How to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19

Resolve Studio is a professional video editing app. Popular with beginners and studio editors alike, it includes many editing tools. And with the latest release, Resolve Studio 19, AI is a key feature. Now, many parts of your editing workflow can be streamlined with the power of AI.

AI in DaVinci ResolveAI in DaVinci ResolveAI in DaVinci Resolve
In this tutorial guide, I’ll show you how to work with artificial intelligence (AI) in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19.

We’ll explore what AI is in DaVinci Resolve Studio. We’ll look at how it works. And I’ll show you top ways to start using AI to edit videos today!

What is AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio?

The new and emerging AI tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio are part of the Neural Engine. So, what is the Neural Engine? It’s the machine learning system that powers AI tools in Resolve Studio. It’s capable of a wide range of tasks. For example, it can handle color grading, audio, video corrections, and more.

DaVinci Resolve 19 features some of the most cutting edge technology in the industry today. The DaVinci Neural Engine is an advanced machine learning system powering many of the software’s most powerful tools, and is fully supported in Apple M series and Snapdragon X Elite. — Davinci Resolve 19: What’s New

In short, it automates edits that you would once have handled manually.

Resolve AIResolve AIResolve AI
Tools like this are powered by AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio.

The Neural Engine is built into Resolve Studio 19. Don’t think of it as a single panel or feature. It’s essentially the power under the hood that fuels AI features on the user interface. 

Why use AI tools to edit videos?

Using AI to edit videos offers compelling benefits. But if you’ve not used AI before, how can you be sure that it will help you? Most of us hear about new AI tools every single day. It can be tough to know which ones are worthwhile. How can they help you?

DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 AI features are there to help. They offer key benefits, such as:

  • A faster editing workflow. AI is meant to save you time. Things like audio transcription and motion tracking speed up your editing process. You have more time to focus on being creative.
  • Less manual work. Much of the promise of AI lies in automating mundane, time-consuming tasks. Using AI reduces your manual workload. It handles edits that you would once have made by hand. 
  • Precise editing options. Powered by the Neural Engine, AI tools can make refined edits better than humans can. You can make precise edits and corrections with AI. It reduces the odds of editing errors that can creep into finished productions. 

Strongly consider using AI in your DaVinci Resolve Studio projects. It’s one of the great innovations in video editing we’ve seen in years. Don’t miss out!

How to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 (key features)

As I said above, AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio isn’t just one feature. Instead, it powers a variety of style and design tools. Below, we’ll look at a few top things that AI lets you do in Resolve Studio 19. 

1. Explore face recognition with AI

Editing videos with people in them? If you’re producing a feature-length video, it can be tough to keep your actors straight. Imagine having the ability to analyze videos and have faces smartly recognized. Now, in Resolve Studio 19, you can do more than imagine this possibility! Resolve Studio can now analyze and classify video clips based on who appears in them.

You’ll want to begin by having DaVinci Resolve Studio analyze a specific video clip. Then, you can identify and label people that appear in it. Moving forward, you can analyze other clips. If the same people appear in them, you’ll be able to smartly group clips together. It’s a sleek way to sort clips by their subjects.

Analyze for peopleAnalyze for peopleAnalyze for people
To use AI facial recognition in Resolve Studio 19, right-click on a clip and choose Analyze Clip for People.

Begin with one or more video clips in the Media Pool. The Media Pool is where you import media into DaVinci Resolve. Each video will appear as a small thumbnail image. To use AI facial recognition, right-click on one of these thumbnails. We’ll use this stock footage from Envato Elements to demonstrate. 

From the list of options, choose Analyze Clip for People. Resolve Studio will spend a few moments analyzing the video. Watch what happens! You’ll see each video subject as their own thumbnail. By default, they’re labeled Person 1, Person 2, and so on. 

Custom face recognition ResolveCustom face recognition ResolveCustom face recognition Resolve
Use AI face recognition to group and classify video clips in Resolve Studio.

In moments, you can type in the names of each person! Save your work, and now, you can analyze and classify other clips. You can group them by name – it’s now easy to find any video where someone appears. 

2. Transcribe audio automatically with AI

One of the most annoying and time-consuming tasks for an editor is audio transcription. It’s often useful to have a written version of the dialogue in a video. But transcribing manually can take forever. You have to work sentence by sentence, starting and stopping audio as you type in what was said.

But those days are gone, thanks to Resolve Studio 19 AI transcription. Now, you can transcribe audio automatically. And if you have multiple voices speaking, you’ll see them instantly identified and labeled. This is a top time-saver with Resolve Studio AI.

To use AI audio transcription in DaVinci Resolve, begin by importing audio to the Media Pool. When you do, you’ll see a thumbnail for each audio clip.

Turn on speaker detectionTurn on speaker detectionTurn on speaker detection
To use AI audio transcription in Resolve Studio, first turn on Speaker Detection.

For the feature to work, you need to activate Speaker Detection. Right-click on an audio thumbnail and hover over Audio Transcription. A submenu will launch. On it, click Speaker Detection. When it’s active, a checkmark icon will appear right beside it.

With Speaker Detection active, you can start the AI transcription process. To do that, right-click and hover over Audio Transcription once again. This time, choose Transcribe from the list of options. Resolve Studio will get to work transcribing your audio into written form. It may take a few moments, depending on the length of the clip and the speed of your computer.

transcription in Resolvetranscription in Resolvetranscription in Resolve
Using AI audio transcription, you’ll save hours of manual work.

Once the transcript is ready, the Transcription panel opens. Notice that your speakers are labeled. You can identify them by name, simply by typing it in. And you have a ready-made transcript to download, print, and share.

3. Remove unwanted background objects with AI

It’s hard to capture the perfect video with your camera. In fact, it’s often impossible. Sometimes, we find ourselves with unwanted background objects in a clip. With AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio, you can remove unwanted objects with ease. To see how, let’s use this Envato Elements clip to practice with. 

Begin by placing your clip on the Timeline. See all the boats on the water? We’ll use the AI Object Removal effect to hide one of them. This will clean up the footage and help it look better.

With your Timeline clip selected, find the menu toolbar at the bottom of DaVinci Resolve Studio. On the right side, locate the Color button and click it. You’ll be taken to the Color workspace in Resolve Studio.

Open color panelOpen color panelOpen color panel
Want to remove objects in DaVinci Resolve? Start by opening the Color panel.

Notice the video preview on the left. Using your cursor, find and zoom in on the object that you want to remove from the background. Here, let’s choose one of the boats, like the large one on the upper left side. Zoom in so you can easily see it in the preview.

Then, find the Preview Window button directly below the left corner of the video preview. Click it, then choose Power Window from the dropdown. A new toolbar appears below. Just left of center sits the Window option. Click Window.

Power windowPower windowPower window
Open the Power Window view on the Color panel.

The Window panel now appears on the lower left. On it, you’ll see a series of shapes. Use the rectangle or circle effects by clicking on them. Up on the video preview, you’ll see the chosen shape appear. Place it over the object that you want to remove by clicking and dragging. You can also pull on the edges to make the Window larger or smaller.

Next, choose the Tracker tab from the menu bar, beside the Window button. On the Tracker – Window panel in the lower left corner of your screen, click on the two-arrow button. It’s labeled Track Forward and Reverse.

Tracker and window settingsTracker and window settingsTracker and window settings
Select your object that you want to remove. Then, ensure that its motion is tracked.

Finally, go to the Effects tab in the upper right corner of Resolve Studio. From the list of options, locate Object Removal. Drag it onto the node, which is the box between the Effects dropdown and the video preview. Drop it into place.

With Object Removal added, go to the Settings sidebar on the right. There are two key buttons to click here. First is Scene Analysis. Choose it, and Resolve Studio will get to work removing the unwanted object. You’ll see when it finishes that the object is replaced by a gray area. The object is removed, but it’s left a hole in the footage.

Remove object with AIRemove object with AIRemove object with AI
As you can see, the object is removed and the background blends with the surrounding scenery.

Not to worry. Scroll down on the Settings panel, and click Build Clean Plate. Watch what happens. DaVinci Resolve blends the removed object area with its surroundings. You’ve expertly removed an object. Audiences will never know it existed. 

4. Use AI spatial noise reduction to clean up footage

Last but not least, let’s look at UltraNR, a new feature in Resolve Studio 19. This lets you quickly remove video noise with AI. Don’t think of video noise as sounds. Essentially, noise refers to variations of color and brightness. It’s a defect captured by cameras. But it’s easy to remove with AI.

UltraNR is AI-powered spatial noise reduction. It compares a given pixel with nearby pixels and helps reduce noise. It’s a good choice if you’re editing action videos, or those with a lot of motion. Let’s demo with this clip from Envato Elements.

To use UltraNR, begin by working with a video on your Timeline. Open the Effects panel, found by clicking Effects at the top of Resolve Studio. From the Effects, locate Noise Reduction and drag it over your Timeline clip.

Video noise reductionVideo noise reductionVideo noise reduction
Add the Noise Reduction effect to a Timeline clip to get started.

With the Noise Reduction effect added, open the Inspector. On the Inspector, click the Effects tab. In the Spatial NR group, click on the Mode dropdown. From the listed options, click UltraNR.

UltraNR ResolveUltraNR ResolveUltraNR Resolve
The new UltraNR tool is AI-powered spatial noise reduction.

Finally, in the Noise Profile group at the bottom of the Inspector, click Analyze. AI-powered spatial noise reduction will be handled for you! Watch as your video transforms in the preview. This is the best and most efficient way to remove video spatial noise in Resolve Studio 19.

Apply AI noise reductionApply AI noise reductionApply AI noise reduction
Click Analyze, and DaVinci’s AI will instantly remove noise!

Learn more amazing editing tricks in DaVinci Resolve (top tutorials)

We checked out some of the best AI editing tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio. It’s obvious that these help you do amazing edits quickly. But AI tools are just the tip of the iceberg in Resolve. The app has almost countless features to help you produce stunning videos of your own.

But, learning video editing can be really daunting. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be! Want to step up your DaVinci Resolve game? Here are top tutorials from Envato to help you upgrade your skills.

Explore AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio today

Today, you learned how to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19. The options are many! Whether you want to remove unwanted objects, transcribe audio, or clean up footage, AI tools have you covered. They span an array of possibilities. But they share the powerful DaVinci Resolve Neural Engine framework.

Expect to see even more AI features come to DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 in the coming months and years. Use AI to free your creativity and get more done with less effort.

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Andrew Childress

Resolve Studio is a professional video editing app. Popular with beginners and studio editors alike, it includes many editing tools. And with the latest release, Resolve Studio 19, AI is a key feature. Now, many parts of your editing workflow can be streamlined with the power of AI.

AI in DaVinci ResolveAI in DaVinci ResolveAI in DaVinci Resolve
In this tutorial guide, I’ll show you how to work with artificial intelligence (AI) in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19.

We’ll explore what AI is in DaVinci Resolve Studio. We’ll look at how it works. And I’ll show you top ways to start using AI to edit videos today!

What is AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio?

The new and emerging AI tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio are part of the Neural Engine. So, what is the Neural Engine? It’s the machine learning system that powers AI tools in Resolve Studio. It’s capable of a wide range of tasks. For example, it can handle color grading, audio, video corrections, and more.

DaVinci Resolve 19 features some of the most cutting edge technology in the industry today. The DaVinci Neural Engine is an advanced machine learning system powering many of the software’s most powerful tools, and is fully supported in Apple M series and Snapdragon X Elite. — Davinci Resolve 19: What’s New

In short, it automates edits that you would once have handled manually.

Resolve AIResolve AIResolve AI
Tools like this are powered by AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio.

The Neural Engine is built into Resolve Studio 19. Don’t think of it as a single panel or feature. It’s essentially the power under the hood that fuels AI features on the user interface. 

Why use AI tools to edit videos?

Using AI to edit videos offers compelling benefits. But if you’ve not used AI before, how can you be sure that it will help you? Most of us hear about new AI tools every single day. It can be tough to know which ones are worthwhile. How can they help you?

DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 AI features are there to help. They offer key benefits, such as:

  • A faster editing workflow. AI is meant to save you time. Things like audio transcription and motion tracking speed up your editing process. You have more time to focus on being creative.
  • Less manual work. Much of the promise of AI lies in automating mundane, time-consuming tasks. Using AI reduces your manual workload. It handles edits that you would once have made by hand. 
  • Precise editing options. Powered by the Neural Engine, AI tools can make refined edits better than humans can. You can make precise edits and corrections with AI. It reduces the odds of editing errors that can creep into finished productions. 

Strongly consider using AI in your DaVinci Resolve Studio projects. It’s one of the great innovations in video editing we’ve seen in years. Don’t miss out!

How to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 (key features)

As I said above, AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio isn’t just one feature. Instead, it powers a variety of style and design tools. Below, we’ll look at a few top things that AI lets you do in Resolve Studio 19. 

1. Explore face recognition with AI

Editing videos with people in them? If you’re producing a feature-length video, it can be tough to keep your actors straight. Imagine having the ability to analyze videos and have faces smartly recognized. Now, in Resolve Studio 19, you can do more than imagine this possibility! Resolve Studio can now analyze and classify video clips based on who appears in them.

You’ll want to begin by having DaVinci Resolve Studio analyze a specific video clip. Then, you can identify and label people that appear in it. Moving forward, you can analyze other clips. If the same people appear in them, you’ll be able to smartly group clips together. It’s a sleek way to sort clips by their subjects.

Analyze for peopleAnalyze for peopleAnalyze for people
To use AI facial recognition in Resolve Studio 19, right-click on a clip and choose Analyze Clip for People.

Begin with one or more video clips in the Media Pool. The Media Pool is where you import media into DaVinci Resolve. Each video will appear as a small thumbnail image. To use AI facial recognition, right-click on one of these thumbnails. We’ll use this stock footage from Envato Elements to demonstrate. 

From the list of options, choose Analyze Clip for People. Resolve Studio will spend a few moments analyzing the video. Watch what happens! You’ll see each video subject as their own thumbnail. By default, they’re labeled Person 1, Person 2, and so on. 

Custom face recognition ResolveCustom face recognition ResolveCustom face recognition Resolve
Use AI face recognition to group and classify video clips in Resolve Studio.

In moments, you can type in the names of each person! Save your work, and now, you can analyze and classify other clips. You can group them by name - it’s now easy to find any video where someone appears. 

2. Transcribe audio automatically with AI

One of the most annoying and time-consuming tasks for an editor is audio transcription. It’s often useful to have a written version of the dialogue in a video. But transcribing manually can take forever. You have to work sentence by sentence, starting and stopping audio as you type in what was said.

But those days are gone, thanks to Resolve Studio 19 AI transcription. Now, you can transcribe audio automatically. And if you have multiple voices speaking, you’ll see them instantly identified and labeled. This is a top time-saver with Resolve Studio AI.

To use AI audio transcription in DaVinci Resolve, begin by importing audio to the Media Pool. When you do, you’ll see a thumbnail for each audio clip.

Turn on speaker detectionTurn on speaker detectionTurn on speaker detection
To use AI audio transcription in Resolve Studio, first turn on Speaker Detection.

For the feature to work, you need to activate Speaker Detection. Right-click on an audio thumbnail and hover over Audio Transcription. A submenu will launch. On it, click Speaker Detection. When it’s active, a checkmark icon will appear right beside it.

With Speaker Detection active, you can start the AI transcription process. To do that, right-click and hover over Audio Transcription once again. This time, choose Transcribe from the list of options. Resolve Studio will get to work transcribing your audio into written form. It may take a few moments, depending on the length of the clip and the speed of your computer.

transcription in Resolvetranscription in Resolvetranscription in Resolve
Using AI audio transcription, you’ll save hours of manual work.

Once the transcript is ready, the Transcription panel opens. Notice that your speakers are labeled. You can identify them by name, simply by typing it in. And you have a ready-made transcript to download, print, and share.

3. Remove unwanted background objects with AI

It’s hard to capture the perfect video with your camera. In fact, it’s often impossible. Sometimes, we find ourselves with unwanted background objects in a clip. With AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio, you can remove unwanted objects with ease. To see how, let’s use this Envato Elements clip to practice with. 

Begin by placing your clip on the Timeline. See all the boats on the water? We’ll use the AI Object Removal effect to hide one of them. This will clean up the footage and help it look better.

With your Timeline clip selected, find the menu toolbar at the bottom of DaVinci Resolve Studio. On the right side, locate the Color button and click it. You’ll be taken to the Color workspace in Resolve Studio.

Open color panelOpen color panelOpen color panel
Want to remove objects in DaVinci Resolve? Start by opening the Color panel.

Notice the video preview on the left. Using your cursor, find and zoom in on the object that you want to remove from the background. Here, let’s choose one of the boats, like the large one on the upper left side. Zoom in so you can easily see it in the preview.

Then, find the Preview Window button directly below the left corner of the video preview. Click it, then choose Power Window from the dropdown. A new toolbar appears below. Just left of center sits the Window option. Click Window.

Power windowPower windowPower window
Open the Power Window view on the Color panel.

The Window panel now appears on the lower left. On it, you’ll see a series of shapes. Use the rectangle or circle effects by clicking on them. Up on the video preview, you’ll see the chosen shape appear. Place it over the object that you want to remove by clicking and dragging. You can also pull on the edges to make the Window larger or smaller.

Next, choose the Tracker tab from the menu bar, beside the Window button. On the Tracker - Window panel in the lower left corner of your screen, click on the two-arrow button. It’s labeled Track Forward and Reverse.

Tracker and window settingsTracker and window settingsTracker and window settings
Select your object that you want to remove. Then, ensure that its motion is tracked.

Finally, go to the Effects tab in the upper right corner of Resolve Studio. From the list of options, locate Object Removal. Drag it onto the node, which is the box between the Effects dropdown and the video preview. Drop it into place.

With Object Removal added, go to the Settings sidebar on the right. There are two key buttons to click here. First is Scene Analysis. Choose it, and Resolve Studio will get to work removing the unwanted object. You’ll see when it finishes that the object is replaced by a gray area. The object is removed, but it’s left a hole in the footage.

Remove object with AIRemove object with AIRemove object with AI
As you can see, the object is removed and the background blends with the surrounding scenery.

Not to worry. Scroll down on the Settings panel, and click Build Clean Plate. Watch what happens. DaVinci Resolve blends the removed object area with its surroundings. You’ve expertly removed an object. Audiences will never know it existed. 

4. Use AI spatial noise reduction to clean up footage

Last but not least, let’s look at UltraNR, a new feature in Resolve Studio 19. This lets you quickly remove video noise with AI. Don’t think of video noise as sounds. Essentially, noise refers to variations of color and brightness. It’s a defect captured by cameras. But it’s easy to remove with AI.

UltraNR is AI-powered spatial noise reduction. It compares a given pixel with nearby pixels and helps reduce noise. It’s a good choice if you’re editing action videos, or those with a lot of motion. Let’s demo with this clip from Envato Elements.

To use UltraNR, begin by working with a video on your Timeline. Open the Effects panel, found by clicking Effects at the top of Resolve Studio. From the Effects, locate Noise Reduction and drag it over your Timeline clip.

Video noise reductionVideo noise reductionVideo noise reduction
Add the Noise Reduction effect to a Timeline clip to get started.

With the Noise Reduction effect added, open the Inspector. On the Inspector, click the Effects tab. In the Spatial NR group, click on the Mode dropdown. From the listed options, click UltraNR.

UltraNR ResolveUltraNR ResolveUltraNR Resolve
The new UltraNR tool is AI-powered spatial noise reduction.

Finally, in the Noise Profile group at the bottom of the Inspector, click Analyze. AI-powered spatial noise reduction will be handled for you! Watch as your video transforms in the preview. This is the best and most efficient way to remove video spatial noise in Resolve Studio 19.

Apply AI noise reductionApply AI noise reductionApply AI noise reduction
Click Analyze, and DaVinci’s AI will instantly remove noise!

Learn more amazing editing tricks in DaVinci Resolve (top tutorials)

We checked out some of the best AI editing tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio. It’s obvious that these help you do amazing edits quickly. But AI tools are just the tip of the iceberg in Resolve. The app has almost countless features to help you produce stunning videos of your own.

But, learning video editing can be really daunting. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be! Want to step up your DaVinci Resolve game? Here are top tutorials from Envato to help you upgrade your skills.

Explore AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio today

Today, you learned how to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19. The options are many! Whether you want to remove unwanted objects, transcribe audio, or clean up footage, AI tools have you covered. They span an array of possibilities. But they share the powerful DaVinci Resolve Neural Engine framework.

Expect to see even more AI features come to DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 in the coming months and years. Use AI to free your creativity and get more done with less effort.

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Andrew Childress

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Andrew Childress | Sciencx (2024-06-15T00:34:46+00:00) How to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19. Retrieved from

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" » How to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19." Andrew Childress | Sciencx [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» How to use AI in DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 | Andrew Childress | Sciencx | |

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