This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Linearloop Private Limited
Before knowing the features of React 18 let’s have a brief introduction for React JS.
ReactJS helps to build UI-rich web applications that are efficient enough in terms of user engagement and functionalities. You must know, the technology has gained lots of attention because of one of the great reasons that Facebook has designed it.
Other reasons behind it are its component based approach, Flux & Redux architecture, fast rendering of Virtual DOM and its support for a large number of libraries.
With React, developers became able to develop a prolific and interactive application using minimal coding. Also it facilitates code reusability as a result of which effort gets reduced. Further, it is an open-source JS library and runs on JSX (JS & HTML).
Code ref ::
class Hello extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div>Hello {this.props.toWhat}</div>;
<Hello toWhat="World" />,
Moreover, for the past few years, the concept is being used on a large scale. Many startups and business owners are following React because it offers productivity by saving cost and time both.
Now here we will discuss the new version of it, which we call React 18 Developers seeking to get knowledge about it, stay tuned till the end of the article. It is definitely going to help you in the future.
The alpha version of React 18 is available, and soon it will be in production for the developers. But till the time it becomes ready for production, we must know about the features obtainable in the new version. We all know, versions are upgraded to bring more comfort features and productivity to the applications.
The same goes here as well. React 18 alpha version is made available for the technocrats so that, they could see the same and share their feedback. Here we will put some light on React 18 roadmap to keep the developers aware.
The new release of React includes out-of-the-box improvisations that will help the developers for sure.
Also, it will increase the potential of an application. Here you will get to experience a new streaming server renderer that is available with in-built support, automatic batching, and a new API (startTransition).
So many people are struggling to know the exact React 18 release date, but so far, no specific date is issued by the owners. If we get to know about the exact date of release, we will share it for sure. Till then, let’s learn React 18 new features.
New Features of React 18
Improvements to Root API
By using React 18, developers will have a new Root API. While working, we follow a common practice of passing ReactDom.render our app component, then document.getElementById and root element in the available version of React.
import { StrictMode } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
<App />
Now with React 18 version, you will be able to execute the task in a new way. Here, the root variable is equal to a new method that we call “Create Root”. As it passes our root element, its name becomes root.render, and will pass the app component.
The fundamental concept is the same as the existing versions, but the way of execution is different. The old method is given a new name “Legacy Root API” and if you are worried about whether will it work with the existing version or not, stay relaxed. It works with React 18 as well but there is a possibility of depreciation at some points by the new Root API.
Concurrent Rendering in React 18
As we have stated earlier, the new version revolves around “concurrent rendering” and it enables React to build various versions of the user interface at the same time.
All the changes take place in the background or you can say behind-the-scenes but, it offers flexibility to the applications. By seeing the response from the community for “concurrent mode”, the React team has redesigned and upgraded the concept for gradual adoption.
Despite the feature all-or-nothing, the concept of concurrent rendering will only get enabled when any new feature will trigger updates. In practical terms, here, you get the flexibility to adopt React 18, and there is no need for rewriting.
Also, one can easily access new features. Further, developers can easily upgrade the version to React 18, either by doing minor or no changes to the code.
The intent behind the new version is to offer ease to the developers along with a better user experience. Hence the adoption of React 18 is pretty simple, and one can do it conveniently. Also, the concurrent features are successfully delivered to the thousands of components that work for Facebook.
And it has been noticed, that most of the React components work well even without any change in the code. The owners have committed that React 18 is smooth for all communities, and one can work on it.
SUSPENSE in React 18
This new version of React has brought full support for SUSPENSE. If you work in React, you must know SUSPENSE refers to the suspension of something till the time it is ready to render, and we call it Lazy Loading as well. Lazy Loading is also known as on demand loading that refers to loading of the required part only by delaying the rest.
Code Ref ::
import React from 'react';
import { Spinner } from "../Components/Spinner";
// This component is loaded dynamically
const OtherComponent = React.lazy(() => import("./OtherComponent"));
function MyComponent() {
return (
// Displays <Spinner> until OtherComponent loads
<React.Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}>
<OtherComponent />
export default MyComponent;
In the current version of React, the SUSPENSE uses fallback till the time data is returned from an API call or async component and component rendering is done.
Now you can experience, even if all the data is not waiting for the component, they wait till call-stack gets empty and then event queue gets executed because the rendering of the entire component is still awaited.
Here we will share an example to counter the above-stated problem. Suppose you have a web page with sections Navigation Bar, Search Bar, Post Block, and Comment Box. Now if you follow React 18, there is no need to load the comment box before someone reaches that section.
Hence in the background, developers can suspend the comment section. Once the user reaches, the comment section will get loaded.
Automatic Batching
To attain improved computational performance, React groups multiple updates altogether in a single state as a result which “Batching” occurs.
Code ref ::
import { batch } from 'react-redux'
function myThunk() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// should only result in one combined re-render, not two
batch(() => {
The existing React version prevents the components from rendering i.e. Half-Finished state. Under this condition, developers become able to update only one state variable that further may create bugs.
Also, React favors performing two independent batches, and it will not batch the updates every time.
Now in React 18, a new concept is added that has increased the overall performance. Here it automatically batches the updates without having any dependency on the origin of library code and the application.
The way updates, inside the React native, are batched, similarly, the updates inside the timeouts or native events handlers are batched. Hence the concept drives out-of-the-box improvisation to render process, and as a result, the performance improves.
So, React 18 has resolved the problem of batching and increased the efficiency & consistency of the process.
By reading the above content you must say, React 18 will bring lots of new possibilities. So many JS concepts seem impossible today but they may get possible with this new foundation.
Other frameworks of the market will surely get inspired by React 18 and they will also do something in the favor of technology. Linearloop always works for evolving concepts of technology and we keep researching for updates in order to aware our team and clients.
So far, React 18 is available in alpha mode, and if you are working on any project, do not implement it. For now, you can take the understanding about React 18 new features and share your feedback.
The owners have put it into Alpha because they are willing to understand the review of technocrats. React 18 will launch within few months. And being a leading React JS company in India, we are really excited, and we know you too! So guys, stay tuned to know about the recent updates.
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Linearloop Private Limited

Linearloop Private Limited | Sciencx (2022-01-03T05:34:49+00:00) What’s new in React 18?. Retrieved from
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