This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Emma Donery
Flask is a popular lightweight micro-framework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 for developing web applications authored by Armin Ronacher.
Flask Framework depends on two external libraries: The Jinja2 template and Werkzeug WSGI toolkit.
- Werkzeug is a WSGI utility library. WSGI is a specification for a universal interface between the web server and the web applications.
Werkzeug is a WSGI toolkit, which implements requests, response objects, and other utility functions. This enables building a web framework on top of it
- Jinja2 is a popular templating engine for Python.
A web framework is an architecture containing tools, libraries, and functionalities suitable to build and maintain massive web projects using a fast and efficient approach.
Why is flask referred to as a microframework
It aims to keep the core of an application simple yet extensible.
NB: Flask has no native support for accessing databases, validating web forms, authenticating users, or other high-level tasks. Instead, Flask supports the extensions to add such functionality to the application
Popular Flask extensions
Extensions are extra packages that add functionality to a Flask application.
- Flask Mail − provides SMTP interface to Flask application
- Flask WTF − adds rendering and validation of WTForms
- Flask SQLAlchemy − adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask application
- Flask Sijax − Interface for Sijax - Python/jQuery library that makes AJAX easy to use in web applications
- Flask-Login − provides user session management
Features of Flask
- Built-in development server, fast debugger.
- Integrated support for unit testing.
- RESTful request dispatching.
- Jinja2 Templating.
- WSGI compliance
- URL routing
- Sessions
- Support for secure cookies.
- Lightweight and modular design that allows for a flexible framework
The most convenient way to do that is to use a virtual environment.
Virtual Environments
A virtual environment is a copy of the Python interpreter into which you can install packages privately, without affecting the global Python interpreter installed in your system.
Advantages of virtual environment
- Prevent package clutter and version conflicts in the system’s Python interpreter.
- Ensures that applications have access only to the packages that they use, while the global interpreter remains neat and clean and serves only as a source from which more virtual environments can be created.
- Can be created and managed without administrator rights, unlike the system-wide Python interpreter
Setting up a Virtual Environment with Python 3
$ sudo apt-get install virtualenv
$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
Create a virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv virtual-environment-name
NB: This command needs administrator privileges. Add sudo before pip on Linux/Mac OS. If you are on Windows, log in as Administrator.
Creating the Application Directory
$ mkdir flask_app
$ cd flask_app
#create a vitual environment in this folder
$ python3 -m venv venv
After the command completes, you will have a subdirectory with the name venv inside flask_app, with a brand-new virtual environment that contains a Python interpreter for exclusive use by this project.
Working with a Virtual Environment
When you want to start using a virtual environment, you have to “activate” it.
$ source venv/bin/activate # Linux or macOS
$ venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
We are now ready to install Flask in this environment
$ pip install Flask
Test Flask installation
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(name)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World’
if name == 'main':
Running Flask App
$ export
$ flask run
Hello World
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Emma Donery

Emma Donery | Sciencx (2021-09-08T08:01:41+00:00) Introduction to Python Flask Framework. Retrieved from
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