Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization

If you’re reading this, perhaps it’s not too late. Chances are, however, that you’ve experienced the dread of receiving an unexpectedly large cloud bill. Alternatively, you may be new to AWS, and this article can help you avoid making the same mistake….

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Augusto Valdivia

If you're reading this, perhaps it's not too late. Chances are, however, that you've experienced the dread of receiving an unexpectedly large cloud bill. Alternatively, you may be new to AWS, and this article can help you avoid making the same mistake. In our industry, it's all too easy to fall prey to common mistakes, such as leaving an EC2 instance running for too long, resulting in costly charges that can quickly accumulate. That's why I've written this article, to assist you in avoiding these financial headaches and taking advantage of a more efficient and cost-effective infrastructure.

Have you ever seen the meme of two men talking? One is dressed nicely and asks the second, who looks like a homeless person, "How did you end up homeless? Gambling or drugs?" The second man responds, "I left an EC2 instance on." Unfortunately, for those of us in the tech industry, we know all too well the not-so-funny reality behind this joke. One of the biggest culprits is accidentally leaving an EC2 instance up and running, resulting in sky-high bills that can quickly drain a budget.

money burn

Don't worry, I've got your back. In this article, you will discover a solution that can help you avoid this financial nightmare. We will explore the benefits of a fully serverless infrastructure using AWS Lambda and AWS Event Bridge. Implementing this powerful combination not only offers fascinating possibilities but also has the potential to save you and your company thousands of dollars in unnecessary charges.

money save

Before we dive into the details, if you're unfamiliar with AWS Instances or EC2, I recommend checking out my previous article where I explained what EC2 is and how to deploy them using Terraform. You will need the instance ID's to complete this article. Here's the link to the article return when you're ready to continue.

Now that you're back, this article assumes you have some basic knowledge of EC2, AWS Lambda, and Event Bridge. Let's get to the fun part, let me describe what this deployment will look like. We will be using Terraform to manage our infrastructure as code. Terraform is an open-source tool that allows you to define your infrastructure in code, making it easier to maintain, version, and share. By using Terraform, we can easily create and manage our AWS resources, including our EC2 instance, Event Bridge, and Lambda functions.

Our architecture will consist of two Lambda functions - one to start the EC2 instance and another to stop it. These functions will be triggered by an Event Bridge rule on a cron schedule, allowing us to automate the starting and stopping of our EC2 instance at a specific time every day.

Lambda code previous:

data "template_file" "ec2_start_large" {
  count = length(local.source_files)

  template = file(element(local.source_files, count.index))

data "archive_file" "ec2_start_large_events" {
  type        = "zip"
  output_path = "start.zip"

  source {
    content  = data.template_file.ec2_start_large.0.rendered
    filename = basename(local.source_files[0])


resource "aws_lambda_function" "ec2_start_large_lambda" {
  description = "EC2 large EC2"
  function_name    = "start-ec2-large"
  handler          = "start.handler"
  filename         = "${data.archive_file.ec2_start_large_events.output_path}"
  source_code_hash = "${data.archive_file.ec2_start_large_events.output_base64sha256}"
  role             =  aws_iam_role.lambda_role.arn
  memory_size      = 128
  runtime          = "python3.9"
  timeout          = 3
  publish  = true
  depends_on = [

  tracing_config {
    mode = "PassThrough"

   tags = {
    Project = "large_ec2"

EventBridge code previous:

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "start_event_rule" {
    name = "start-large-ec2"
    schedule_expression = "cron(0 12 * * ? *)"

    tags = {
    Project = "large_ec2"

Using Lambda functions, we can execute code without having to worry about provisioning or managing servers, further reducing our costs. Additionally, leveraging EventBridge will allow us to easily manage our events and automate our workflows, improving our efficiency and reducing the risk of human error.

I think it's time for a break. Let's stretch our legs or grab a coffee. In the next section, we will cover our project and provide a detailed GitHub repository that includes a step-by-step guide on how to complete and master this serverless infrastructure. In the meantime, if you know someone who could benefit from this article, please share it, or leave a comment below with your thoughts.

See you soon and remember to terminate your EC2 instances if you are no longer using them😉!

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Augusto Valdivia

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Augusto Valdivia | Sciencx (2023-04-29T15:51:31+00:00) Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization. Retrieved from https://www.scien.cx/2023/04/29/terraform-lambda-and-event-bridge-the-perfect-trio-for-aws-cost-optimization/

" » Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization." Augusto Valdivia | Sciencx - Saturday April 29, 2023, https://www.scien.cx/2023/04/29/terraform-lambda-and-event-bridge-the-perfect-trio-for-aws-cost-optimization/
Augusto Valdivia | Sciencx Saturday April 29, 2023 » Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization., viewed ,<https://www.scien.cx/2023/04/29/terraform-lambda-and-event-bridge-the-perfect-trio-for-aws-cost-optimization/>
Augusto Valdivia | Sciencx - » Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from: https://www.scien.cx/2023/04/29/terraform-lambda-and-event-bridge-the-perfect-trio-for-aws-cost-optimization/
" » Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization." Augusto Valdivia | Sciencx - Accessed . https://www.scien.cx/2023/04/29/terraform-lambda-and-event-bridge-the-perfect-trio-for-aws-cost-optimization/
" » Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization." Augusto Valdivia | Sciencx [Online]. Available: https://www.scien.cx/2023/04/29/terraform-lambda-and-event-bridge-the-perfect-trio-for-aws-cost-optimization/. [Accessed: ]
» Terraform, Lambda, and Event Bridge: The perfect trio for AWS cost optimization | Augusto Valdivia | Sciencx | https://www.scien.cx/2023/04/29/terraform-lambda-and-event-bridge-the-perfect-trio-for-aws-cost-optimization/ |

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