This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Jordan Burroughs
If you decide to click away after seeing that I recommend the same titles that every other article tells you to read, I wouldn't blame you. Although, there is a reason why these books resonate with nearly all software developers that read them (and not only beginners).
This post will be different because I will be giving you a brief explanation on why you should read them and what you, as a new software developer, should expect to get out of them.
This is a post that I know would have been helpful to me when I first started looking to enhance my new career not too long ago.
So I was (and still am) in your shoes. Without further ado, here's what you came for:
1. Cracking the Coding Interview
by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Whether you are currently looking for a job or whether you are perfectly happy in your current role, this book is an absolute must for any dev, especially juniors.
Not only are there endless amounts of practice problems with detailed solutions, but the first sections of the book dissect the entire interview process and give quick concept overviews that anyone could find useful for reference, or even last minute cramming (which I would NOT recommend doing, but it doesn't hurt to fill that need).
I first got this book in college to prep for internship interviews and ever since then, I see myself always referring back to it whenever another interview is coming up, or when I need a quick refresher on certain topics.
From behavioral and technical interview tips to data structures and algorithms, this one has it all. 13/10 would recommend.
2. Living by the Code
by Enrique López Mañas, Ray Wenderlich
This one was pretty interesting and unique. The authors basically interview top developers and innovators in the tech space and they give advice to young developers.
What else do I need to say? You get advice straight from the horse's mouth.
But here's what I love the most:
Each interviewee is usually asked questions related to their specific field or domain, but there is also a set questions that the interviewer asks everyone. Among those is: "What are the 3 books (or resources) that have had a lasting impact on how you do your work?" The authors then list that person's recommendations at the end of each interview!
In the end, you have an endless amount of resources that you can use to spawn new areas of interest and help naturally guide you in the beginnings of your career. From this book alone, my reading list has expanded tenfold and yours can too, as soon as you pick up this book.
Good starting point to boost your career. 12/10
3. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
by Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin)
Ah yes... the quintessential classic. This book appears on every software dev book recommendation list. It is pretty much the bible for clean code that is a must read for everyone in the field.
I read this coming out of college and for me, it was a revelation. In school they teach you the basics of programming, computer theory, and maybe even some assembly. But, Uncle Bob teaches you importance of clean code and the advantages of adjusting your style to fit it.
Hallelujah! 14/10
4. The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
by Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas
Let's finish off with yet another classic. With a seemingly endless series of topics (and smaller tips within those) the authors analyze many different aspects of software development and how to think beyond if-statements and for-loops.
From the perspective of a beginner, you can't get much better than this. There are so many tidbits of information, that any time you reread this book, you'll learn something new to apply directly to your code and career.
Learn exactly what it means to be a Pragmatic Programmer, you won't regret it. 13/10 - exceptionally pragmatic.
One common theme with all of these books is the idea that you will always find your way back to them throughout your career. That is why it is crucial to get them in your library ASAP.
There are many other books I have read that didn't make this list (including some non-technical books that can make an overall impact on your life), but let's start with these guys for now.
I'm always open to book suggestions, so leave a comment with some of your good reads.
Remember that it is never the wrong choice to invest in your education! The time and money you spend to better yourself now, will always payoff big in the long run. ?
Thanks for reading my first ever blog! If you want more tech tips, software stuff, and bussin' blogs, you can throw me a follow on Twitter????
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Jordan Burroughs

Jordan Burroughs | Sciencx (2021-09-16T01:59:59+00:00) 4 Books Every Junior Software Developer Should Read. Retrieved from
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