This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Suprabha
I've included 10 amazing GitHub repos which will help you to become a better JavaScript Developer. These repository will clear your all doubts in Javascript, also you can practise more problems using the below repos.
1. JavaScript Algorithms
Star: ~116k ⭐️
This repository contains JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures. Each algorithm and data structure has its own separate README with related explanations and links for further reading (including ones to YouTube videos).
2. JavaScript Questions
Star: ~37k ⭐️
This repository contains a long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions along with their explanations and gets frequently updated
3. Clean Code JavaScript
Star: ~56k ⭐️
This repository consists of the software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code, adapted for JavaScript. It's a guide for producing readable, reusable, and refactored software in JavaScript.
4. Awesome JavaScript
Star: ~25k ⭐️
A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries and resources. This repository contains a list of variety of frameworks, template engines, articles and post, documentations, reactive and functional programming
5. 30 seconds of Code
Star: ~82k ⭐️
This repository contains a huge collection of short JavaScript code snippets which can be super useful while working on your JavaScript projects thus increasing your efficiency and knowledge.
6. You don't know JS
Star: ~143k ⭐️
This repo is a series of books on core mechanisms of the Javascript language. The 2nd edition of the series is currently in progress, while the first edition is available and is entirely free to read online!
7. JS Interviews
Star: ~53k ⭐️
Your personal guide to Software Engineering technical interviews.
8. Front-End Checklist
Star: ~55k ⭐️
There are a million things to take care of when you launch a website. So how do you ensure you have taken care of things that can break your product when it goes into production. Enter Front-end Checklist.
9. Front End interview handbook
Star: ~31k ⭐️
This repo promises to make you go from zero to front-end interview hero even if you don't have prior interview experience. And, from the number of stargazers it has, it looks like it delivers on that promise.
10. Airbnb JavaScript
Star: ~113k ⭐️
A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript
Thanks for reading the article ❤️
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Suprabha

Suprabha | Sciencx (2021-08-12T09:22:51+00:00) GitHub 10 Repos for JavaScript Developer. Retrieved from
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