A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book.

Writing a technical book is much harder than writing blog posts.

Writing a blog post is like running a sprint while writing a book is like running a marathon.

Writing my first technical book without a publisher would have been a MISSION: IMPOSSIB…

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by LordVictor0424

  • Writing a technical book is much harder than writing blog posts.

  • Writing a blog post is like running a sprint while writing a book is like running a marathon.

  • Writing my first technical book without a publisher would have been a MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE!

  • Each piece of the book content must be clear and interesting. Each part, each chapter, each section, each paragraph, each sentence.

  • “Clear” is more important that “interesting”. If something is not clear to your reader, it cannot be interesting for for them.

  • A possible way to make things clear is go from concrete to abstract.

  • A possible way to make things interesting is to teach the material as a story with fiction characters and a bit of drama.

  • The “why” is more important than the “what”.

  • The “what” is more important than the “how”.

  • An average writer makes the reader think the author is smart. A good writer makes the reader think the reader is smart.

  • A technical book is written for MQRs (Minimal Qualified Readers).

  • Figuring out what are the qualifications of your MQRs (Minimal Qualified Readers) is important as it allows you to assume what knowledge your readers already have.

  • It’s hard to figure out what are the qualifications of your MQRs (Minimal Qualified Readers).

  • Checking book sales could be addictive.

  • Making a good Table of Contents is crucial as it is the first part of the book potential readers will encounter.

  • Making a good Table of Contents is hard as you need to figure out what you really want to talk about.

  • The Table of Contents might evolve a bit as you write your book.

  • You should resist the temptation to write the first chapter before the Table of Contents is ready.

  • It’s not necessary to write chapters in order. But it’s easier.

  • Never assume that your readers will read the next chapter only because they have enjoyed the previous chapter.

  • You should always convince your readers why what you are teaching is important and relevant for them.

  • Before writing a chapter, you should formulate to yourself what is the main objective of the chapter.

  • If a chapter has two main objectives, it’s a sign that you should split it into two chapters.

  • A chapter should be treated like a piece of software. You should resist the temptation of writing the chapter contents without a plan.

  • A possible way to make things interesting is to use concrete examples.

  • A possible way to make things clear inside a chapter is to start with the easy stuff and increase the level of difficulty as the chapter goes.

  • Do not hesitate to highlight sentences that convey an important message.

  • It’s OK to engage in writing a technical book without mastering every topic you want to cover in your book.

  • Writing technical book involves a descent amount of research even if you consider yourself as an expert in the field.

  • Finding attractive but accurate titles to book chapters is an art.

  • You can learn a lot from a failed attempt to write a book, provided that you put your ago aside.

  • If you try to write a Wikipedia article about the topic of your book before it is mentioned by other sources, it will be rejected.

  • It’s possible to write a technical book while keeping your day job as a programmer, provided that you are willing to wake up early or sleep late.

  • Writing a technical book takes between a year and two.

  • Don’t rush! Enjoy the journey…

  • It makes lot of sense to use a source control software for your manuscript.

  • AsciiDoc rocks!

  • PlantUML rocks!

  • NeoVim rocks!

  • Using a tool - like PlantUML - that generates diagrams from text makes it easy to refactor multiple diagrams at once (e.g rename a label, change a color).

  • People on Reddit could feel hurt by opinions that take them out of their comfort zone.

  • On Reddit, when people feel hurt, they could become violent.

  • Being mentored by an experienced writer is a blessing.

  • If you are lucky enough to be mentored by an experienced writer, ask them to be hard with you. That’s how you are going to improve your book!

  • A good technical reviewer is a representative of your MQRs (Minimal Qualified Readers). They can tell you upfront is something is going to be unclear to your readers.

  • You should make sure your readers will never frown while reading your book.

  • A project manager that pays attention to the details is important.

  • Your publisher is your partner.

  • You could make more dollars per copy by self-publishing but you’d probably sell much less copies.

  • Asking early feedback from external reviewers is a great source of improvement.

  • Releasing an early version of the book (approx. when the first third is ready) allows you to find out if the topic of your book is interesting.

  • Finding a good book title is hard.

  • Finding a good book subtitle is even harder.

  • You need to be very careful not to hurt the sensitivity of any of your readers.

  • Having your book featured on HackerNews home page do not mean selling lots of copies.

  • Twitter is a great medium to share ideas from your book.

  • Writing a book could sometimes take you to flow.

  • My real motivation for writing a book was neither to be famous nor to be rich. It only wanted to accomplish a child’s dream.

  • It’s hard to find your voice.

  • Once you have found the your voice, the writing flows much better.

  • Usually readers stop reading after reading the middle of the book. If you want them to read the second half of your book, you need to find a way to hook them.

  • A possible way to hook your readers is to tell a story.

  • Inspiration is not linear. It’s OK to stop writing for a couple of hours.

  • Motivation is not linear. It’s OK to stop writing for a couple of weeks.

  • Be open to critics - even when they hurt your ego.

  • The more you write, the more you like it.

  • It’s safe to assume that every developer can read JavaScript.

  • It’s a great feeling to mention the work of other authors.

  • You should make sure that each and every code snippet - that appears in your book - runs as expected.

  • Invoking “it’s so obvious I don’t need to explain it” is not an acceptable argument.

  • Writing your teaching materials as a dialogue between an imaginary expert and a imaginary novice is a very useful process in order to figure out what questions your materials might raise in your reader’s mind.

  • Sometimes the questions that an imaginary novice would ask about the stuff you teach would be tough. Don’t ignore them. It’s an opportunity to make your book better.

  • Rewriting a chapter from scratch because you forgot to save your work could be a blessing as writing from scratch might lead to a material of higher quality.

  • Writing in a coffee shop makes me feel like a famous author, but in fact I am much more productive at home.

  • Writing a preface - after the whole manuscript is ready - is really a pleasure!

  • You should think about the way your contents is going to appear on the paper. Use headlines, highlights, call outs and diagrams to make sure it doesn’t look boring.

  • Resist the temptation to impress your readers with “cool stuff” if you think it might confuse them.

  • Working on your book is a good reason to wake up early. Sometimes, before sunrise (even in summer!).

  • Include at least 2 or 3 diagrams in every chapter. It makes the material fun to read and easier to grasp.

  • Draw your diagrams on a sheet of paper before using a drawing software.

  • It’s OK to use colors in diagrams for the online version of the book. But remember that the print version of the book will be not be in color.

  • Mind maps are a great visualization tool. Use them smartly.

  • When a section is more difficult to read that the others, let your readers know about it.

  • When a section is more difficult to read that the others, make it skippable.

  • It’s OK - from times to times - to copy-paste a diagram in order to save from your readers the need to flip back.

  • Asking a friend or a colleague to read your work in progress is not a productive idea. The best feedback come from people you don’t know.

  • Brainstorming with a friend or a colleague about a difficulty you encounter might be a productive idea.

  • Throwing away some (good) ideas is sometimes necessary. Not easy but necessary.

  • When you are blocked in the middle of a chapter, it might be a sign that you need to rethink the chapter.

  • When you are blocked in the middle of a chapter, it might be a sign that you need to rest and come back later.

  • Adapting parts of your book to blog posts could be a good idea. But you need to resist the temptation of copy-pasting verbatim as the blog posts will be without the context of the book.

  • If feels great when someone with lots of followers tweets about the fun they had reading your book.

  • Don’t worry if your English is not perfect. Your manuscript will be proofread later.

  • “Not being an native English speaker” is not an excuse for your lack of clarity.

  • Writing an appendix is much easier than writing a chapter.

  • Using humour in a technical book is possible. Hopefully, it’s well appreciated.

  • You should write the chapter introduction after all the other parts of the chapter are written.

  • Getting positive feedback - even from people who are easily enthusiastic - feels good.

  • Front matter is the last part an author writes.

  • Writing a hundred things you learned from writing a technical book is not as difficult as it may seem.

  • This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by LordVictor0424

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    LordVictor0424 | Sciencx (2021-12-21T04:24:09+00:00) A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book.. Retrieved from https://www.scien.cx/2021/12/21/a-hundred-things-i-learned-writing-my-first-technical-book/

    " » A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book.." LordVictor0424 | Sciencx - Tuesday December 21, 2021, https://www.scien.cx/2021/12/21/a-hundred-things-i-learned-writing-my-first-technical-book/
    LordVictor0424 | Sciencx Tuesday December 21, 2021 » A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book.., viewed ,<https://www.scien.cx/2021/12/21/a-hundred-things-i-learned-writing-my-first-technical-book/>
    LordVictor0424 | Sciencx - » A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book.. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from: https://www.scien.cx/2021/12/21/a-hundred-things-i-learned-writing-my-first-technical-book/
    " » A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book.." LordVictor0424 | Sciencx - Accessed . https://www.scien.cx/2021/12/21/a-hundred-things-i-learned-writing-my-first-technical-book/
    " » A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book.." LordVictor0424 | Sciencx [Online]. Available: https://www.scien.cx/2021/12/21/a-hundred-things-i-learned-writing-my-first-technical-book/. [Accessed: ]
    » A hundred things I learned writing my first technical book. | LordVictor0424 | Sciencx | https://www.scien.cx/2021/12/21/a-hundred-things-i-learned-writing-my-first-technical-book/ |

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