This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Minhaz
The primary motivation is that I use SEQ for logging, but I couldn't find a quick complete guide to use SEQ with java spring boot using gradle. So here I'm documenting my findings.
I'm using this configuration for the project
Add these to build.gradle
for dependency
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.serilogj:serilogj:v0.6.1'
Now just configure the logger
// import serilogj.Log;
// import serilogj.LoggerConfiguration;
// import;
// import static serilogj.sinks.seq.SeqSinkConfigurator.seq;
// setting up the logger
Log.setLogger(new LoggerConfiguration()
// using the logger
var logger = Log.getLogger().forContext(SpringApplication.class);
logger.information("Hello World");
With this setup the logger should work
You can find the code here
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Minhaz

Minhaz | Sciencx (2024-10-21T21:32:46+00:00) Java Spring Boot use Seq for logging. Retrieved from
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