This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Anass Assim
π First Steps: Start and Configure A Git π
Command | Description |
git init | Creates a new Git repository in the current folder. |
git config --global -l | Sets or views Git settings, like username and email ,... |
git config $option "text" | Sets a Git configuration option to a specified value. |
π Day-to-Day Work:
Command | Description |
git status | Displays the current status of the working directory and staging area. |
git add $File_Name | Stages a file for the next commit. |
git commit -m "Message" | Records changes to the repository with a descriptive message. |
git diff | Displays differences between changes and the last commit. |
git log --oneline | Displays a concise summary of commits in a single line. |
git checkout $hash | Switches to the specified commit by its hash. |
git fetch | Retrieves updates from the remote repository without merging. |
git pull | Fetches and merges updates from the remote repository. |
git push | Uploads local commits to the remote repository. |
git restore $FileName | Restores the specified file to the last committed state. |
git blame | Shows line-by-line authorship for each line in a file. |
git stash | Temporarily saves changes that are not ready to be committed. |
git tag | Creates a marker for a specific commit, often used for releases. |
π Files:
Command | Description |
.gitconfig | File Stores Git settings like username and preferences. |
.gitignore | file specifies files and directories for Git to ignore. |
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Anass Assim
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Anass Assim | Sciencx (2024-10-25T22:34:51+00:00) π Git Cheat Sheet π. Retrieved from
" » π Git Cheat Sheet π." Anass Assim | Sciencx - Friday October 25, 2024,
HARVARDAnass Assim | Sciencx Friday October 25, 2024 » π Git Cheat Sheet π., viewed ,<>
VANCOUVERAnass Assim | Sciencx - » π Git Cheat Sheet π. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from:
CHICAGO" » π Git Cheat Sheet π." Anass Assim | Sciencx - Accessed .
IEEE" » π Git Cheat Sheet π." Anass Assim | Sciencx [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
rf:citation » π Git Cheat Sheet π | Anass Assim | Sciencx | |
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