This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Bellatrix
The identity in web3 is very different than web2. In web2 we have authorisation with password and email address. But in web3 we have our wallet address with which the unique identity of every user will be tied.
Wallet - A self-custody wallet enabling access to the 3rd generation of the web including the usage of dapps. Web3 wallet is really just a browser added to the regular self-custody wallet enabling the usage of dapps.
Wallet addresses are totally anonymouus and its uers's wish to make it public.
Ethereum has working RFP(Request for proposals) specification for users to sign-in with ethereum and replaces traditional authentication ways.
Stay tuned for more short blogs, if you have any doubt which is RELATED to this blog, please comment and we'll look for answers together.
I am exploring web3 everyday, we'll surely write more blogs as I find new and exciting things about it.
Thanks for reading, happy learning!
Source - Freecodecamp
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Bellatrix

Bellatrix | Sciencx (2022-01-30T06:15:36+00:00) How Identity works in web3?. Retrieved from
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