Create Signature Component in Vue

Hello, today we will see how to create a signature component using vuejs.

Creating your own components is very useful when you have specific needs, it also allows you to learn the logic behind the component.

Use canvas

We are going to use …

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by BENSIMON Raphaël

Hello, today we will see how to create a signature component using vuejs.

Creating your own components is very useful when you have specific needs, it also allows you to learn the logic behind the component.

Use canvas

We are going to use a canvas HTML tag, this will allow the user to draw his signature.

    <canvas />

Add some style :

<style scoped>
canvas {
    border: 1px solid black;
    background-color: white;
    cursor: crosshair;


  • Here we use the scoped property on the style tag which allows to keep the style inside the component.
  • I define the cursor by a crosshair (the details make the differences).

It's time to use javascript !

First of all we will get our canvas and pass it some parameters

data() {
    return {
        ctx :  null,
    this.ctx  = this.$el.getContext('2d')
    this.ctx.strokeStyle  =  'black'
    this.ctx.lineWidth  =  2


  • strokeStyle is the color of the signature
  • lineWidth is the width of the signature

Let's add the mousedown event to our canvas which will let us know when the user clicks on our canvas.

    <canvas @mousedown=”onMouseDown” />
    return {
        sign  : false,
        prevX : null,
        prevY : null
methods: {
        this.sign = true
        this.prevX = $event.offsetX
        this.prevY = $event.offsetY
  • The sign property allows to know if the user has clicked on the canvas.
  • The prevX and prevY properties allow to know the current position of the cursor by retrieving it from $event.

We shift into second gear !

We will add the mousemove event to our canvas :

    <canvas ... @mousemove="onMouseMove" />
methods: {
    mousemove($event) {
        if(this.sign) {
            const  currX  = $event.offsetX
            const  currY  = $event.offsetY

Here we get the current position of the pointer which will allow us to draw the signature thanks to the previous position we got in the @onmousedown event.

Draw the signature

methods: {
    mousemove($event) {
        if(this.sign) {
            const  currX  = $event.offsetX
            const  currY  = $event.offsetY
            this.draw(this.prevX, this.prevY, currX, currY)
            this.prevX  =  currX
            this.prevY  =  currY
    draw(depX, depY, destX, destY){
        this.ctx.moveTo(depX, depY)
        this.ctx.lineTo(destX, destY)


  • beginPath() allows to start a path
  • moveTo() allows to initialize the starting point
  • lineTo() allows to describe the arrival point
  • closePath() closes the path
  • stroke() allows to apply the path to the canvas

Now we will prevent the user from drawing on the canvas if :

  • His cursor is outside the canvas
  • His cursor is not clicking anymore
    <canvas ... @mouseup="sign = false" @mouseout="sign = false" />

Get the v-model and store the canvas.

Let's define the emit update and the modelValue props

emits : ['update:modelValue'],
props : {
    modelValue : {
        type :  null,
        required :  true

Let's transform our canvas drawing into an image and update the v-model in our draw method:

methods: {
    draw(depX, depY, destX, destY) {
        this.ctx.moveTo(depX, depY)
        this.ctx.lineTo(destX, destY)

        const img = this.$el.toDataURL('image/png').replace('image/png',        'image/octet-stream')
        this.$emit('update:modelValue', img)

Last step !

Now we have to check if the v-model of our component is empty in order to remove our canvas drawing

watch : {
    modelValue(model) {
        if(!model) {
            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.$el.width, this.$el.height)

That's it!

To use our component in a parent view here is how to do it:

    <MyCanvasComponent v-model="canvas" />
    <button @click="canvas = null">Delete your signature</button>
import MyCanvasComponent from '@/components/MyCanvasComponents.vue
export default {
    components : {
        return {
            canvas : null

The entire component code :

    <canvas @mousedown="mousedown" @mousemove="mousemove" @mouseup="sign = false" @mouseout="sign = false" />
export  default {
    emits : ['update:modelValue'],
    props : {
        modelValue : {
            type :  null,
            required :  true
    data() {
        return {
            ctx :  null,
            sign :  false,
            prevX :  0,
            prevY :  0,
    methods : {
        mousedown($event) {
            this.sign  =  true
            this.prevX  = $event.offsetX
            this.prevY  = $event.offsetY
        mousemove($event) {
            if(this.sign) {
                const  currX  = $event.offsetX
                const  currY  = $event.offsetY
                this.draw(this.prevX, this.prevY, currX, currY)
                this.prevX  =  currX
                this.prevY  =  currY
        draw(depX, depY, destX, destY) {
            this.ctx.moveTo(depX, depY)
            this.ctx.lineTo(destX, destY)

            const img = this.$el.toDataURL('image/png').replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream')
            this.$emit('update:modelValue', img)
    watch : {
        modelValue(model) {
            if(!model) {
            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.$el.width, this.$el.height)
    mounted() {
        this.ctx  = this.$el.getContext('2d')
        this.ctx.strokeStyle  =  'black'
        this.ctx.lineWidth  =  2
<style scoped>
canvas {
    border: 1px solid black;
    background-color: white;
    cursor: crosshair;

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by BENSIMON Raphaël

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BENSIMON Raphaël | Sciencx (2021-09-14T14:10:47+00:00) Create Signature Component in Vue. Retrieved from

" » Create Signature Component in Vue." BENSIMON Raphaël | Sciencx - Tuesday September 14, 2021,
BENSIMON Raphaël | Sciencx Tuesday September 14, 2021 » Create Signature Component in Vue., viewed ,<>
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" » Create Signature Component in Vue." BENSIMON Raphaël | Sciencx - Accessed .
" » Create Signature Component in Vue." BENSIMON Raphaël | Sciencx [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» Create Signature Component in Vue | BENSIMON Raphaël | Sciencx | |

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