This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Nozibul Islam
Comprehensive List of Trie-Based Questions.
1. Fundamentals of Trie Data Structure
- Implement a Trie (Insert, Search, Delete)
- Implement a TrieNode Class
- Insert a Word into a Trie
- Search for a Word in a Trie
- Delete a Word from a Trie
- Check if a Prefix Exists in a Trie
- Count Words in a Trie
- Count Prefixes in a Trie
- Implement a Trie with Case Sensitivity
- Implement a Trie with Case Insensitivity
NEW: Visualize Trie Structure for Better Understanding (Display Trie as a Tree)
2. Trie-Based String Operations
- Find All Words with a Given Prefix (Using Trie)
- Find Words that Start with a Given Prefix (Using Trie)
- Find All Words that End with a Given Suffix (Using Trie)
- Find Longest Prefix Matching a Given String
- Find the Shortest Unique Prefix for Each Word
- Find All Words that Match a Given Pattern (Using Wildcards)
- Implement a Trie to Solve the Autocomplete Problem
- Find the Longest Common Prefix Among a List of Words
- Implement a Trie for Text Search and Replacement
- Find the Longest Common Suffix Among a List of Words
NEW: Implement Trie for Anagram Search Across Words
3. Advanced Trie Operations
- Implement a Trie with Node Counting
- Implement a Trie with Value Mapping (Key-Value Pair Storage)
- Implement a Trie with Frequency Counting
- Find the Number of Words with a Specific Prefix
- Find the Number of Words with a Specific Suffix
- Implement a Trie for Dictionary Word Lookup
- Find the Longest Prefix of a Word in a Trie
- Find the Maximum Number of Words in a Trie that Share a Prefix
- Find the Shortest Path from Root to a Given Word in a Trie
- Implement a Trie with a TrieMap (Word Count Mapping)
NEW: Find All Palindromic Prefixes and Suffixes Using Trie
NEW: Implement a Memory-Efficient Trie Using Bitwise Operations
4. Trie and Text Processing
- Implement a Trie-based Spell Checker
- Implement a Trie for Dictionary-Based Text Completion
- Find All Possible Words that Can Be Formed from a Given Set of Letters (Using Trie)
- Implement a Trie-based Solution for Word Segmentation
- Implement a Trie to Solve the Word Break Problem
- Find All Valid Words in a Board Using Trie (Word Search II)
- Find the Maximum Number of Words Formed from a Given List (Using Trie)
- Implement a Trie-based Solution for Text Search with Wildcards
- Implement a Trie to Solve the Text Justification Problem
- Find the Most Frequent Prefixes in a Large Text Dataset (Using Trie)
NEW: Implement Trie for Predictive Text Input for Multilingual Support
NEW: Build a Trie-Based Solution for Document Similarity Detection
5. Trie-Based Algorithms and Pattern Matching
- Implement a Trie-Based Algorithm for Prefix Matching
- Implement a Trie-Based Algorithm for Suffix Matching
- Find the Minimum Number of Edits to Convert One Word to Another (Using Trie)
- Find the Maximum Length of a Prefix with a Given Frequency (Using Trie)
- Implement a Trie-Based Algorithm for Finding Palindromic Substrings
- Find the Number of Distinct Substrings in a given string (Using Trie)
- Implement a Trie-Based Algorithm for Pattern Matching with Multiple Patterns
- Find the Longest Palindromic Substring in a Trie
- Find the Kth Largest Prefix in a Trie
- Implement a Trie-Based Algorithm for Longest Repeating Substring
NEW: Implement Trie for N-gram Analysis in Large Datasets
NEW: Solve the Longest Repeating Subsequence Problem Using Trie
6. Application-Oriented Trie Challenges
- Develop an Efficient Trie for Fast Language Translation Suggestions
- Implement a Trie for Storing Synonyms and Antonyms of Words
- Build a Trie for Fast URL Storage and Retrieval in Web Crawlers
- Implement Trie for DNA Sequence Matching in Bioinformatics
- Build a Trie-based Keyword Search and Ranking System for E-Commerce
NEW: Implement a Trie-Based Autocorrect System with Contextual Suggestions
Each of these questions covers different aspects of the Trie data structure, ranging from basic implementations to advanced applications, making it a well-rounded set to master Tries in various contexts.
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Nozibul Islam

Nozibul Islam | Sciencx (2024-10-30T16:55:31+00:00) Comprehensive List of Trie-Based Questions. Retrieved from
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