What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they?

I was sitting on nails as the Hungarian says, meaning I couldn’t wait to write about High-level programming languages (HLPLs)!

They are designed to be easily readable and understood by humans, providing a higher degree of abstraction from the underlyi…

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Zoltan Fehervari

I was sitting on nails as the Hungarian says, meaning I couldn’t wait to write about High-level programming languages (HLPLs)!

They are designed to be easily readable and understood by humans, providing a higher degree of abstraction from the underlying hardware. These languages simplify the programming process by using natural language constructs and syntax, allowing developers to focus on problem-solving rather than hardware-specific details. The development of high-level languages marked a significant breakthrough in software development, making programming more accessible and efficient.

Let’s spoil the Main Points

High-level programming languages emerged in the 1950s to address the complexities of programming in assembly language. These languages provided a more human-readable form of code, which greatly simplified the programming process. Key languages like FORTRAN and COBOL revolutionized how programmers wrote software, making it more accessible and less error-prone.

Let’s spoil the Key Takeaways

  1. Definition and History: HLPLs are designed for readability and abstraction from hardware.
  2. Early Difficulties: Assembly language programming was complex, error-prone, and machine-dependent.
  3. Impact on Development: HLPLs improved productivity, code readability, maintainability, and portability.
  4. Differences from Low-Level Languages: HLPLs abstract hardware details, are more readable, and are portable across different systems.
  5. Execution Methods: HLPLs can be executed via compilation, interpretation, JIT compilation, AOT compilation, or transpilation.
  6. Examples of HLPLs: Popular languages include Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, Ruby, Swift, Kotlin, R, and TypeScript.
  7. Very High-Level Programming Languages: 4GLs like SQL, MATLAB, and SAS offer even higher abstraction levels for specific tasks.

What Were Some Early Difficulties That Led to the Development of High-Level Languages?

Programming in assembly language posed significant challenges due to its complexity and lack of abstraction. Programmers had to manage memory addresses and machine instructions, which was error-prone and labor-intensive. Additionally, assembly programs were machine-dependent, limiting code reuse and portability. These difficulties highlighted the need for more efficient programming methods, leading to the creation of high-level languages.

The Impact of High-Level Programming Languages on Software Development

High-level languages transformed software development by allowing developers to focus on problem-solving and logic rather than hardware-specific details. This shift made programming more efficient, reduced errors, and accelerated the development process. As a result, there was a surge in creativity and innovation within the software development community.

What Problems Did High-Level Programming Languages Solve?

High-level programming languages improved:

  • Code Readability: Made code easier to understand and maintain.
  • Code Maintainability: Simplified debugging and updates.
  • Portability: Enabled code to run on different hardware platforms without modification.

These improvements allowed developers to write software for a wide range of applications, from scientific computing to business data processing.

What’s the Difference Between High-Level and Low-Level Programming Languages?

  • Low-Level Languages: Closer to hardware, require detailed management of memory and machine instructions, and offer high control but are difficult to read and maintain.
  • High-Level Languages: Abstract hardware details, are more readable, easier to write and maintain, and portable across different systems.

Code Example: Python vs Assembly

High-Level Code: Python

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Low-Level Code: Assembly

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Key Differences

  1. Abstraction: HLPLs abstract memory and register management, while low-level languages require explicit management.
  2. Readability: HLPLs are closer to natural language; low-level languages resemble machine code.
  3. Portability: HLPLs are platform-independent; low-level languages need to be rewritten for different machines.

High-Level Programming Languages: Execution Methods

  1. Compiled Execution: Source code is translated into machine code by a compiler before execution (e.g., C, C++).
  2. Interpreted Execution: Code is executed line by line by an interpreter at runtime (e.g., Python, Ruby).
  3. Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation: Combines interpretation and compilation, compiling bytecode into machine code at runtime (e.g., Java, C#).
  4. Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation: Compiles bytecode into machine code before execution (e.g., some Java and C# environments).
  5. Transpiled Execution: Source code is converted into another high-level language before compilation or interpretation (e.g., TypeScript to JavaScript).

List of High-Level Programming Languages

Popular high-level languages include:

  1. Python
  2. JavaScript
  3. Java
  4. C#
  5. Ruby
  6. Swift
  7. Kotlin
  8. R
  9. TypeScript

Pioneering High-Level Programming Languages in the 20th Century

Languages like COBOL, FORTRAN, Lisp, ALGOL, and Pascal were foundational in shaping modern programming. Though less prevalent today, they laid the groundwork for current high-level languages.

What Are Very High-Level Programming Languages?

Very high-level programming languages (4GLs) provide even higher abstraction levels, making them closer to human language. They are designed to increase productivity and reduce errors by simplifying complex operations.

Examples of 4GLs

  1. SQL: For database queries.
  2. MATLAB: For mathematical computations.
  3. SAS: For statistical analysis.

These languages are used in specific domains where their specialized capabilities offer significant efficiency gains.

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Zoltan Fehervari

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Zoltan Fehervari | Sciencx (2024-06-19T15:10:38+00:00) What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they?. Retrieved from https://www.scien.cx/2024/06/19/what-are-high-level-programming-languages-really-what-are-they/

" » What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they?." Zoltan Fehervari | Sciencx - Wednesday June 19, 2024, https://www.scien.cx/2024/06/19/what-are-high-level-programming-languages-really-what-are-they/
Zoltan Fehervari | Sciencx Wednesday June 19, 2024 » What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they?., viewed ,<https://www.scien.cx/2024/06/19/what-are-high-level-programming-languages-really-what-are-they/>
Zoltan Fehervari | Sciencx - » What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they?. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from: https://www.scien.cx/2024/06/19/what-are-high-level-programming-languages-really-what-are-they/
" » What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they?." Zoltan Fehervari | Sciencx - Accessed . https://www.scien.cx/2024/06/19/what-are-high-level-programming-languages-really-what-are-they/
" » What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they?." Zoltan Fehervari | Sciencx [Online]. Available: https://www.scien.cx/2024/06/19/what-are-high-level-programming-languages-really-what-are-they/. [Accessed: ]
» What are High-Level Programming Languages? Really, what are they? | Zoltan Fehervari | Sciencx | https://www.scien.cx/2024/06/19/what-are-high-level-programming-languages-really-what-are-they/ |

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