This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Joe ???????
First things first thank you all for the comments and reactions on the first post.
Talking about Linux would be incomplete without delving into the history behind this powerful operating system (OS). This high-level overview aims to guide you through the significant stages and notable events that have led to the Linux we know today.
The History of Linux in Four Stages:
Before 1964
1964 - 1984
1984 - 1991
1991 - Present
1. Before 1964
- During this period, operating systems primarily utilized Batch Processing. Although sophisticated for its time, batch processing had major drawbacks, including its dedication to a single user and lack of interactivity.
Characteristics of Batch Processing:
- Job Control Language (JCL): Jobs were submitted with a set of commands in a script or control language that specified the sequence of operations.
- Non-Interactive: Jobs ran to completion without user modification once submitted.
- Sequential Execution: Jobs were processed one after another.
- Scheduling: Jobs were scheduled based on priority or resource availability.
Challenges of Batch Processing:
- Delayed Processing: Significant delays occurred between job submission and completion.
- Lack of Interactivity: Users couldn't interact with jobs while they were running, which was problematic when immediate feedback or intervention was needed.
- Complex Job Scheduling: Managing multiple batch jobs to avoid conflicts and ensure efficient execution was complex and time-consuming.
Notable Systems:
- BEYS (Bell Operating System): Developed at Bell Labs for the IBM 709x series using FORTRAN and SAP.
2. 1964 - 1984
- These two decades witnessed a transformation from batch processing to multiprogramming, time-sharing, the adaptation of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and the advent of networked systems.
Key Developments:
- CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System): Developed at MIT for a modified version of the IBM 7090, CTSS was considered the first general-purpose time-sharing OS and a significant influence on future systems.
Notable Events:
- 1964: Collaboration among General Electric (GE), Bell Labs, and MIT resulted in MULTICS (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service).
- 1967: MULTICS was delivered to MIT.
- 1969: Bell Labs withdrew from MULTICS development due to cost, return on investment concerns, and key developers Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie's interest in creating a simpler, more efficient OS. Shortly after, GE exited the computing industry, selling its division to Honeywell in 1970.
- 1970: The initial release of Unix (originally Unics, a play on MULTICS) occurred. It was written in assembly and B language.
- 1971: Unics became Unix to avoid legal issues and establish a trademark. Dennis Ritchie began developing the C programming language to improve B language.
- 1972-1973: Bell Labs decided to rewrite Unix in C language to enhance efficiency, speed, and portability.
At the end if you'd like me to complete the last 2 stages before getting into the core fundamentals of Linux let me know.
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Joe ???????

Joe ??????? | Sciencx (2024-06-24T20:28:57+00:00) Linux History Demystified P:1. Retrieved from
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