Async/Await, Workflow Patterns, and Concurrency Concepts: From Kitchen to Code in Python

IntroductionIn the world of programming, managing concurrent tasks efficiently is crucial for creating responsive and performant applications. Just as a skilled chef orchestrates multiple dishes simultaneously in a busy kitchen, modern software must ha…

This content originally appeared on Level Up Coding - Medium and was authored by Rukshan J. Senanayaka


In the world of programming, managing concurrent tasks efficiently is crucial for creating responsive and performant applications. Just as a skilled chef orchestrates multiple dishes simultaneously in a busy kitchen, modern software must handle numerous tasks concurrently. This blog post will explore asynchronous programming concepts, focusing on async/await and common workflow patterns. We’ll start with culinary analogies and then dive into concrete programming examples to illustrate these crucial concepts. These would be of some help in your development work to optimize your applications, specially AI apps!

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The Chef’s Kitchen: A Real-World Analogy

Imagine a chef preparing a complex meal in a restaurant kitchen. The chef needs to manage multiple dishes, each with its own preparation time and steps. Let’s break down the cooking process and see how it relates to programming concepts:

1. Sequential Tasks: The Mise en Place

Before cooking begins, the chef prepares their mise en place — gathering and arranging ingredients and tools. This sequential process is similar to synchronous programming, where tasks are completed one after another.

2. Parallel Tasks: Multiple Burners

Once cooking starts, the chef might have multiple pots on different burners, each requiring periodic attention. This parallels asynchronous programming, where multiple tasks progress concurrently.

3. Waiting and Checking: The Oven Timer

Some dishes are placed in the oven with a timer set. The chef continues other tasks, periodically checking the timer. This mirrors the async/await pattern, where a program initiates a task and periodically checks its status.

4. Delegating Tasks: Kitchen Staff

In a well-organized kitchen, the chef delegates certain tasks to kitchen staff. This is akin to spawning background tasks or using worker processes in programming.

Concurrency Concepts: Blocking vs. Non-Blocking

Before we dive into code examples, let’s understand two fundamental concepts in concurrent programming: blocking and non-blocking operations.

Blocking Operations

In our kitchen analogy, a blocking operation is like a chef standing at the stove, constantly stirring a delicate sauce. The chef can’t do anything else until the sauce is ready. In programming, a blocking operation prevents the execution of further code until it completes. For example:

import time

def boil_pasta():
print("Starting to boil pasta")
time.sleep(10) # This blocks the execution for 10 seconds
print("Pasta is ready")

print("This prints after the pasta is done")

Non-Blocking Operations

Non-blocking operations, on the other hand, allow the program to continue execution while the operation is in progress. In our kitchen, this is like setting a timer for the oven and working on other tasks while waiting. In programming, we achieve this using asynchronous functions:

import asyncio

async def boil_pasta():
print("Starting to boil pasta")
await asyncio.sleep(10) # This doesn't block the execution
print("Pasta is ready")

async def prepare_sauce():
print("Preparing sauce")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print("Sauce is ready")

async def main():
task1 = asyncio.create_task(boil_pasta())
task2 = asyncio.create_task(prepare_sauce())
await task1
await task2

Why Use ‘await’ in Asynchronous Code?

You might wonder why we use ‘await’ in asynchronous code if it’s non-blocking. The ‘await’ keyword serves several important purposes:

  1. Synchronization Point: It creates a point where the execution of the current coroutine is paused until the awaited coroutine completes. This allows for proper sequencing of operations.
  2. Error Propagation: If the awaited coroutine raises an exception, ‘await’ ensures that the exception is propagated to the calling coroutine.
  3. Result Retrieval: ‘await’ is used to get the result of a coroutine. Without it, you’d just have a coroutine object, not the actual result.
  4. Cooperative Multitasking: It provides a clear indicator of where the coroutine is willing to yield control, allowing other coroutines to run.

In our kitchen analogy, ‘await’ is like the chef checking on a dish. The chef isn’t standing idle (blocking) but is briefly pausing other activities to ensure this particular dish is progressing as expected.

Understanding Coroutines: The Chef’s Multitasking Ability

In our kitchen analogy, a coroutine is like a chef’s ability to switch between multiple dishes smoothly. Imagine a chef starting to chop vegetables, then setting them aside to check on a simmering sauce, then returning to continue chopping. The chef doesn’t finish each task entirely before moving to the next; instead, they switch contexts at logical pause points.

In programming,

a coroutine is a function that can suspend its execution before reaching return, and it can indirectly pass control to another coroutine for some time.

Here’s a simple example in Python:

import asyncio

async def chop_vegetables():
print("Starting to chop vegetables")
await asyncio.sleep(2) # Simulating time taken to chop
print("Finished chopping vegetables")

async def stir_sauce():
print("Starting to stir sauce")
await asyncio.sleep(3) # Simulating time taken to stir
print("Finished stirring sauce")

async def prepare_meal():
task1 = asyncio.create_task(chop_vegetables())
task2 = asyncio.create_task(stir_sauce())
await task1
await task2

In this example, chop_vegetables() and stir_sauce() are coroutines. They can be paused and resumed, allowing the program to switch between them efficiently. The prepare_meal() coroutine creates tasks for both operations and awaits their completion, much like a chef overseeing multiple aspects of meal preparation simultaneously.

Workflow Patterns in Asynchronous Programming

Now let’s explore some common workflow patterns in asynchronous programming, with both kitchen analogies and code examples.

1. Basic Async/Await Pattern

This is like a chef starting multiple dishes and checking on them periodically.

import asyncio
async def prepare_dish(dish_name, cooking_time):
print(f"Starting to prepare {dish_name}")
await asyncio.sleep(cooking_time) # Simulating cooking time
print(f"{dish_name} is ready!")
return dish_name

async def main():
task1 = asyncio.create_task(prepare_dish("Pasta", 8))
task2 = asyncio.create_task(prepare_dish("Sauce", 5))

print("Chef is multitasking...")

result1 = await task1
result2 = await task2

print(f"Finished preparing: {result1} and {result2}")

2. Task Chaining: The Assembly Line

This pattern is useful when tasks depend on the results of previous tasks, like an assembly line in the kitchen.

import asyncio
async def chop_vegetables():
await asyncio.sleep(2)
return "Chopped Vegetables"

async def cook_sauce(ingredient):
print(f"Cooking sauce with {ingredient}")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
return "Cooked Sauce"

async def prepare_pasta():
await asyncio.sleep(8)
return "Cooked Pasta"

async def assemble_dish(sauce, pasta):
print(f"Assembling dish with {sauce} and {pasta}")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return "Assembled Dish"

async def prepare_meal():
vegetables = await chop_vegetables()
sauce_task = asyncio.create_task(cook_sauce(vegetables))
pasta_task = asyncio.create_task(prepare_pasta())

sauce = await sauce_task
pasta = await pasta_task

final_dish = await assemble_dish(sauce, pasta)
print(f"The {final_dish} is ready to serve!")

3. Concurrent Task Processing: The Busy Kitchen

When dealing with multiple similar tasks, we can process them concurrently, like a kitchen handling multiple orders simultaneously.

import asyncio
async def process_order(order_id):
print(f"Starting order {order_id}")
await asyncio.sleep(3) # Simulating order processing time
print(f"Completed order {order_id}")
return f"Order {order_id} details"

async def process_multiple_orders(order_ids):
tasks = [process_order(order_id) for order_id in order_ids]
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return results

async def main():
order_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
results = await process_multiple_orders(order_ids)
print("All orders processed:", results)

4. Producer-Consumer Pattern: The Order Queue

This pattern is useful for scenarios where tasks are generated and consumed at different rates, like orders coming into a kitchen and being prepared as resources are available.

import asyncio
import random

async def take_orders(queue):
for i in range(1, 6):
await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 1.5)) # Random time between orders
await queue.put(f"Order {i}")
print(f"Received Order {i}")

async def process_orders(queue):
while True:
order = await queue.get()
print(f"Processing {order}")
await asyncio.sleep(2) # Time to process an order
print(f"Completed {order}")

async def main():
order_queue = asyncio.Queue()

# Start the producer and consumer tasks
producer = asyncio.create_task(take_orders(order_queue))
consumer = asyncio.create_task(process_orders(order_queue))

# Wait for all orders to be taken
await producer

# Wait for all orders to be processed
await order_queue.join()

# Cancel the consumer task

5. Timeout Pattern: The Impatient Chef

Sometimes, we need to limit the time spent on a task. In the kitchen, this might be setting a maximum wait time for a dish. In code:

import asyncio
async def prepare_dish(dish_name, cooking_time):
print(f"Starting to prepare {dish_name}")
await asyncio.sleep(cooking_time)
print(f"{dish_name} is ready!")
return dish_name

async def main():
result = await asyncio.wait_for(prepare_dish("Soufflé", 10), timeout=5)
print(f"Finished preparing: {result}")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
print("The Soufflé is taking too long! Moving on...")

6. Event-Based Programming: The Kitchen Alarm

Event-based programming is like setting up various alarms in the kitchen that trigger specific actions. Here’s a simple example:

import asyncio
async def monitor_oven(event):
print("Monitoring oven temperature")
await event.wait()
print("Oven reached desired temperature!")

async def preheat_oven(event):
print("Preheating oven")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print("Oven preheated")

async def main():
oven_ready = asyncio.Event()
await asyncio.gather(monitor_oven(oven_ready), preheat_oven(oven_ready))


Understanding asynchronous programming patterns and concepts is crucial for developing efficient and responsive software. Just as a skilled chef orchestrates multiple tasks in a kitchen to prepare meals efficiently, a well-designed program can juggle various operations to optimize performance.

We’ve explored several key concepts and patterns:

  1. Blocking vs. Non-blocking operations
  2. The role of ‘await’ in asynchronous programming
  3. Basic async/await for concurrent task execution
  4. Task chaining for dependent asynchronous operations
  5. Concurrent task processing for handling multiple similar tasks
  6. Producer-consumer pattern for managing asynchronous workflows
  7. Timeout pattern for limiting task duration
  8. Event-based programming for reactive systems

Each of these patterns has its place in software development, much like different cooking techniques serve various purposes in the kitchen. By mastering these concepts, developers can create software that, like a well-organized kitchen, can handle complex workflows with grace and efficiency.

Whether you’re cooking up a storm in the kitchen or crafting elegant code, understanding these asynchronous patterns will serve you well in creating high-performance, responsive applications that can handle the complexities of modern software requirements.


Async/Await, Workflow Patterns, and Concurrency Concepts: From Kitchen to Code in Python was originally published in Level Up Coding on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This content originally appeared on Level Up Coding - Medium and was authored by Rukshan J. Senanayaka

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Rukshan J. Senanayaka | Sciencx (2024-08-15T18:04:31+00:00) Async/Await, Workflow Patterns, and Concurrency Concepts: From Kitchen to Code in Python. Retrieved from

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» Async/Await, Workflow Patterns, and Concurrency Concepts: From Kitchen to Code in Python | Rukshan J. Senanayaka | Sciencx | |

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