This content originally appeared on Google Developers Blog and was authored by Google Developers
Posted by Julia DeLorenzo, Program Manager, Coding Competitions
Over the past several months, participants have worked their way through multiple rounds of algorithmic coding challenges, and solved some of the most challenging competitive programming problems. The field has been narrowed down from tens of thousands of participants, to the top competitors who will face off at the World Finals on August 5th, 2022.
Join us 16:30 UTC for a livestream to see which one of these finalists will be crowned the Code Jam 2022 World Champion, winning the grand prize of $15,000 USD!
Here are this year's finalists sharing their favorite music genres, tips, fun facts, and more.
This year's Code Jam World Finalists are:
 | Antonio Molina LovettHandle: y0105w49
What's your favorite music to listen to while coding? “Always looping the Vicious Delicious album by Infected Mushroom.” |
 | Yuhao DuHandle: xll114514
Code Jam claim to fame: This is Yuhao’s second time at the Code Jam World Finals, previously competing in the 2021 World Finals. |
 | Benjamin Qi Handle: Benq
What's your favorite 2022 Code Jam Problem? “Qualification Round - Twisty Little Passages. First time I used importance sampling in a contest!” |
 | Sangsoo Park Handle: molamola
What does your handle mean? "1. I personally like sunfish :) 2. I like the way it sounds. 3. Mola is pronounced "몰라" in Korean, which means "I don't know".” |
 | Daniel Rutschmann Handle: dacin21
What's the best coding competition advice you've ever received? “Have fun and always try to challenge yourself by solving problems that seem too difficult at first.” |
 | Mingyang Deng Handle: CauchySheep
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I love random walking.” |
 | Gennady Korotkevich Handle: Gennady.Korotkevich
What’s your favorite 2022 Code Jam Problem? “Saving the Jelly from Round 2 took the most creativity to solve!” |
 | Alexander Golovanov Handle: Golovanov399
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I have 11 musical instruments, most of which I can only play on a level "may accompany in a song I know." |
 | Andrew He Handle: ecnerwala
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Andrew’s fourth time competing in the Code Jam World Finals, having competed in 2019, 2020, and 2021 previously. |
 | Aleksei Esin Handle: ImBarD
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I love bungee jumping.” |
 | Lingyu Jiang Handle: jiangly
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? This is Lingyu’s first time competing in the Code Jam World Finals. |
 | Kevin Sun Handle: ksun48
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Kevin’s third time competing in the Code Jam World Finals, having competed in 2019 and 2020 previously. |
 | Lukas Michel Handle: lumibons
What does your handle mean? “It's a combination of letters from my name and the name of the village where I grew up.” |
 | Matvii Aslandukov Handle: BigBag
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I enjoy playing sports such as tennis, table tennis, volleyball, football, as well as playing piano and guitar.” |
 | Borys Minaiev Handle: qwerty787788
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “A year ago I started doing buildering and we created a chat with just 3 people in it. Now there are almost 100 participants. Who could imagine it would grow so fast?” |
 | Yahor Dubovik Handle: mhg
What's your favorite music to listen to while coding? “Red Hot Chilli Peppers.” |
 | Mateusz RadeckiHandle: Radewoosh
What's the best coding competition advice you've ever received? “Becoming good isn't about creating a chance to solve a problem. It's about removing a chance to not solve a problem.” |
 | Nikolay KalininHandle: KalininN
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I'm an experimentalist in laser physics, also I love traveling and photography.” |
 | Simon LindholmHandle: simonlindholm
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I've been really into the Super Mario 64 A Button Challenge recently, and N64 game decompilation. Also, mushroom hunting.” |
 | Kento NikaidoHandle: Snuke
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I'm a cat. My recent hobby is Sed Puzzle” |
 | Tiancheng LouHandle: ACRushTC
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Tiancheng’s eighth Code Jam World Finals, having previously competed in the World Finals in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2019, 2021. |
 | Aleksei DaniliukHandle: Um_nik
What’s your favorite 2022 Code Jam Problem? "I, O Bot from Round 2, because it was actually a competitive programming problem” |
 | Yuta TakayaHandle: yutaka1999
What’s your favorite 2022 Code Jam Problem? “Saving the Jelly. It is mainly because I solved it in the last five minutes of the contest.” |
 | Konstantin SemenovHandle: zemen
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Konstantin’s third Code Jam World Finals, having previously competed in the World Finals in 2017 and 2018. |
 | Masa OgiHandle: NyaanNyaan
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Masa’s first Code Jam World Finals! |
 | Marek Sokołowski Handle: mnbvmar
What does your handle mean? “Not a deep one, really (though some of my buddies may disagree!). In fact, it's just a few consecutive keys on the keyboard and a prefix of my name.” |
Watch the Code Jam World Finals Livestream
Join us on
August 5 at 16:30 UTC for a
livestream of the Code Jam 2022 World Finals
Watch all the action unfold as the Code Jam team broadcasts live from Google New York. You'll have an opportunity to hear from our team, see Code Jam engineers explain the problems from the round, and watch live as we reveal the scoreboard and announce this year's winners!
At the end, one of these finalists will be crowned the Code Jam 2022 World Champion, winning the grand prize of $15,000 USD. Good luck to all the finalists and as always, happy coding!
This content originally appeared on Google Developers Blog and was authored by Google Developers