This content originally appeared on Codrops and was authored by Mary Lou

Inspirational Website of the Week: Constance Souville Portfolio
The last inspirational website of the week is Constance Souville’s lovely portfolio which boasts a visually appealing and distinctive design with engaging details.

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Transformational solutions and digital growth, enhance your shopify/e-commerce store and mobile app.

A lightweight CMS for blogs, podcasts, documents and more. Self-hosted on Cloudflare.

React Wrap Balancer
A simple React component that makes titles more readable. Made by Shu Ding.

Koi Pond
Scott Darby made this wonderful interactive koi pond demo with a heightfield water simulation, real-time refractions and a generative night sky that’s different each time.

Nuno Maduro made OpenAI PHP for Laravel which is a supercharged community PHP API client that allows you to interact with the Open AI API.

EFA World Cup 2022
A cool interactive website with an eco-friendly activities contest.

Framer Awards 2022
The Framer team is inviting you to design and publish your most creative site and join the #FramerAwards2022. The Framer team will review all submissions and announce winners in the end of January.

Things CSS Could Still Use Heading Into 2023
Chris Coyier shares his thoughts on the exciting possibilities for the future of CSS in this article, offering a collection of innovative ideas for what the styling language could achieve.

A CSS challenge: Skewed Highlight
Sacha Greif recently issued a challenge on Twitter, daring his followers to create a visually striking highlighter effect using only CSS. Vadim Makeev accepted the challenge and set to work on coding a solution.

An interactive song by Yotam Mann with visual design by Sarah Rothberg. Scroll to play it!

CSS Subgrid
Get ahead of the game and learn about the potential of subgrid in web design with Rachel Andrew’s informative article on the subject.

2022 Roundup of Web Research
Geoff Graham from CSS-Tricks has compiled the annual roundup of the latest front-end research, showcasing this year’s trends and offering insights into what we can expect in the coming year.

This handy tool allows you to preview and compare your local fonts against various background colors, making it easy to select the most fitting font for your newxt project.

This is the year of the RSS reader. (Really!)
Nikki Usher’s prediction for the next year: a better, bigger, bolder RSS reader.

If you need to access and manipulate the clipboard on a remote machine, this tool makes it easy to do so.

Obscure CSS: Restoring Visibility
In this article, Roman Komarov talks about one of the interesting aspects of the visibility propery in CSS and proposes a bold idea: what if we would never use visibility: visible

Parsify Desktop
In case you didn’t know about it: Parsify Desktop is a next generation, notepad-based calculator, built with extendibility and privacy in mind.

From Our Blog
UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #27
Looking for a fresh burst of animation inspiration? Check out this new collection of creative Dribbble shots.

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Where is my website traffic and how do I get more?
Some straight facts about search engine traffic: 51% of all website traffic is driven by SEO, 40% of all online revenue is driven by SEO, 72% of search traffic goes to the first 10 results on the first page. We have the formula to get your website the conversions you are looking for! Book your complimentary SEO call.
This content originally appeared on Codrops and was authored by Mary Lou

Mary Lou | Sciencx (2022-12-30T01:22:45+00:00) Collective #745. Retrieved from
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