This content originally appeared on DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 and was authored by shrey vijayvargiya
Every friday night, the geeky developers fond of getting dirty in new stuffs are often end up wasting time on long hours youtube video.
Don’t you fell this often, that the courses you have watched doesn’t teach you much 🤔?
Even after spending so many hours watching the video nothing apart from new knowledgeable words are extracted 😁, only tech vocabulary become strong and diversified 😂
Don’t tell me you haven’t switched on those one hours clone youtube videos from clever programmer?😩
Every time I switched on the video, I used to get excited and feel like I have learnt new skill once the video is over.
The main reason is I’ve this pre-conceived notion about those videos, that once the video is watched, the process is instilled and I know how to do it😁😁, no need to read docs, understand the fundamentals and basics.
I mean that believe might be correct but not everytime and I will come to this later in the story.
Even if it comes to udemy courses it always feels like those videos are not teaching too much, nowadays, I am finding that authorized and custom docs are more knowledgeable and easy to memorize.
But wait, the story doesn’t turing to the fact that youtube videos are not the good source to learn and develop skills.
Take the youtube statistics of your leant skillset from internet. I mean more than 50% of the skills will be developed via or through youtube, right ?
Who actually pay to udemy when you have a pool of free stuffs on your fingertips. I am the college graduates and being indian the best thing I know is JUGAAD.
We indians are first taught how to save rather than spent or even invest. We indians, always strive for best but cost efficiently, So not having too much money during the graduation days we always end coming with so-called JUGAAD to fulfil our requirements.
Let me give the crisp and important breakthrough of today’s story, the new JUGAAD of learning fast and efficient from youtube.
Next time when you watch youtube video instead of bringing pen and paper, or headphones just open vs-code and start doing exactly whatever that youtube guy is doing. That’s it.
No rocket science, I know, you are more smarter, experience and you must have tried or already knew this , to whatever category you fall into, next time do exactly what I am jotting down —
- Open the youtube video**
- Open your favourite code editor even google doc will work(for people preparing for google interviews)
- Play that stupid youtube video and do as it is, no excuse, no overthinking and no procastination, you only have to sit for 50/60 minutes and follow that teacher so called Youtuber.
In India, the teachers are called gurus and we have this say that whatever guru says do it without asking any questions, just blindfoldly follow him.
May be this can’t be followed in today’s generation but when it comes to learning new skills then who plays the better role than a teacher.
So next time you start the video of your guru and blindfodly follow him as it is and try to do the same thing with him, you can even pause the video if you are taking new to the concepts.
What happen next?
I can only share my experiences, if I do whatever my guru is saying, I am certain about learning a new way of doing new thing.
Of course you will not become the master on one go but once you finished the video and when your code is complete you have learnt a lot, really a lot than just watching.
Execution taught you the ground level difficulties, execution brings experiences so more the execution level of mindset you will acquire more you will learn and explore fast, the more experience you will gain.
I believe that is why lot of youtubers used to insists the viewers to keep doing whatever they are doing.
Watching youtube video without doing simultaneously is just a plan without execution
Most of the youtubers have learnt things before creating that video and they can teach only after they have learnt it, right?
So how did those youtubers learn, how did I learn before sharing code on medium?, how did you will learn when you share or will share your codebase?
It’s simple, the answer is “by doing, execution!!!!”.
You can’t just watch the video and be confident that you can share and teach it in one go, unless you have mastered that topic.
By just watching video never be confident that you have gain the clarity and learned the stuff, say that you have known and understand the concept but still need to get yourself dirty.
Doing the exact same thing as it is being taught in video is the only way to learn fast and efficient. I can go on and on about benefits of writing code while youtube video but let’s summarise in 2 sentences -
- Saves lot of time, you don’t have to read docs, third person codebase.
- You are coming up with the project and codebase at the end, once the video is finished you have atleast the basic codebase to share, trust me this 24 hour hackathon is done using this one single principle 😁
I’ve tried and it you too can if works well share with me.
Until next time, have a good day, People.
Keep developing
This content originally appeared on DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 and was authored by shrey vijayvargiya

shrey vijayvargiya | Sciencx (2022-11-07T08:07:01+00:00) Long youtube videos are a waste of time unless….. Retrieved from
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