10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025

With the AI industry growing exponentially, you’re probably wondering what else is coming. Many creative professionals, especially, are concerned about how AI might affect them and their work.

AI trends in businessAI trends in businessAI trends in business
AI app trends point to continuous growth, application, and adoption of AI systems. (Image source: Envato)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)—the approximation of human intelligence by computer systems—used to be the stuff of science fiction, but now it permeates almost all aspects of our lives. For an overview of what AI is, study this tutorial:

In this article, we’ll look at some AI trends and predictions, specifically how AI will affect business and the way we work.

10 AI trends people are talking about now

Let’s face it: you’re probably bombarded by all things AI. It shows up everywhere. Sometimes it feels hard to go to any website without a mention of an “AI assistant” or other tool. You’re wondering how to use AI successfully. What can AI do for you?

AI is the wave of the future—and that means you can’t be a follower. You have to be on the cutting edge. Below, I’m going to walk you through ten AI trends to expect in 2025. 

1. AI hiring goes to the next level

Hiring for a job? Trying to get a job? Odds are, you’re going to encounter AI, whether you know it or not. This is a classic demonstration of what AI can do. Why? Because it’s doing two things. First, it’s automating tedious manual work that real people used to do. And second, it’s improving on human capabilities by removing bias. 

The boring stuff comes first. Many companies get hundreds—or even thousands—of applications for just one role. Think how long it takes for a real person to read through them (if they read them at all). AI can automate the process, finding well-qualified candidates in seconds, not weeks. You’ll see a common theme with many AI industry trends like this: AI is automating manual human labor.

Deel AIDeel AIDeel AI
HR-focused AI tools like Deel help automate an array of HR functions in 2025 and beyond.

In hiring, AI can also remove human bias. By reading applications and resumes, it can dial into candidates that are strictly skill-based. Let’s face it: many job decisions are made due to human biases. When used well, AI can transcend these to ensure the best person really does get the job.

AI has proven to be immeasurably helpful for hiring managers. In 2025, you’ll see that continue to grow and expand. Imagine what’s next! We may soon see AI being used to make job offers, onboard candidates, and more. 

2. Job applicants strike back with AI

AI isn’t only helping hiring managers. Looking for a new role? Then AI can help you. This is one of the top generative AI trends for 2025.

Unfortunately, job searching is often a numbers game. Using AI can help you keep up. If hundreds of people are applying for every job, it stands to reason many are getting a powerful AI assist. You can’t beat them, so join them, and do it fast.

AI job search tools are the wave of the future. Vanishing are the days of typing in random job titles and finding a list of (increasingly unrelated) matches. With these AI industry trends in 2025, it’s easier than ever to find roles perfectly matched to your unique skills and experience.

artificial intelligence trends in job searchartificial intelligence trends in job searchartificial intelligence trends in job search
Job seekers can also take advantage of AI app trends. (Image source: Envato)

More job applicants are using generative AI (GenAI) to write more effective resumes and cover letters. First and foremost, they look and read better. Secondly, they can get past ATS and other screening systems. 

Learn more about Applicant Tracking Systems in this tutorial:

AI also automates the creation of job applications tailored to specific job descriptions. Then there are AI tools to help applicants optimize their digital presence, such as their LinkedIn profiles. Try it yourself, and you’ll be wowed by the benefits. Truly this is a win-win: you save time, while generating a better outcome.

Try generative AI for interview prep, too. Wondering what your interview questions will be? Get AI to serve up a list of possible questions, and practice your answers. Find the right model, and you can even simulate interviews and get feedback based on your own responses. It’s a risk-free way to prepare to ace any interview.

And if that’s still not enough, job seekers can try another AI app trend: AI-driven virtual career advisors. Available 24/7, these can answer career-related questions and give personalized career counseling. As with other AI apps, these can continuously learn and adapt to the individual needs of the job seeker.

3. GenAI advancements power up marketing and communications

There’s already a term for it: “AI marketing”, or the use of AI in different marketing activities. GenAI is already being used to create content—text, images, video, and audio—in response to prompts. As one of the latest AI trends, you’ll see marketing use of AI explode in 2025. 

Envato’s AI ImageGen tool, for example, makes it easy for marketers to generate all the branding collateral they need for a campaign, with simple text prompts. Learn how to use AI ImageGen.

ai imagegenai imagegenai imagegen

Marketers and communicators have been using GenAI to create:

  • blog posts
  • advertising copy
  • promotional materials
  • videos

And AI industry trends indicate that it’s only getting better. The next generation of GenAI is “multi-modal.” These are AI systems that can accept different types of inputs. They can produce various forms of output as well. For example, a mobile app can receive inputs in the form of speech and images, and respond through spoken word, images, and video.

Explore more about the future of AI-driven marketing in this TED Talk from Jessica Apotheker:

AI apps are increasingly being used in other aspects of marketing and communication. These include:

  • content personalization
  • media buying
  • automating campaigns
  • predictive analytics
  • making targeting decisions

4. AI enhances productivity, engagement, and happiness

Don’t think of AI simply as a website you go to and get answers to prompts that you type in. While it surely is that, AI is really so much more. The 2025 AI trends clearly show that AI will permeate all aspects of our lives. It naturally follows that it won’t just be a tool found on our computers. No, AI will be everywhere—and it already works to boost productivity, happiness, and engagement.

The Internet of Things (IoT), or physical objects connected to the internet, will soon give way to “the Artificial Intelligence of Things” (AIoT). And AIoT can go a long way toward helping us become more productive, engaged at work, and happier overall. Everything from wearable devices to home appliances and the vehicle you drive can have AIoT. 

Your smart watch that tracks your activity level, heart rate, and sleep and reminds you to stand up and drink water? That’s just one example.

Another example is a time tracker. It runs in the background while you work. It monitors how much focused time you’ve got every day or week, reminds you of messages needing a response, and so much more.

From collaboration and goal-setting to work-life balance and mental health, AI-driven applications continue to grow. If you can think of it, there’s probably an AI app for it!

5. Augmented working makes humans better at their jobs

Contrary to some popular beliefs, not all jobs can be done by AI. But nearly any job can be done better in collaboration with AI! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking AI is a direct replacement for human effort as a whole. Instead, it’s a smart tool to use to work better, smarter, and more efficiently. 

This is what’s known as augmented working. It’s already becoming widely used in health and medicine, for example. Doctors are using AI to help them make more accurate diagnoses. In operating rooms, “surgery assistants” are helping surgeons with suturing and tissue manipulation. 

“Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.” — Ginni Rometty, former CEO of IBM

Think about it: if these latest AI trends are at work in hospitals, they can surely help you in your own work. The key here is to think creatively. Need a boost on insights, data analysis, or task automation? There’s likely a GenAI tool suited to your needs.

6. AI continues to improve customer experience

Companies are embracing AI industry trends in the realm of customer service. If you’ve logged onto the website of your bank, favorite store, or even food delivery service, you’ve probably found an AI chatbot already. What do these mean to you?

AI chatbots can give faster and more accurate responses, and they can do it at a lower cost to businesses. While some specialized inquiries may yet require human intervention, the majority of others really don’t. AI systems can draw from a broad knowledge base. What’s more: they can learn from interactions and become smarter, more accurate, and more reliable day by day.

AI can also give customers a more personalized experience. GenAI shopping advisors are a good example of trends in AI in this area. Walmart has already unveiled various AI-powered experiences for its customers. This includes AI-enhanced search to offer more relevant results when you search their site. 

There’s also a GenAI assistant to help with more complex purchases. You can even explore augmented reality (AR) tools to help buy the right furniture for your space! In real time, you can see a new sofa or table previewed live in your own home. AI-powered try-on tools even let you see how specific makeup products would look on your face.

7. AI grows in robustness, application, and adoption

AI systems are growing by leaps and bounds. Small wonder that the AI market is expected to grow twentyfold by 2030. Increased investments, research, and development of AI technology mean it continues to improve. For example, AI “hallucinations”—false or incorrect responses from GenAI—may soon become a thing of the past. 

You can also look forward to increased integration of AI into every aspect of our lives. Imagine multi-modal and multi-sensory applications. Everything from your eyeglasses to your shoes may soon have AI.

Other exciting AI industry trends include the move from GenAI to “Agentic AI.” These AI agents are more advanced in that they’ve got more autonomy and proactivity. GenAI simply responds to human inputs or prompts. But Agentic AI can “understand their environment, set goals, and act to achieve those objectives without direct human intervention.” 

Better features and increased use of AI-powered tools may fuel fears of AI taking over human jobs. But the other way to look at it is that these new applications will create more AI-related jobs. These run the gamut from software engineers and data scientists to AI engineers and computer vision engineers. 

Other AI-related jobs include business intelligence (BI) developers, AI research scientists, deep learning engineers, and more. And let’s not forget that AI apps will always need a sales force and marketing team. Plus, there will be plenty of opportunities for AI prompt writers and engineers. 

“Nobody phrases it this way, but I think that artificial intelligence is almost a humanities discipline. It’s really an attempt to understand human intelligence and human cognition.” — Sebastian Thrun, computer scientist, CEO of Kitty Hawk Corporation, and chairman and co-founder of Udacity

Contrary to popular belief, the public is increasingly accepting AI interactions. According to a Pew Research survey on US adults’ perceptions of AI, 45% of respondents are equally concerned and excited about AI applications, and 18% are more excited than concerned. The latter are excited about the time savings and efficiencies that AI can bring. They’re also focused on how AI can make work safer and easier. On the other hand, 37% are more concerned than excited. 

In 2025, AI still brings with it major concerns. These center on the potential loss of jobs, privacy encroachment, and loss of human connection.

8. Models, models everywhere: Your AI options are expanding

Most of us first became aware of AI when ChatGPT came on the scene. Indeed, this was the first “mass-market” AI productivity chatbot. But it’s long since stopped being your only option. Indeed, there are countless GenAI LLM (large-language models) out there today. 

Now, you can choose from ChatGPT, Llama, Anthropic’s Claude, and so many more. What this really means is a rise in competition. And as with any industry, this robust competition is working to make each individual product better. It’s hard to read a tech newsletter these days without finding out about an improved release of a popular AI LLM, and new tools are emerging on the scene seemingly daily.

With AI’s explosive growth, expect to see even more models arriving in 2025. As AI industry trends focus on broad adoption and smarter results, new tools will move into the existing AI space. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and you’ll constantly have new options to choose from.

And those existing tools—like ChatGPT—will continue to evolve and get better. Of course, much of this is thanks to the tireless work of developers, but AI has the capability of learning on its own. As models are used more and more, they’ll get better and better. 

9. AI is everywhere, including your favorite legacy apps

As I mentioned before, AI isn’t just something you log into and use. It’s growing in adoption all over the map—including in your favorite legacy apps and on your favorite devices. Google launched its Gemini tool months ago. It’s integrated across Google’s families of search tools, apps, and mobile devices.

Microsoft arrived with Copilot, a smart AI assistant. AI has already been powering the popular Bing search engine. Now, it’s come to Microsoft’s 365 suite of productivity apps. Yes, that means you can use AI on your Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint documents! It’s both a standalone tool and a smart virtual assistant. For example, you can ask it to summarize a presentation or clean up an Outlook email to be more readable.

And while late to the party, Apple is entering the GenAI world as well. Coming in fall 2024 is Apple Intelligence. It’s an upgrade to the legendary Siri virtual assistant, with the promise of transforming how users interact with the world’s most popular smartphones and tablets. 

You’ll see generative AI trends like these more and more in 2025. The fundamental truth is this: app developers can’t afford to be left behind. AI will be adopted on a growing basis across every app and software suite imaginable—even those you’ve been using for decades. 

10. People are worried about AI ethics and responsible use

A popular adage reminds us that “with great power, comes great responsibility.” This sentiment long predates AI, and yet, it applies perfectly. With the massive rise in AI comes a new awakening of awareness. Like any new technology, AI brings with it tremendous risks of abuse and misuse. A social consciousness around the responsible and sustainable use of AI continues to grow. It’s one of the 2025 AI trends most worth eyeing.

Concerns span a variety of topics. A leading worry lies with the fairness of AI models. Many of us saw unsettling headlines featuring disturbing results from popular large-language models. Plus, some tools quickly began delivering biased results to certain inputs. In some ways, it seems that AI has already developed the fallacies of the human brain.

Privacy is another key concern. What really happens to the inputs you feed AI? If you’re training a large language model by interacting with it, is your data really safe? And what about the environmental impact of the massive server farms required to power AI models in the first place?

All of these concerns are very real. Those of us using AI now are really on the cutting edge of a new wave. The key is mindfulness and thoughtfulness. By working together, you can become part of the solution. AI brings great dangers, but immeasurable promise. With responsible use and growing awareness, we can help to make it a tool of transformation, not destruction. 

Power your business with Envato

Technology is always changing, but many principles of marketing and communication are timeless. With the help of professional communication assets from Envato, you have a chance to stand out from the crowd. They’re the fastest way to build your next creative project.

Envato homepage screenshotEnvato homepage screenshotEnvato homepage screenshot
One subscription unlocks everything in the Envato creative library.

Envato offers a vast library of millions of assets. Need a presentation template? Stock photo? Licensed music track? We’ve got you covered—all for one low monthly rate. You can download everything you need, without ever checking your tab.

You’ll be thrilled with how quickly your projects come together in 2025. Try Envato today.

AI is here to stay: how will you leverage it?

AI is an exciting field that’s growing every day in features, applications, and acceptance. It’s already pervasive in our daily lives. And it’ll only continue to impact various aspects of business and work.

As with any tool, AI has both benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, it makes many tasks easier, safer, and faster. On the other hand, it raises concerns over job losses, privacy, and accuracy.

You’re now aware of artificial intelligence trends and how they’ll affect your personal and work lives. Think of it as your day-to-day assistant that can make tasks easier, freeing up your creative muscle. The question is, how will you use it to achieve your goals?

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo

With the AI industry growing exponentially, you're probably wondering what else is coming. Many creative professionals, especially, are concerned about how AI might affect them and their work.

AI trends in businessAI trends in businessAI trends in business
AI app trends point to continuous growth, application, and adoption of AI systems. (Image source: Envato)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)—the approximation of human intelligence by computer systems—used to be the stuff of science fiction, but now it permeates almost all aspects of our lives. For an overview of what AI is, study this tutorial:

In this article, we'll look at some AI trends and predictions, specifically how AI will affect business and the way we work.

Let’s face it: you’re probably bombarded by all things AI. It shows up everywhere. Sometimes it feels hard to go to any website without a mention of an “AI assistant” or other tool. You’re wondering how to use AI successfully. What can AI do for you?

AI is the wave of the future—and that means you can’t be a follower. You have to be on the cutting edge. Below, I’m going to walk you through ten AI trends to expect in 2025. 

1. AI hiring goes to the next level

Hiring for a job? Trying to get a job? Odds are, you’re going to encounter AI, whether you know it or not. This is a classic demonstration of what AI can do. Why? Because it’s doing two things. First, it’s automating tedious manual work that real people used to do. And second, it’s improving on human capabilities by removing bias. 

The boring stuff comes first. Many companies get hundreds—or even thousands—of applications for just one role. Think how long it takes for a real person to read through them (if they read them at all). AI can automate the process, finding well-qualified candidates in seconds, not weeks. You’ll see a common theme with many AI industry trends like this: AI is automating manual human labor.

Deel AIDeel AIDeel AI
HR-focused AI tools like Deel help automate an array of HR functions in 2025 and beyond.

In hiring, AI can also remove human bias. By reading applications and resumes, it can dial into candidates that are strictly skill-based. Let’s face it: many job decisions are made due to human biases. When used well, AI can transcend these to ensure the best person really does get the job.

AI has proven to be immeasurably helpful for hiring managers. In 2025, you’ll see that continue to grow and expand. Imagine what’s next! We may soon see AI being used to make job offers, onboard candidates, and more. 

2. Job applicants strike back with AI

AI isn’t only helping hiring managers. Looking for a new role? Then AI can help you. This is one of the top generative AI trends for 2025.

Unfortunately, job searching is often a numbers game. Using AI can help you keep up. If hundreds of people are applying for every job, it stands to reason many are getting a powerful AI assist. You can’t beat them, so join them, and do it fast.

AI job search tools are the wave of the future. Vanishing are the days of typing in random job titles and finding a list of (increasingly unrelated) matches. With these AI industry trends in 2025, it’s easier than ever to find roles perfectly matched to your unique skills and experience.

artificial intelligence trends in job searchartificial intelligence trends in job searchartificial intelligence trends in job search
Job seekers can also take advantage of AI app trends. (Image source: Envato)

More job applicants are using generative AI (GenAI) to write more effective resumes and cover letters. First and foremost, they look and read better. Secondly, they can get past ATS and other screening systems. 

Learn more about Applicant Tracking Systems in this tutorial:

AI also automates the creation of job applications tailored to specific job descriptions. Then there are AI tools to help applicants optimize their digital presence, such as their LinkedIn profiles. Try it yourself, and you’ll be wowed by the benefits. Truly this is a win-win: you save time, while generating a better outcome.

Try generative AI for interview prep, too. Wondering what your interview questions will be? Get AI to serve up a list of possible questions, and practice your answers. Find the right model, and you can even simulate interviews and get feedback based on your own responses. It’s a risk-free way to prepare to ace any interview.

And if that’s still not enough, job seekers can try another AI app trend: AI-driven virtual career advisors. Available 24/7, these can answer career-related questions and give personalized career counseling. As with other AI apps, these can continuously learn and adapt to the individual needs of the job seeker.

3. GenAI advancements power up marketing and communications

There’s already a term for it: “AI marketing”, or the use of AI in different marketing activities. GenAI is already being used to create content—text, images, video, and audio—in response to prompts. As one of the latest AI trends, you’ll see marketing use of AI explode in 2025. 

Envato's AI ImageGen tool, for example, makes it easy for marketers to generate all the branding collateral they need for a campaign, with simple text prompts. Learn how to use AI ImageGen.

ai imagegenai imagegenai imagegen

Marketers and communicators have been using GenAI to create:

  • blog posts
  • advertising copy
  • promotional materials
  • videos

And AI industry trends indicate that it’s only getting better. The next generation of GenAI is “multi-modal.” These are AI systems that can accept different types of inputs. They can produce various forms of output as well. For example, a mobile app can receive inputs in the form of speech and images, and respond through spoken word, images, and video.

Explore more about the future of AI-driven marketing in this TED Talk from Jessica Apotheker:

AI apps are increasingly being used in other aspects of marketing and communication. These include:

  • content personalization
  • media buying
  • automating campaigns
  • predictive analytics
  • making targeting decisions

4. AI enhances productivity, engagement, and happiness

Don’t think of AI simply as a website you go to and get answers to prompts that you type in. While it surely is that, AI is really so much more. The 2025 AI trends clearly show that AI will permeate all aspects of our lives. It naturally follows that it won’t just be a tool found on our computers. No, AI will be everywhere—and it already works to boost productivity, happiness, and engagement.

The Internet of Things (IoT), or physical objects connected to the internet, will soon give way to “the Artificial Intelligence of Things” (AIoT). And AIoT can go a long way toward helping us become more productive, engaged at work, and happier overall. Everything from wearable devices to home appliances and the vehicle you drive can have AIoT. 

Your smart watch that tracks your activity level, heart rate, and sleep and reminds you to stand up and drink water? That's just one example.

Another example is a time tracker. It runs in the background while you work. It monitors how much focused time you've got every day or week, reminds you of messages needing a response, and so much more.

From collaboration and goal-setting to work-life balance and mental health, AI-driven applications continue to grow. If you can think of it, there’s probably an AI app for it!

5. Augmented working makes humans better at their jobs

Contrary to some popular beliefs, not all jobs can be done by AI. But nearly any job can be done better in collaboration with AI! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking AI is a direct replacement for human effort as a whole. Instead, it’s a smart tool to use to work better, smarter, and more efficiently. 

This is what’s known as augmented working. It’s already becoming widely used in health and medicine, for example. Doctors are using AI to help them make more accurate diagnoses. In operating rooms, “surgery assistants” are helping surgeons with suturing and tissue manipulation. 

“Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.” — Ginni Rometty, former CEO of IBM

Think about it: if these latest AI trends are at work in hospitals, they can surely help you in your own work. The key here is to think creatively. Need a boost on insights, data analysis, or task automation? There’s likely a GenAI tool suited to your needs.

6. AI continues to improve customer experience

Companies are embracing AI industry trends in the realm of customer service. If you’ve logged onto the website of your bank, favorite store, or even food delivery service, you’ve probably found an AI chatbot already. What do these mean to you?

AI chatbots can give faster and more accurate responses, and they can do it at a lower cost to businesses. While some specialized inquiries may yet require human intervention, the majority of others really don’t. AI systems can draw from a broad knowledge base. What’s more: they can learn from interactions and become smarter, more accurate, and more reliable day by day.

AI can also give customers a more personalized experience. GenAI shopping advisors are a good example of trends in AI in this area. Walmart has already unveiled various AI-powered experiences for its customers. This includes AI-enhanced search to offer more relevant results when you search their site. 

There’s also a GenAI assistant to help with more complex purchases. You can even explore augmented reality (AR) tools to help buy the right furniture for your space! In real time, you can see a new sofa or table previewed live in your own home. AI-powered try-on tools even let you see how specific makeup products would look on your face.

7. AI grows in robustness, application, and adoption

AI systems are growing by leaps and bounds. Small wonder that the AI market is expected to grow twentyfold by 2030. Increased investments, research, and development of AI technology mean it continues to improve. For example, AI “hallucinations”—false or incorrect responses from GenAI—may soon become a thing of the past. 

You can also look forward to increased integration of AI into every aspect of our lives. Imagine multi-modal and multi-sensory applications. Everything from your eyeglasses to your shoes may soon have AI.

Other exciting AI industry trends include the move from GenAI to “Agentic AI.” These AI agents are more advanced in that they've got more autonomy and proactivity. GenAI simply responds to human inputs or prompts. But Agentic AI can “understand their environment, set goals, and act to achieve those objectives without direct human intervention.” 

Better features and increased use of AI-powered tools may fuel fears of AI taking over human jobs. But the other way to look at it is that these new applications will create more AI-related jobs. These run the gamut from software engineers and data scientists to AI engineers and computer vision engineers. 

Other AI-related jobs include business intelligence (BI) developers, AI research scientists, deep learning engineers, and more. And let’s not forget that AI apps will always need a sales force and marketing team. Plus, there will be plenty of opportunities for AI prompt writers and engineers. 

“Nobody phrases it this way, but I think that artificial intelligence is almost a humanities discipline. It’s really an attempt to understand human intelligence and human cognition.” — Sebastian Thrun, computer scientist, CEO of Kitty Hawk Corporation, and chairman and co-founder of Udacity

Contrary to popular belief, the public is increasingly accepting AI interactions. According to a Pew Research survey on US adults’ perceptions of AI, 45% of respondents are equally concerned and excited about AI applications, and 18% are more excited than concerned. The latter are excited about the time savings and efficiencies that AI can bring. They're also focused on how AI can make work safer and easier. On the other hand, 37% are more concerned than excited. 

In 2025, AI still brings with it major concerns. These center on the potential loss of jobs, privacy encroachment, and loss of human connection.

8. Models, models everywhere: Your AI options are expanding

Most of us first became aware of AI when ChatGPT came on the scene. Indeed, this was the first “mass-market” AI productivity chatbot. But it’s long since stopped being your only option. Indeed, there are countless GenAI LLM (large-language models) out there today. 

Now, you can choose from ChatGPT, Llama, Anthropic’s Claude, and so many more. What this really means is a rise in competition. And as with any industry, this robust competition is working to make each individual product better. It’s hard to read a tech newsletter these days without finding out about an improved release of a popular AI LLM, and new tools are emerging on the scene seemingly daily.

With AI’s explosive growth, expect to see even more models arriving in 2025. As AI industry trends focus on broad adoption and smarter results, new tools will move into the existing AI space. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and you'll constantly have new options to choose from.

And those existing tools—like ChatGPT—will continue to evolve and get better. Of course, much of this is thanks to the tireless work of developers, but AI has the capability of learning on its own. As models are used more and more, they’ll get better and better. 

9. AI is everywhere, including your favorite legacy apps

As I mentioned before, AI isn’t just something you log into and use. It’s growing in adoption all over the map—including in your favorite legacy apps and on your favorite devices. Google launched its Gemini tool months ago. It’s integrated across Google's families of search tools, apps, and mobile devices.

Microsoft arrived with Copilot, a smart AI assistant. AI has already been powering the popular Bing search engine. Now, it’s come to Microsoft’s 365 suite of productivity apps. Yes, that means you can use AI on your Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint documents! It’s both a standalone tool and a smart virtual assistant. For example, you can ask it to summarize a presentation or clean up an Outlook email to be more readable.

And while late to the party, Apple is entering the GenAI world as well. Coming in fall 2024 is Apple Intelligence. It’s an upgrade to the legendary Siri virtual assistant, with the promise of transforming how users interact with the world’s most popular smartphones and tablets. 

You’ll see generative AI trends like these more and more in 2025. The fundamental truth is this: app developers can’t afford to be left behind. AI will be adopted on a growing basis across every app and software suite imaginable—even those you’ve been using for decades. 

10. People are worried about AI ethics and responsible use

A popular adage reminds us that “with great power, comes great responsibility.” This sentiment long predates AI, and yet, it applies perfectly. With the massive rise in AI comes a new awakening of awareness. Like any new technology, AI brings with it tremendous risks of abuse and misuse. A social consciousness around the responsible and sustainable use of AI continues to grow. It’s one of the 2025 AI trends most worth eyeing.

Concerns span a variety of topics. A leading worry lies with the fairness of AI models. Many of us saw unsettling headlines featuring disturbing results from popular large-language models. Plus, some tools quickly began delivering biased results to certain inputs. In some ways, it seems that AI has already developed the fallacies of the human brain.

Privacy is another key concern. What really happens to the inputs you feed AI? If you’re training a large language model by interacting with it, is your data really safe? And what about the environmental impact of the massive server farms required to power AI models in the first place?

All of these concerns are very real. Those of us using AI now are really on the cutting edge of a new wave. The key is mindfulness and thoughtfulness. By working together, you can become part of the solution. AI brings great dangers, but immeasurable promise. With responsible use and growing awareness, we can help to make it a tool of transformation, not destruction. 

Power your business with Envato

Technology is always changing, but many principles of marketing and communication are timeless. With the help of professional communication assets from Envato, you have a chance to stand out from the crowd. They're the fastest way to build your next creative project.

Envato homepage screenshotEnvato homepage screenshotEnvato homepage screenshot
One subscription unlocks everything in the Envato creative library.

Envato offers a vast library of millions of assets. Need a presentation template? Stock photo? Licensed music track? We’ve got you covered—all for one low monthly rate. You can download everything you need, without ever checking your tab.

You’ll be thrilled with how quickly your projects come together in 2025. Try Envato today.

AI is here to stay: how will you leverage it?

AI is an exciting field that’s growing every day in features, applications, and acceptance. It’s already pervasive in our daily lives. And it'll only continue to impact various aspects of business and work.

As with any tool, AI has both benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, it makes many tasks easier, safer, and faster. On the other hand, it raises concerns over job losses, privacy, and accuracy.

You're now aware of artificial intelligence trends and how they'll affect your personal and work lives. Think of it as your day-to-day assistant that can make tasks easier, freeing up your creative muscle. The question is, how will you use it to achieve your goals?

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo

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Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo | Sciencx (2024-01-04T23:29:14+00:00) 10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025. Retrieved from https://www.scien.cx/2024/01/04/10-top-new-ai-trends-to-watch-for-2025/

" » 10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025." Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo | Sciencx - Thursday January 4, 2024, https://www.scien.cx/2024/01/04/10-top-new-ai-trends-to-watch-for-2025/
Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo | Sciencx Thursday January 4, 2024 » 10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025., viewed ,<https://www.scien.cx/2024/01/04/10-top-new-ai-trends-to-watch-for-2025/>
Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo | Sciencx - » 10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from: https://www.scien.cx/2024/01/04/10-top-new-ai-trends-to-watch-for-2025/
" » 10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025." Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo | Sciencx - Accessed . https://www.scien.cx/2024/01/04/10-top-new-ai-trends-to-watch-for-2025/
" » 10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025." Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo | Sciencx [Online]. Available: https://www.scien.cx/2024/01/04/10-top-new-ai-trends-to-watch-for-2025/. [Accessed: ]
» 10 top new AI trends to watch for 2025 | Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo | Sciencx | https://www.scien.cx/2024/01/04/10-top-new-ai-trends-to-watch-for-2025/ |

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