This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by shrey vijayvargiya
Hello friends,
This is an extensive list of GitHub repositories to begin and grow your journey as a programmer. This collection contains the 10+ languages' top GitHub repositories to learn for FREE and stay updated as well.
How to use it?
It's simple whenever you want to start learning something get the basic overview as well as a roadmap.
These repositories provide a sort of roadmap, for example, for anyone who wants to learn mobile app development in Flutter or React Native the following added GitHub repository will certainly help you to proceed and learn easily as well as get the overview.
Is it good for Experienced devs?
To all experience devs, yes, most of us know nothing about another programming language because we are working a lot in our niche. Anytime you want to switch to try new language the following repositories collection will be a good starting point.
What about other programming languages?
I'll add them in future, so feel free to mention them in the comments section.
Check roadmap templates
Lastly, I would love to take you a fraction of a second, we have 3 templates to begin and embark on your journey as a developer.
Frontend Roadmap
React Native Roadmap
Node.js Roadmap
PS - All the below links and another such extensive resource can be found in the above templates
Javascript repos
This repository explains the core mind-boggling JS concepts that always trigger the developer's mind, it shows how crazy JS is. It explains more than 20/30 JS concepts inspired by the book WTFJS.
30 Days of JS preparation
30 Days of Javascript preparation that teaches JS topics in 30 days one topic per day, quite a good roadmap as well to learn JS from scratch.
JS Algorithms
JS Algorithms and Data Structures entire documentation teaching ranges of or almost all the DSA required topics javascript-algorithms
JS Questions and Preparations Long list of JS questions along with answers to go through all the JS interview prep, concepts in one go.
Technical Interview JS
This is self-explanatory and helps a lot of developers to crack interviews in JS as frontend/backend developer positions.
React JS Repos
Awesome React
The awesome reactjs packages, tools, resources, npm modules, interview questions, remove job resources, podcasts, books, react-native and more in one single repository
CodingKnite - Frontend Development Resources
Github repository for Frontend devs, collection of Frameworks, Packages, Websites, Frontend Blogs, Tutorials, Interview questions, Books, Podcasts, Youtube resources and so on
Reactjs Interview Questions
An extensive list of interview questions with answers, detailed explanation of concepts such as state management, Virtual DOM, props, and prototypes.
React Bits
Vue JS repos
C++ repos
Free programming books repository
Roadmap for software developer
Rust repos
Go repos
Backend Development
Odin programming language
Machine Learning && Data Science && AI
Machine Learning Youtube courses
Mathematics for Machine Learning
Machine learning for beginners
Data science learning bootcamp
Machine learning and deep learning tutorials
Awesome production machine learning
Machine learning deep learning computer vision and NLP
500 AI machine learning NLP programming projects
Game Development
React Native
Awesome Solidity
Full blockchain solidity course
Awesome flutter
Flutter Samples
Awesome C++
Modern Cpp
Awesome cpp examples
CPP best practises
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by shrey vijayvargiya

shrey vijayvargiya | Sciencx (2024-07-16T23:58:23+00:00) Top Github repositories for 10+ programming languages. Retrieved from
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