview Tips | osint discovery | Sciencx | |

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