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2 Background and Related Work and 2.1 From Bitcoin to Blockchains
2.2 Open and Permissionless Blockchains
2.3 Interoperability Between Blockchains
3 Cross-Chain Query Language and 3.1 Integrated Data Model
3.2 Grammar and Query Processing Architecture
4 Evaluation of Implementation Feasibility and 4.1 Software and Hardware Configuration
5 Conclusion and Outlook, Acknowledgment, and References
4.3 Discussion
The prototype provides uniform data access to OPB, such as the retrieval of asset and data transfers across multiple blockchains. As per the defined grammar, data access is standardized, facilitating statements that involve one or more blockchains. For meaningful utilization of blockchain properties, it is essential to operate blockchain nodes locally, which can involve significant time and cost for initial synchronizations.
\ The architecture of the data model follows a data integration approach, where data conforming to well-known OPB can be stored by populating pertinent classes. In contrast, merely relying on multiple individual data models would fail to address the issue at hand.
\ Due to the generic and unifying approach, the prototype in its current form has limited support for advanced concepts specific to individual OPB. For instance, calculating transaction fees involving additional utility tokens falls outside the scope of this model. Functionality-wise, limitations concern the processing of queries with filters. Currently, the prototype is constrained to the sequential application of filters with equality comparisons. In addition, the processing is limited to the classes and attributes present in the data model. In future development, further blockchain-specific processing logic and attributes could be added to the architecture and the data model, respectively. At this point, the prototype demonstrates the general feasibility of a domain-specific language that supports multiple blockchains. Regarding atomicity, it is supported on a technical level for query transactions within the data model, however, the API-based access approach does not allow for atomicity guarantees that depend on the software node implementations of different blockchains. Oftentimes, APIs do not provide specific atomicity or strong consistency guarantees and instead rely on eventual consistency. For this reason, access through APIs limits the possibility of strong guarantees for the prototype.
5 Conclusion and Outlook
This paper presents a cross-chain query language grammar, data model, and processing architecture aimed at facilitating uniform data access across multiple blockchains. The approach enables homogeneous data access, query standardization, addressing multiple blockchains within individual queries, and local validation of blockchain data. These facets were only partially covered in previous research.
\ The feasibility of implementing the language with its processing architecture has been positively evaluated using a prototype, despite the functional limitations mentioned in the previous discussion. Using the proposed approach of application-level interoperability, software can leverage multiple blockchains to establish a unified view on data while relying on verifiable transactions that are part of an open and permissionless infrastructure.
\ In future research, these concepts can serve as a basis for addressing further integration aspects among blockchains, e.g. in terms of augmenting data storage distributed on multiple blockchains, and provide advanced integration methods towards enabling blockchains as decentralized application platforms.
This work is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation project DomainSpecific Conceptual Modeling for Distributed Ledger Technologies [196889].
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:::info Author:
(1) Felix Härer[0000 −0002 −2768 −2342], Digitalization and Information Systems Group, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (
:::info This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED license.
This content originally appeared on HackerNoon and was authored by Interoperability in Software Publication

Interoperability in Software Publication | Sciencx (2025-02-03T15:00:07+00:00) Simplifying Access to Blockchain Data Across Multiple Networks. Retrieved from
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