This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Simon Hönscheid
There are situations when you want to store secrets like passwords, tokens
or usernames in Hiera. The default way to do this is to use Hieras e(ncrypted)YAML
implementation based on PKCS7.
Pros and cons of the two EYAML mechanisms
eYAML uses a public/private keypair. The public key goes out to all users. They are able to encrypt content; then, the private key is stored somewhere
safe and on the Puppetservers. This key is the only way to decrypt content.
This is pretty easy to configure, but might become an issue if team members leave the company. In practical teams were no additional passwordmanager is in place, users often have the complete keypair to be able to look things up and use the hiera files as a password database, which increases the risk of compromising the keypair.
build in
easy to configure
might cause security issues
eYAML-GPG uses public/private keypairs too, but each user and
Puppetserver has its own pair. It is relatively easy to add/remove users from
the allowed list of receipients. GPG is often already in use,
so every user already has a keypair.
each user/server has its own keypair
add/remove users as needed
recrypt content so it is unreadable to former users, even if they take
data and their keys with them
not build in
needs a bit of setup
The project on Github:
Let's set it up
You need to have a running Puppetmaster 6 or newer and a workstation with a local Ruby which
is NOT the one shipped with Puppet. We will note why this
is important later.
Install the needed Gems packages
There are two different GPG implementations for Ruby: ruby_gpg is the native implementation, but only able to decrypt content. Gpgme is the
full feature implementation, able to encrypt and decrypt content. However, it needs to be compiled, so it is not usable with the JRuby used by the
Puppetserver. Therefore, we install the distributions Ruby.
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver gem install ruby_gpg
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver gem install hiera-eyaml hiera-eyaml-gpg
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install ruby_gpg
sudo opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver gem install ruby_gpg
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev
sudo gem install hiera-eyaml-gpg gpgme puppet
The software requirements are installed now.
Generating the GPG keypairs
Generating the Puppetmaster keypair
gpg --full-generate-key
Follow the options and DON'T protect the key with a passphrase.
Generating the users cert
gpg --full-generate-key
Follow the options and protect the key with a passphrase.
Export the keypairs
check the Keypairs
gpg -K
sec rsa4096 2020-05-29 [SC]
uid [ ultimativ ] Puppet Server (the gpg key of the puppetserver) <>
ssb rsa4096 2020-05-29 [E]
sec rsa4096 2020-05-29 [SC]
uid [ ultimativ ] Puppet User (the puppet users gpg key) <>
ssb rsa4096 2020-05-29 [E]
Export the private keys
gpg --export-secret-key -a "" > puppetuser.gpg.sec
gpg --export-secret-key -a "" > puppetserver.gpg.sec
Export the public keys
gpg --export -a "" >
gpg --export -a "" >
Let's get the Hiera structure ready
vim hiera.yaml
version: 5
- name: "my hierachy structure"
lookup_key: eyaml_lookup_key
gpg_gnupghome: /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/.gnupg
- "common.yaml"
Encrypt your first secret
Import keypairs
First import the keys to the system.
Due to the fact that this is a demo system, you also need to import the
Puppetuser's private key to a systemuser.
Normally this would remain on a workstation or development server.
sudo cp puppetserver.gpg.sec /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/key
sudo chown puppet:puppet /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/key
sudo su puppet -s /bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/gpg --import /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/key'
gpg --import puppetuser.gpg.sec
Finish by restarting the Puppetserver.
systemctl restart puppetserver.service
Add scrips and public keys to data directory of your puppet repository
There are two scripts which make it very handy to work
with Hiera eYAML-GPG:
Use this script to edit a file with encryped content or add new blocks.
Change the Puppetserver Key to your needs.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "[-] Please specify a file to edit.."
exit 1
grep $puppetserver_key $recipient_file > /dev/null || { echo "ERROR: ${puppetserver_key} not in recipient file ${recipient_file}. This may NEVER happen!"; exit 1; }
if [ ! -e $1 ]; then
echo "[*] Specified file argument $1 does not exist, creating it for you..."
touch $1
echo -e "[*] Importing new public keys..."
gpg --import gpg_pubkeys/*
echo -e "[*] Editing the following file: $1"
echo -e "[*] Recipients are:"
cat $recipient_file
echo ""
eyaml edit --gpg-always-trust --gpg-recipients-file $recipient_file $1
Use this script to recrypt all files with encryped content
after a team member joins or leaves.
Change the Puppetserver key to fit your needs.
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
encrypted_files=`grep -Rl "ENC\[GPG" *`
grep $puppetserver_key $recipient_file > /dev/null || { echo "ERROR: ${puppetserver_key} not in recipient file ${recipient_file}. This must NEVER happen!"; exit 1; }
echo -e "[*] Reencrypting the following files:\n $encrypted_files\n"
echo -e "[*] Recipients are:"
cat $recipient_file
echo ""
for item in $encrypted_files ; do
echo "[*] Reencrypting $item"
eyaml recrypt --gpg-always-trust --gpg-recipients-file $recipient_file $item
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo -e "[+] Successfully reencrypted $item\n"
echo "[-] Reencryption of $item failed, this is bad!"
echo "[-] Please investigate what went wrong and DO NOT PUSH THIS!!"
exit 1
echo "[+] Reencryption of all files was successful"
Populate the gpg_recipients file
This file contains all email adresses or key IDs of all puppetservers
or team members.
If a team member joins or leaves, add or remove their key.
Put GPG public keys in gpg_pubkeys directory
cp gpg_pubkeys/
cp gpg_pubkeys/
If a team member joins or leaves, add or remove their key.
Putting it all together
Copy scrips and files to your Hiera data directory.
cp -r gpg_recipients gpg_pubkeys/ data/
Time to encrypt your first secret
The script will open your favorite editor. If this has not been defined yet, a prompt will open up to ask.
./ common.yaml
[*] Importing new public keys...
gpg: key 77DC5816AD58E28E: "Puppet Server (the gpg key of the puppetserver) <>" not changed
gpg: key E24907C2260F6FA7: "Puppet User (the puppet users gpg key) <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg: unchanged: 2
[*] Editing the following file: common.yaml
[*] Recipients are:
# | This is eyaml edit mode. This text (lines starting with # | at the top of
# | the file) will be removed when you save and exit.
# | - To edit encrypted values, change the content of the DEC(<num>)::PKCS7[]!
# | block (or DEC(<num>)::GPG[]!).
# | WARNING: DO NOT change the number in the parentheses.
# | - To add a new encrypted value copy and paste a new block from the
# | appropriate example below. Note that:
# | * the text to encrypt goes in the square brackets
# | * ensure you include the exclamation mark when you copy and paste
# | * you must not include a number when adding a new block
# | e.g. DEC::PKCS7[]! -or- DEC::GPG[]!
super_secret_test: 'DEC::GPG[super secret string]!'
Save this. The output with cat
will look like this:
super_secret_test: 'ENC[GPG,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]'
Congrats! Check the lookup
Let's check if we can use puppet lookup
to check the value. We should get cleartext.
HIERA_EYAML_GPG_GNUPGHOME=~/.gnupg puppet lookup 'super_secret_test'
--- super secret string
Setup done.
Adding and removing team members
- edit gpg_recipients
- add/remove public key to/from gpg_pubkeys directory
- run
- commit
- merge
- done
Known pitfalls
Data Structures
YAML literal blocks do not work.
key: |
more content
Other complex structures might not work either.
The quote always goes around the encryption.
'DEC(1)::GPG[super secret string]!'
The index number and copying values
Yes, it's totally valid to copy a value in edit mode and paste it again,
but be aware:
Index numbers are counted by file and are always uneven. So if you copy, don't forget to remove the index. It will be added automatically.
super_secret_test: 'DEC(1)::GPG[super secret string]!'
super_secret_test_two: 'DEC::GPG[super secret string too]!'
Next edit:
super_secret_test: 'DEC(1)::GPG[super secret string]!'
super_secret_test_two: 'DEC(3)::GPG[super secret string too]!'
Have fun using Hiera eYAML-GPG!
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Simon Hönscheid
Simon Hönscheid | Sciencx (2022-04-10T17:46:49+00:00) Using EYAML-GPG to store secrets in Hiera. Retrieved from
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