This content originally appeared on HTML + CSS + JavaScript and was authored by Rob Larsen
Hey! It’s been a while. Sorry! I’m going to have a lot more content to share over the next few months, so get used to me writing again.
Anyway, we’re in the middle of creating HTML5 Boilerplate 9.0. As part of that release we have created a Github template repository.
As GitHub wrote when they unveiled the feature
Sharing boilerplate code across codebases is a constant pattern in software development. Bootstrapping a new project with our favorite tools and directory structures helps programmers go from idea to “Hello world!” more efficiently and with less manual configuration.
Today, we’re excited to introduce repository templates to make boilerplate code management and distribution a first-class citizen on GitHub. To get started, all you need to do is mark a repository as a template, and you’ll immediately be able to use it to generate new repositories with all of the template repository’s files and folders.
With all the mentions of “boilerplate” it’s like template repos were made for HTML5 Boilerplate. Nice.
Using them is pretty simple.
First, navigate to h5bp/html5-boilerplate-template. Once there, click on the “Use this template”
Next, you add the name you would like to use:
And that’s it. You’ve got a fresh repo with all the files from HTML5 Boilerplate ready to go.
That’s just a taste of the changes on offer. I’ll have more news as we get closer to the final release. I would love to have this release out before 2021 is over. We’ll see!
This content originally appeared on HTML + CSS + JavaScript and was authored by Rob Larsen

Rob Larsen | Sciencx (2021-12-02T21:51:46+00:00) New HTML5 Boilerplate Template Repository. Retrieved from
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