Understanding the role of iconic props in film

What is a prop, why does it matter?

Prop, is actually short for ‘property’ and means any movable object used on a set (film or theatre) to support the story or for characterisation. If you think about useful props, like a cup or a chair for example, they serve a function but don’t necessarily contribute to the story. Some props though, are loaded with symbolic or narrative weight!

There are some props that are even extensions of a character, like some of the gadgets belonging to James Bond. Others may be MacGuffins – objects that are important for what they represent or how they move the story along, rather than what they actually are.

Props stick out when they:

  • Symbolise an idea or emotion: The sled Rosebud in Citizen Kane.
  • Act as a narrative pivot: The briefcase in Pulp Fiction.
  • Mirror themes or concerns: The One Ring in Lord of the Rings.

Props sometimes reflect things that are prevalent in our societies, like:

  • Wealth and materialism
  • Technology
  • Power and corruption

Iconic props in films

1. Wilson the volleyball – Cast Away (2000)

a white ball with a bloody hand print on it and a face drawn into ita white ball with a bloody hand print on it and a face drawn into ita white ball with a bloody hand print on it and a face drawn into it
Wilson the volleyball from Cast Away – via IMDB

Ah, Wilson. A plain ol’ volleyball. In Cast Away this regular, inanimate object becomes pretty important. A bloody handprint and a face was all we needed to invest in this prop becoming a symbol of real human connection.

While Chuck is stranded on the island, Wilson is his only companion and the dialogue he has, the anger, and even the grief he feels when Wilson is lost to the waves (nooooo, Wilsoooonnnnn!) were so believable that the audience stops thinking of Wilson as just a ball.

2. The briefcase – Pulp Fiction (1994)

a man faces the camera with a briefcase on his lap, he is in a bar with another man facing away with his head in his handsa man faces the camera with a briefcase on his lap, he is in a bar with another man facing away with his head in his handsa man faces the camera with a briefcase on his lap, he is in a bar with another man facing away with his head in his hands
The briefcase from Pulp Fiction – via IMDB

A prop full of mystery and intrigue, the briefcase in Pulp Fiction motivates the plot without us ever needing to know what’s in it – a great example of a MacGuffin! What matters is how the characters interact with and around it, and how it pulls the stories together.

The fact that we’re left hanging as to what’s in the case is only a mild frustration, and gives us the fun of a little speculation. Some have interpreted the unknown contents of the case as a critique of consumerism and an obsession with wealth.

3. Rosebud – Citizen Kane (1941)

a sled covered in snow with a house in the backgrounda sled covered in snow with a house in the backgrounda sled covered in snow with a house in the background
Rosebud, Citizen Kane – via IMDB

The sled, named Rosebud, in Citizen Kane is quite often talked about as one of the most powerful symbols in film history – it certainly pops up in a lot of film classes! At the start of the film we see media tycoon Charles Foster Kane who utters ‘Rosebud’ with his dying breath.

This remains a mystery for most of the film, until we find out that it was his childhood sled and represented a longing for a kind of happiness that he never managed to feel again despite being incredibly rich. The film questions the idea of ‘The American Dream’ and how chasing material wealth can still leave you feeling empty.

4. The One Ring – The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003)

frodo baggins is lying on the ground looking worried, his hand is up and the one ring is about to fall onto his fingerfrodo baggins is lying on the ground looking worried, his hand is up and the one ring is about to fall onto his fingerfrodo baggins is lying on the ground looking worried, his hand is up and the one ring is about to fall onto his finger
The One Ring, LOTR – via IMDB

If we were asked to name props that carry the narrative through a film then no doubt the One Ring would get a mention. It’s just a gold band, but as well as being the centrepiece to the plot, it’s also loaded with symbolism, as it has the potential to corrupt anyone who has it.

5. Lightsabre – Star Wars (1977+)

a man in a hooded robe holds a blue lightsabre upa man in a hooded robe holds a blue lightsabre upa man in a hooded robe holds a blue lightsabre up
A lightsabre in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope – via IMDB

Most children (and let’s face it, adults) have made a whooooosh sound while pretending to hold a lightsabre at some point. They’re iconic! In the films (and subsequent spin-offs) they’re more than just a weapon; a lightsabre’s colour reflects the character of the person who has it (blue for Jedi, red for Sith) and the making of one is a rite of passage, like for Luke Skywalker. It’s a good shorthand for the struggle between light and darkness, good and evil!

6. The ruby slippers – The Wizard of Oz (1939)

dorothy's legs with ruby slippers and a shining star wand next to themdorothy's legs with ruby slippers and a shining star wand next to themdorothy's legs with ruby slippers and a shining star wand next to them
The ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz – via IMDB

One of the most recognisable props ever, the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz are more than just a fashion statement, they represent Dorothy’s transformation from farm girl to heroine of the story, they’re literally a colourful contrast to the black and white world of Kansas (as is the rest of Oz) and in that they also represent the glamour and excitement of Hollywood and all its innovations.

In the original story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum the slippers were silver, but to take advantage of Technicolor they were changed to dark red, which made them look brighter on screen – bright red would have looked orange! As The Wizard of Oz film is still protected under copyright, so are the ruby slippers, and because they weren’t part of the Baum’s story (which is in the public domain) the idea belongs to Warner Brothers.

7. The golden ticket – Willy Wonker & the Chocolate Factory (1971)

a golden ticket held between two hands with writing on it. In summary it says 'wonka's golden ticket' and informs the owner that they should turn up to the chocolate factory at 10am on the first of Octobera golden ticket held between two hands with writing on it. In summary it says 'wonka's golden ticket' and informs the owner that they should turn up to the chocolate factory at 10am on the first of Octobera golden ticket held between two hands with writing on it. In summary it says 'wonka's golden ticket' and informs the owner that they should turn up to the chocolate factory at 10am on the first of October
The golden ticket from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory – via IMDB

As well as a plot device that much of the story centres around, the golden ticket is also a symbol of hope and aspiration, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to escape from poverty and hardship. The idea of a ‘golden ticket’ as a life-changing opportunity has even worked its way into our common language. As well as all this, the golden ticket is another criticism of excessive consumerism and it celebrates things like humility, kindness, and imagination.

8. The poison apple – Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937)

a cartoon red apple hung from a stringa cartoon red apple hung from a stringa cartoon red apple hung from a string
The poisoned apple from Snow White – via IMDB

Yes, even cartoons are packed to the brim with iconic props, and one of the most famous ones is the poison apple from Snow White. It’s… a poison apple, but it has a wider symbolism of deception and evil wrapped in an attractive guise, which of course mirrors that of the Evil Queen. If you’d like to go even deeper, you could say it draws on the idea of temptation, just like the fruit Eve eats in the Bible that gets her kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

9. The umbrella – Mary Poppins (1964)

mary poppins dressed in a long coat, hat, and scarf is carrying a bag plus her umbrella (opened, above her head). Oh and she's flying, of course.mary poppins dressed in a long coat, hat, and scarf is carrying a bag plus her umbrella (opened, above her head). Oh and she's flying, of course.mary poppins dressed in a long coat, hat, and scarf is carrying a bag plus her umbrella (opened, above her head). Oh and she's flying, of course.
Marry Poppins and her magic umbrella – via IMDB

With a talking parrot handle, the umbrella is as magical as Mary Poppins, and it’s an instantly recognisable extension of her character. It’s a symbol of magic, childhood wonder, maternal care, and how the extraordinary can be everywhere, even in mundane, useful objects! It does help her fly, too. Which is pretty handy.

10. The Fedora – Indiana Jones (1981+)

indiana jones is standing (with fedora) in front of a burning building. He's facing towards us and he has his mouth open in shockindiana jones is standing (with fedora) in front of a burning building. He's facing towards us and he has his mouth open in shockindiana jones is standing (with fedora) in front of a burning building. He's facing towards us and he has his mouth open in shock
Indiana Jones in his famous Fedora – via IMDB

It may just be a hat but along with the whip it’s a defining part of his character, so much so that we – through the course of many films – often see him risk his life to get it back. The hat is practical, of course, but it’s also a good way to symbolise Indy’s determination and classic Hollywood heroism, like cowboy hats in Westerns.

We say props, to props…

Props are a really important part of filmmaking. They’re potentially great storytelling devices, can be loaded with symbolism, or even just be a social/cultural reflection of the times. Whether it’s really memorable, iconic props like the ruby slippers or *dramatic voice* the One Ring, to believable representations of companionship like Wilson the ball, or even props that have zero meaning at all other than to move the story along (MacGuffins), like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction, they help to give more depth to characters and drive plots forward.

The most memorable props have a life beyond the screen, they’re talked about and become part of our culture, and the physical objects themselves are quite often given a much higher value in later life, becoming treasured museum objects… or being sold to the highest bidder.

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About this page

This page was written by Marie Gardiner. Marie is a writer, author, and photographer. It was edited by Andrew Blackman. Andrew is a freelance writer and editor, and is a copy editor for Envato Tuts+.

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Marie Gardiner

What is a prop, why does it matter?

Prop, is actually short for ‘property’ and means any movable object used on a set (film or theatre) to support the story or for characterisation. If you think about useful props, like a cup or a chair for example, they serve a function but don’t necessarily contribute to the story. Some props though, are loaded with symbolic or narrative weight!

There are some props that are even extensions of a character, like some of the gadgets belonging to James Bond. Others may be MacGuffins – objects that are important for what they represent or how they move the story along, rather than what they actually are.

Props stick out when they:

  • Symbolise an idea or emotion: The sled Rosebud in Citizen Kane.
  • Act as a narrative pivot: The briefcase in Pulp Fiction.
  • Mirror themes or concerns: The One Ring in Lord of the Rings.

Props sometimes reflect things that are prevalent in our societies, like:

  • Wealth and materialism
  • Technology
  • Power and corruption

Iconic props in films

1. Wilson the volleyball – Cast Away (2000)

a white ball with a bloody hand print on it and a face drawn into ita white ball with a bloody hand print on it and a face drawn into ita white ball with a bloody hand print on it and a face drawn into it
Wilson the volleyball from Cast Away - via IMDB

Ah, Wilson. A plain ol’ volleyball. In Cast Away this regular, inanimate object becomes pretty important. A bloody handprint and a face was all we needed to invest in this prop becoming a symbol of real human connection.

While Chuck is stranded on the island, Wilson is his only companion and the dialogue he has, the anger, and even the grief he feels when Wilson is lost to the waves (nooooo, Wilsoooonnnnn!) were so believable that the audience stops thinking of Wilson as just a ball.

2. The briefcase – Pulp Fiction (1994)

a man faces the camera with a briefcase on his lap, he is in a bar with another man facing away with his head in his handsa man faces the camera with a briefcase on his lap, he is in a bar with another man facing away with his head in his handsa man faces the camera with a briefcase on his lap, he is in a bar with another man facing away with his head in his hands
The briefcase from Pulp Fiction - via IMDB

A prop full of mystery and intrigue, the briefcase in Pulp Fiction motivates the plot without us ever needing to know what’s in it – a great example of a MacGuffin! What matters is how the characters interact with and around it, and how it pulls the stories together.

The fact that we’re left hanging as to what’s in the case is only a mild frustration, and gives us the fun of a little speculation. Some have interpreted the unknown contents of the case as a critique of consumerism and an obsession with wealth.

3. Rosebud – Citizen Kane (1941)

a sled covered in snow with a house in the backgrounda sled covered in snow with a house in the backgrounda sled covered in snow with a house in the background
Rosebud, Citizen Kane - via IMDB

The sled, named Rosebud, in Citizen Kane is quite often talked about as one of the most powerful symbols in film history – it certainly pops up in a lot of film classes! At the start of the film we see media tycoon Charles Foster Kane who utters ‘Rosebud’ with his dying breath.

This remains a mystery for most of the film, until we find out that it was his childhood sled and represented a longing for a kind of happiness that he never managed to feel again despite being incredibly rich. The film questions the idea of ‘The American Dream’ and how chasing material wealth can still leave you feeling empty.

4. The One Ring – The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003)

frodo baggins is lying on the ground looking worried, his hand is up and the one ring is about to fall onto his fingerfrodo baggins is lying on the ground looking worried, his hand is up and the one ring is about to fall onto his fingerfrodo baggins is lying on the ground looking worried, his hand is up and the one ring is about to fall onto his finger
The One Ring, LOTR - via IMDB

If we were asked to name props that carry the narrative through a film then no doubt the One Ring would get a mention. It’s just a gold band, but as well as being the centrepiece to the plot, it’s also loaded with symbolism, as it has the potential to corrupt anyone who has it.

5. Lightsabre – Star Wars (1977+)

a man in a hooded robe holds a blue lightsabre upa man in a hooded robe holds a blue lightsabre upa man in a hooded robe holds a blue lightsabre up
A lightsabre in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope - via IMDB

Most children (and let’s face it, adults) have made a whooooosh sound while pretending to hold a lightsabre at some point. They’re iconic! In the films (and subsequent spin-offs) they’re more than just a weapon; a lightsabre’s colour reflects the character of the person who has it (blue for Jedi, red for Sith) and the making of one is a rite of passage, like for Luke Skywalker. It’s a good shorthand for the struggle between light and darkness, good and evil!

6. The ruby slippers – The Wizard of Oz (1939)

dorothy's legs with ruby slippers and a shining star wand next to themdorothy's legs with ruby slippers and a shining star wand next to themdorothy's legs with ruby slippers and a shining star wand next to them
The ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz - via IMDB

One of the most recognisable props ever, the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz are more than just a fashion statement, they represent Dorothy’s transformation from farm girl to heroine of the story, they’re literally a colourful contrast to the black and white world of Kansas (as is the rest of Oz) and in that they also represent the glamour and excitement of Hollywood and all its innovations.

In the original story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum the slippers were silver, but to take advantage of Technicolor they were changed to dark red, which made them look brighter on screen – bright red would have looked orange! As The Wizard of Oz film is still protected under copyright, so are the ruby slippers, and because they weren’t part of the Baum’s story (which is in the public domain) the idea belongs to Warner Brothers.

7. The golden ticket – Willy Wonker & the Chocolate Factory (1971)

a golden ticket held between two hands with writing on it. In summary it says 'wonka's golden ticket' and informs the owner that they should turn up to the chocolate factory at 10am on the first of Octobera golden ticket held between two hands with writing on it. In summary it says 'wonka's golden ticket' and informs the owner that they should turn up to the chocolate factory at 10am on the first of Octobera golden ticket held between two hands with writing on it. In summary it says 'wonka's golden ticket' and informs the owner that they should turn up to the chocolate factory at 10am on the first of October
The golden ticket from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - via IMDB

As well as a plot device that much of the story centres around, the golden ticket is also a symbol of hope and aspiration, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to escape from poverty and hardship. The idea of a ‘golden ticket’ as a life-changing opportunity has even worked its way into our common language. As well as all this, the golden ticket is another criticism of excessive consumerism and it celebrates things like humility, kindness, and imagination.

8. The poison apple – Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937)

a cartoon red apple hung from a stringa cartoon red apple hung from a stringa cartoon red apple hung from a string
The poisoned apple from Snow White - via IMDB

Yes, even cartoons are packed to the brim with iconic props, and one of the most famous ones is the poison apple from Snow White. It’s… a poison apple, but it has a wider symbolism of deception and evil wrapped in an attractive guise, which of course mirrors that of the Evil Queen. If you’d like to go even deeper, you could say it draws on the idea of temptation, just like the fruit Eve eats in the Bible that gets her kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

9. The umbrella – Mary Poppins (1964)

mary poppins dressed in a long coat, hat, and scarf is carrying a bag plus her umbrella (opened, above her head). Oh and she's flying, of course.mary poppins dressed in a long coat, hat, and scarf is carrying a bag plus her umbrella (opened, above her head). Oh and she's flying, of course.mary poppins dressed in a long coat, hat, and scarf is carrying a bag plus her umbrella (opened, above her head). Oh and she's flying, of course.
Marry Poppins and her magic umbrella - via IMDB

With a talking parrot handle, the umbrella is as magical as Mary Poppins, and it’s an instantly recognisable extension of her character. It’s a symbol of magic, childhood wonder, maternal care, and how the extraordinary can be everywhere, even in mundane, useful objects! It does help her fly, too. Which is pretty handy.

10. The Fedora – Indiana Jones (1981+)

indiana jones is standing (with fedora) in front of a burning building. He's facing towards us and he has his mouth open in shockindiana jones is standing (with fedora) in front of a burning building. He's facing towards us and he has his mouth open in shockindiana jones is standing (with fedora) in front of a burning building. He's facing towards us and he has his mouth open in shock
Indiana Jones in his famous Fedora - via IMDB

It may just be a hat but along with the whip it’s a defining part of his character, so much so that we – through the course of many films – often see him risk his life to get it back. The hat is practical, of course, but it’s also a good way to symbolise Indy’s determination and classic Hollywood heroism, like cowboy hats in Westerns.

We say props, to props…

Props are a really important part of filmmaking. They’re potentially great storytelling devices, can be loaded with symbolism, or even just be a social/cultural reflection of the times. Whether it’s really memorable, iconic props like the ruby slippers or *dramatic voice* the One Ring, to believable representations of companionship like Wilson the ball, or even props that have zero meaning at all other than to move the story along (MacGuffins), like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction, they help to give more depth to characters and drive plots forward.

The most memorable props have a life beyond the screen, they’re talked about and become part of our culture, and the physical objects themselves are quite often given a much higher value in later life, becoming treasured museum objects… or being sold to the highest bidder.

More free film articles 

About this page

This page was written by Marie Gardiner. Marie is a writer, author, and photographer. It was edited by Andrew Blackman. Andrew is a freelance writer and editor, and is a copy editor for Envato Tuts+.

This content originally appeared on Envato Tuts+ Tutorials and was authored by Marie Gardiner

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Marie Gardiner | Sciencx (2024-12-06T14:22:31+00:00) Understanding the role of iconic props in film. Retrieved from https://www.scien.cx/2024/12/06/understanding-the-role-of-iconic-props-in-film/

" » Understanding the role of iconic props in film." Marie Gardiner | Sciencx - Friday December 6, 2024, https://www.scien.cx/2024/12/06/understanding-the-role-of-iconic-props-in-film/
Marie Gardiner | Sciencx Friday December 6, 2024 » Understanding the role of iconic props in film., viewed ,<https://www.scien.cx/2024/12/06/understanding-the-role-of-iconic-props-in-film/>
Marie Gardiner | Sciencx - » Understanding the role of iconic props in film. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from: https://www.scien.cx/2024/12/06/understanding-the-role-of-iconic-props-in-film/
" » Understanding the role of iconic props in film." Marie Gardiner | Sciencx - Accessed . https://www.scien.cx/2024/12/06/understanding-the-role-of-iconic-props-in-film/
" » Understanding the role of iconic props in film." Marie Gardiner | Sciencx [Online]. Available: https://www.scien.cx/2024/12/06/understanding-the-role-of-iconic-props-in-film/. [Accessed: ]
» Understanding the role of iconic props in film | Marie Gardiner | Sciencx | https://www.scien.cx/2024/12/06/understanding-the-role-of-iconic-props-in-film/ |

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