This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by DEV Community
React is the ultimate JavaScript library perfect for creating the unique User Interface. Normally, React would be a suitable option for making the effortless aspects of creating the interactive UI. Choosing to hire React.js developers is the best option for designing all the states of applications.
The React efficiently gets updates so that the professional team would provide you with suitable results in rendering the best component. Normally, there are 8 different ways to style React Js components, such as
-Normal CSS
-Inline CSS
-Styled Components
-CSS in JS
-Sass & SCSS
-CSS module
What Are Inline Styles In React.Js?
The Inline styles in React.js mainly allow configuring through the props. It is quite a convenient option for exposing certain elements in the props. These can be easily configured with user components.
When you have the style constants mainly used across the suite, then they can be easily enabled within the folder to the greatest extent. The process uses the JSX (Using ‘{ }’ ).
Below is an example about using the inline styling for React.js:
For index.js:
import React from 'react'
importReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import App from './App'
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#root'))
import React, { Component } from 'react'
importStudentList from './StudentList'
const App = () => {
return (
addr='Jalpaiguri, West Bengal'
addr=’Rajkot, Gujarat'
addr='Mednipur, West Bengal'
Having the right visual medium is the most important part of working on the web. These mainly enabled better visual aspects suitable for improvising more attributes with adding the markup. These also contribute to changes in the fonts, colour, and many others. It also involves Cascading Style Sheets to the greatest extent.
The web has evolved with the advancement in Web applications as well as JS Frameworks. These play an important part in enabling better practice. When you are looking forward to hiring React.js developers then choosing a skilled and experienced team is helpful. It is a much more significant option for working across frameworks such as React.
The StudentList.js is the component mainly rendered with the App component. They mainly display each student in a more efficient manner. You can easily create the style within React classes
constMyDiv = React.createClass({
render: function() {
const style = {
color: 'white',
fontSize: 200
<div>Have a good and productive day!</div>
; } });
Practices For Inline Style In React.Js:
The word “style” is enabled in React.js to effectively increase the efficiency of the procedures. The format mainly involves enabling the right framework to the extent.
-Appearance — characteristics of the component
-Layout — Nature of component
-Behaviour And State – Process of component and how it looks
React is mainly involved with managing the state of components. They make each style with the state as well as behaviour with a natural fit for the colocation. These involve many components of logic and are assured in saving the data. There is no need to render the state-classes as you can easily add state-styles:
// Typical component with state-classes
className={classnames({ 'todo-list__item': true, 'is-complete': item.complete })} />
// Using inline-styles for state
<li className='todo-list__item'
style={(item.complete) ? styles.complete : {}} />
When using class to style appearance, these do not require any .is- prefixed class along with the behaviour and state. It mainly uses the _.extend (underscore/lodash) or Object.assign (ES6) for extensively adding the support for the multiple states. These can be determined with
// Supporting multiple-states with inline-styles
<li 'todo-list__item'
style={Object.assign({}, item.complete&&styles.complete, item.due&&styles.due )}>
Using the Object.assign mainly lets to make the components completely reusable for various styles. When you are looking for overriding default styles then you can easily enable the call-site using props. These are implemented based on the following:
<TodoItemdueStyle={fontWeight: "bold" } />
<li 'todo-list__item'
Layout In The Inline Style With React.Js:
Inline layout styles are most important for enabling the finest structure. There are more aspects to choosing the CSS layout systems. It is not recommended to add the layout styles directly into the components. The main reason is that they are not effective in providing accurate results.
It is better to wrap your process with the layout components. To enable the layout support, you can easily get the appropriate components based on 100% width as well as height. Below is the example for the Layout using inline style with React.js
// This couples your component to the layout system
// It reduces the reusability of your component
className="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-8"
lastName="Patel" />
// This is much easier to maintain and change
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-8">
lastName="Patel" />
code organization The Inline Style With React.Js:
var styles = {
root: {
display: "block"
item: {
color: "black"
complete: {
textDecoration: "line-through" },
due: {
color: "red"
} }, }
getter functions The Inline Style With React.Js:
getStyles: function () {
return Object.assign(
item.props.complete && styles.complete,
item.props.due && styles.due,
item.props.due && this.props.dueStyles
render: function () {
return <li style={this.getStyles()}>{this.props.item}</li>
How To “Style” Your Web Page Using React?
React mainly has its unique features, and there is no extra tool required for supporting it. The React supports your website based on the various elements that include
-The style prop
-The style tag
-CSS style sheets
Normally, the style prop would be efficient for JS objects using the CSS properties. Inline styles allow you to easily get the best quality solution. They are limited to quick things that you require to access. These values, along with translating the inlines styles of elements
// JSX
<div style={{ color:'red'}}>
React Js
<div style="color:red;">
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Style tag and CSS style sheets are quite different, mainly allowing to work with pure HTML markup. One of the differences between these two is the theclassName prop, and no class is used. Style tag and CSS style sheets have the id prop as well as className prop.
className={isSmall ? 'side-bar--small' : 'side-bar'}
<div id="side-bar" class="side-bar"/>
Inline styling is much more helpful for creating objects of style. These are suitable options for rendering the inside of every component with style attributing the React technique. It mainly incorporates JavaScript variables along with the JSX.
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This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by DEV Community

DEV Community | Sciencx (2022-03-10T09:53:25+00:00) Best Practices For Inline Style In React.Js. Retrieved from
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