How to Add Prettier to a Project

Format code in your project with prettier and husky pre-commitPrettier is a code formatter that automatically adjusts your code to adhere to well-defined conventions. Using tools like this is a great way to ensure consistency across a project. This can…

This content originally appeared on Bits and Pieces - Medium and was authored by Ivo Nederlof

Format code in your project with prettier and husky pre-commit

Prettier is a code formatter that automatically adjusts your code to adhere to well-defined conventions. Using tools like this is a great way to ensure consistency across a project. This can be especially useful when working in teams where multiple developers are touching code across a project.

In this article, I will show how to add Prettier and add a pre-commit hook to your project.

1. Install Prettier

yarn add -D prettier
// or
npm install --save-dev prettier

2. Create a .prettierrc file and add the following

"singleQuote": true,
"bracketSpacing": true,
"printWidth": 120

Note: You can edit these settings to your preference.

3. Set up Prettier to ignore certain files

Create a file named .prettierignore in the root of you project. Add files or folders you want to to ignore, for example:


4. Add a command in your package.json

In your package.json, add "format": "npx prettier --write ." in the scripts section:

"version": "0.0.0",
"scripts": {
"start": "node index.js",
"format": "npx prettier --write ."

When we run this script, it will reformat all the files in your project. Optionally we can automate this process by installing husky and pretty-quick.

5. Install husky and pretty-quick

yarn add -D husky pretty-quick
// or
npm install --save-dev husky pretty-quick

6. Add the following to your package.json

"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "pretty-quick --staged"

Now when you commit your work, your code will automatically be formatted. It’s as simple as that! I hope you have found this useful. If so, be sure to share with friends and leave a note in the comments.

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How to Add Prettier to a Project was originally published in Bits and Pieces on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This content originally appeared on Bits and Pieces - Medium and was authored by Ivo Nederlof

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Ivo Nederlof | Sciencx (2021-12-30T22:53:04+00:00) How to Add Prettier to a Project. Retrieved from

" » How to Add Prettier to a Project." Ivo Nederlof | Sciencx - Thursday December 30, 2021,
Ivo Nederlof | Sciencx Thursday December 30, 2021 » How to Add Prettier to a Project., viewed ,<>
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" » How to Add Prettier to a Project." Ivo Nederlof | Sciencx - Accessed .
" » How to Add Prettier to a Project." Ivo Nederlof | Sciencx [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» How to Add Prettier to a Project | Ivo Nederlof | Sciencx | |

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