This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Joona Piirainen
Welcome to part 2 of the series where we implement a simple parser combinator library from scratch in haskell. In the first episode we defined our Parser type and implemented all the necessary type-classes for it. You can find the source here. In addition to this we defined a couple of combinators, which allowed us to defined the following parser.
pKv :: Parser KV
pKv = KV <$> parseKv
parseKv = (,) <$> many alpha <* char ':' <* spaces <*> many alpha
This simple parser parses key-value pairs into an haskell data type. We are also able to run our parser.
runParser pKv "key: value" -- Right (KV ("key","value"))
This is already quite useful, but lets implement more combinators to make our little library feel a bit more polished. It would be nice if we could easily extend our previously defined pKv parser to parse lists of key value pairs. This will be trivial if we define a combinator called sepBy.
sepBy1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
sepBy1 p sep = (:) <$> p <*> many (sep *> p)
sepBy :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
sepBy parser separator = sepBy1 parser separator <|> pure []
Note that we defined sepBy by using a stricter version of itself. sepBy1 will fail if there is only one kv to parse, while sepBy parses it happily.
Now defining a parser that parses a list of kv's is trivial.
pKvs :: Parser [KV]
pKvs = pKv `sepBy` char ','
runParser pKvs "key: value,foo: bar" -- Right [KV ("key","value"),KV ("foo","bar")]
Nice. Now that I think of it, wouldn't it be nice to be able to parse numbers? I think so!
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Applicative (Alternative(..), optional)
import Data.Functor (($>))
digit :: Parser Char
digit = satisfy "digit" Char.isDigit
decimal :: (Integral a, Read a) => Parser a
decimal = read <$> many1 digit
signedDecimal :: Parser Int
signedDecimal = fromMaybe id <$> optional (char '-' $> negate) <*> decimal
Now we can parse numbers, Hooray! Here's a couple of examples.
runParser (decimal @Int) "123" -- Right (123)
runParser (decimal @Int) "-123" -- Left "Expecting digit at position 0"
runParser signedDecimal "-123" -- Right (-123)
Parsing whitespace is also a common task, especially when you are writing a lexer. Let's define some useful combinators to make lexing more convenient.
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = void $ many (satisfy "whitespace" Char.isSpace)
newline :: Parser ()
newline = char '\n' <|> (char '\r' *> char '\n')
horizontalSpaces :: Parser ()
horizontalSpaces = void . many $
satisfy "horizontal whitespace" $ \c ->
Char.isSpace c && c /= '\n' && c /= '\r'
When we previously parsed key value pairs, they were separated by commas. You might also want to parse key value pairs separated by newlines.
key: value
foo: bar
Let's write a parser for this.
pKvsNewLine :: Parser [KV]
pKvsNewLine = pKv `sepBy` newline
runParser pKvsNewLine "key: value\nfoo: bar" -- Right [KV ("key","value"),KV ("foo","bar")]
Or we could want to parse kv's which are separated by commas but have some random spaces in between them. Eg. "key: value , foo: bar". We can use horizontalSpaces for this!
pKvsHorizontal :: Parser [KV]
pKvsHorizontal = pKv `sepBy` s
where s = horizontalSpaces *> char ',' <* horizontalSpaces
runParser pKvsHorizontal "key: value , foo: bar" -- Right [KV ("key","value"),KV ("foo","bar")]
At this point we have quite a powerful set of tools in our hands. We still haven't seen any interesting use-cases for this machinery. In the next part we will define a parser for a simple programming language.
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day!
- Joona
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Joona Piirainen
Joona Piirainen | Sciencx (2022-02-09T16:47:54+00:00) Implementing parser combinators pt. 2. Retrieved from
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