This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Gaurav Vala
Hey! I am Currently learning Go Lang, and I am taking some basic Notes on my Notion and though I'd also just publish them here. They are not well thought out or well written but it's just me taking notes from time to time for my reference.
I am taking the Udemy Course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller,
Variable Declarations
variables can be declared via “var” keyword
and also with special assignment operator “:=” so with that we can remove the “var” keyword
this assignment operator is useful when we dont have to change the type of variable that is assigned by GO
because with “:=” we can not declare the type of variable
expectedReturn float64 := 5.5
above is invalid
expectedReturn := 5.5
above is valid
we can declare multiple variables at the same time with same type
var investmentAmount, years float64 = 1000, 10
if we dont declare the type of variable on that line then we can also declare multiple variables with different types
var investmentAmount, years = 1000, "10"
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Gaurav Vala

Gaurav Vala | Sciencx (2024-10-06T06:00:42+00:00) Learning GO: 02. Retrieved from
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