This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Sifar J
Adults always tell us to not play games for prolonged periods. But, they encourage playing educational games. Are educational games really better compared to traditional learning?
Short answer: yes. They most probably do.
While there is no definite answer and studies are still ongoing, many studies favour video games being better than traditional learning.
In a study from 2006, the experimenter developed a game for students with dyscalculia. The students were given 5 weeks to complete the game. It was found that all students could solve numerical tasks better and had a boost in their confidence!
Various other studies conducted from 2000 to 2010 support this claim. All of them say educational video games are why their perception of mathematics improved; they got motivation and were able to perform better.
A study covered on CNN in 2016 shows that students who spent more time gaming than browsing social media performed 4% higher.
A Stanford study states that games today focus more on teaching skills rather than the ability to think. They focus on retention rather than understanding.
And I agree with that study. Games can bring about a revolution in the education industry. Education approaches might be entirely different for the next generation. We need to reduce today's rote-learning strategies with more practical-based learning. If we can somehow make engaging games which will also help the player develop an ability to think, education all across the globe could be revolutionised and made a lot better.
I truly admire all the companies making educational games and trying to make students' lives easier. I am a student, and using games to learn helps me understand and solidify concepts quicker. In this 'information era', game-based learning can significantly improve education.
This is precisely what engineer Harshad Saykhedkar ( and I are trying to do at Pledu Interactive. We're creating science-based courses with many games to help students learn concepts. Check Pledu Interactive out at:
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Thanks for reading!
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Sifar J

Sifar J | Sciencx (2022-06-14T06:27:28+00:00) Effect of educational games on kids and teenagers. Retrieved from
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