The U.S. Dollar Is Just Socialism With Extra Steps

In his last article on Bitcoin mining, I shared a romantic viewpoint where a high hash rate coincided more with humans using energy in Bitcoin mining systems, instead of machines. But given the autonomous nature of the Bitcoin mining process, my idea must have reeked of socialism. I apologize, I am human.
But we all are human. We all are communists.
Bitcoin helps us move in the right direction.

This content originally appeared on HackerNoon and was authored by M-Marvin Ken

In my last article on Bitcoin mining, I shared a romantic viewpoint where a high hash rate coincided more with humans using energy in Bitcoin mining systems, instead of machines.

But I get it, humans aren’t reliable like atomic clocks.

Given the absolutely autonomous nature of the Bitcoin mining process, my idea must have reeked of socialism.

Moreover pointing towards a deliberately inefficient mining process.

Don’t call me a radical liberal yet.

I am only human and I love Star Trek.

As Peter Thiel once said – Star Trek is communist, Star Wars is capitalist.

If he could choose, though, Mr. Thiel and us would be in a Star Trek world.

In Star Wars the Empire might strike us and our profits.

8 times Noonies winner Nebosja Todorovic also said in Nuke Silicon Valley - Decentralize AI that Peter Thiel (again) said that, “Crypto is libertarian, AI is communist.”

Here’s mine: “Bitcoin is libertarian, Fiat currency is communist.”

Today I’ll do a 180 on Humans vs Bitcoin ASICs and say we should allow Bitcoin ASIC miners to take over planet earth as the most dominant non-life form.

Overtaking plastic and concrete.


In case you didn’t know this, humans have a NET ZERO influence on how much energy is on Earth.

All the energy we use, we found here.

And any energy we use, sunlight is replacing.

Absent our highly energy-consuming human activities, Earth’s energy would remain trapped inside its fossil fuels under the ground, its rivers, natural gas deposits, geothermal vents.

These are nature batteries ,if you will.

Once in a while, these energy pockets spontaneously release their energy. Think Pinatubo, but on a smaller, more frequent scale.

But bigger than exploding batteries of phones and cars. Enough to give hell to us, the poor “nature-humans”.

Earth would be greener but it would have these sometimes extreme events that would likely kill humans and other life forms en masse once every while.

Imagine one large untapped natural gas deposit, getting a crack and releasing all that gas over a large area. Not only would it 20x the greenhouse effect, once ignited, it would be a megaton explosion on the scale of a nuclear bomb.

So what have humans done? Raised the planet’s energetics by draining nature’s energy batteries a little.

In the Kitchen

It’s like cooking, but only on a very large scale, everywhere, in various ways. Earth is our kitchen. And kitchens get hot.

But the heat in our mega kitchen can be reduced by stopping to cook for a while. Especially if the heat is electric, we can control it over any distance in a fraction of a second.

Our c̶o̶l̶l̶e̶c̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ intersubjective will to stop cooking as a species. We shall stop cooking.

None of us wants to cook ourselves in the name of profit.

We’ll allow the energy to sit back in its natural batteries.

See, Capitalism can be defined as the process of looking for raw materials and energy in order to cook more valuable products for humanity.

We all want to be capitalists / cooks because all people want to consume more products so that marriage is less difficult, work is less difficult, raising kids with the right knowledge is less difficult.

More growth and development is better. Especially if mediated by these programmable logic, high-precision devices we call computers.

If it wasn’t, ya’ll would be back in the forest by now. Swinging from trees and cursing modern technology.

But, how does Bitcoin fit into all this?

Bitcoin is Capitalist, Fiat Currency is Communist

Here are some controversial statements:

  1. Bitcoin Mining consumes a lot of energy but it can also be switched off easily! Hurray!
  2. Fiat digital currency does not use enough energy to process our many human transactions.

It is too easy to print more dollars, yen, ethereum, xrp, 1 million other coins and currencies with baseless claims on social media.

This is why the world is going to sh**.

Also, we're FA but not FO fast enough.

Something is wrong.

Fiat has that allure, the same allure that socialism and communism have.

In fact, at its core, holding fiat is a belief in the person printing. Since millions of people hold fiat, fiat money is socialism under the printer controller.

But even if that is Isaac Newton, as history has shown, they cannot control the currency without misleading us all.

Americans claim not to be socialist, but their love for a dollar controlled by a shadowy group behind the scenes tells me otherwise.

Call it nationalism. Ok.

Why should nationalism be fuelled socialistically? We are all socialists, aren’t we.

Isn’t that a trip.

For true capitalism, at its core, is hard.

Only computers and non-life can participate in 100% total capitalism.

Total capitalism is akin to Ayn Rand and her Objectivism philosophy of “Rational Self-interest”.

Alas, humans are not always rational nor logical like computers.

Ayn Rand

Say, while watching a recent interview about Ayn Rand, the guests said one reason exactly what the problem with Ayn Rand’s objectivism is.

None of us is a genius superhuman inventor like John Galt.

So by blaming us for not being perfect, Ayn Rand was obtuse and imperfect.

Who is John Galt?

Well, Who is Superman.

There are people with disabilities, which might be all of us. People with bad luck. People.

In a 100% free society without government, I dare you to tell the person with disabilities not to destroy you so they can loot your stuff.

To tell them to “compete fairly”.

How about women. You want them to compete “fairly” with men in physical activities?

It’s a simply a question of common decency and sense.

Let’s set the game rules straight, then maybe I will stomach application as universal ethic by those fellows who feel like swinging “For whoever has, to him more will be given…” – Matthew 13:10 at our heads like a bat.

But for now, I’d rather the lying socialist lords pretending to be truthful capitalists, follow “Love your neighbor as yourself” – Mark 12:31. It is only the second greatest commandment after loving the Lord, creator of heaven and earth.

Elon Musk

Which is why, in my opinion, Elon Musk really should have stayed away from government.


A coin, a meme, a government agency scrutinizing budget bloat and waste.

Sounds fun and easy-going, for Elon is a master at cooking in the kitchen that is Earth. But unknown or known to him, he also wants to visibly be a socialist lord sitting next to those who print the US dollar.

Getting even moore billions of dollars in seconds, that will take months to years to reach our hands if we have jobs. Decades if we don’t.

He is outshining us all, man. Truly technically, and even at scamming a.k.a fiat politics.

At least I know that normal politicians can’t built vertical landing rockets and super electric cars in their free time. They aren’t that smart, energized, hardcore, horny, technical, inspiring of corporate leadership.

They have a sweet tongue.

Does Elon want that too?

We hate that for him.

It is why people are destroying Teslas, in my honest, maybe stupid, opinion. (Destroying Teslas is really stupid, but we’re all socialists remember. It is group -think everywhere. Courtesy of fiat currency).

Another opinion is that few people must hate Elon Musk. Really, he is quite likeable.

All those women he gets pregnant attest to this.

But Elon wants to pull a John Galt speech on us, and we won’t stand for it. Because he is not that genius.

Reminds me; Ayn Rand falsely, unscientifically and flimsily talks of John Galt inventing an infinite energy device.

Something that made me hate Atlas Shrugged more because I know what energy means.

Ayn Rand definitely didn’t.

If John Galt had invented an infinite energy device nobody would need him to work or shout or stress. He could comfortably sit on his couch while an endless stream of food and goodies are sent to him.

Women would line up to marry him. He wouldn’t have to sweat it.

Because people aren’t that stupid. We know what to do with infinite energy.

Let Elon invent an infinite energy device. I’ll gladly salute him back.

Or Rearden metal. That would get him even more fame.

We shall all accept, we are the idiots.

Only Satoshi Nakamoto can be called a genius on per with Hank Rearden.

14 Printers

To recap, the problem with fiat currency is that it has turned us all into Marxist socialists/communists. Collectively praying for food from the New State overlords who control Money Printers.

But all they give us are rug pulls. All of them. And given our highly energized society with all the food and cheap energy resources, we can afford to play dumb for a lot longer.

Which is a problem because we might really become dumb. Too dumb even to print properly. Make it look like saving the day.

Elon says there are some 14 of those Money Printers under the thumb of the Fed. I doubt he can touch them. See them, ok. Touch them, nope.

His hand will be slapped.

The State as we know it is not the issue. Whoever prints, that is the new communist dictator of our times. Promising us free food from printing money.

I repeat, if you have ever printed a coin and freely loaded on other people’s hard work, you were a communist at that point.

Communists aren’t people who cry and whine like in Rand’s caricature book. Communists are you and me when we don’t want to do an honest day’s job but want a paycheck.

From where?

You’re looting farmers, fren. Carry a damn load.

A little communism might be good at organising society in hierarchies, ok. But let’s agree that in principle, fiat money is an illusion of “cheap transactions”.

Fiat money is cheap because the last people have to do the grunt work, but they don't want to acknowledge it.

Like Gammas in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, they are self-lobotomized by riding the dopamine rush of “free money”. And then happily carry the bag for the rest of society.

I mean, even oil takes some work to turn into gasoline.

And its the freest source of energy we have on earth.

Bitcoin takes Work, Making it Pure

God cursed Adam to till the ground to get what to eat. Then the food would be pure like what he ate in the garden.

It isn’t in the bible, but good money is like food. It takes hard work to create it.

Money that does not need energy to create it, move it, or even store it efficiently is stupid.

Bitcoin remains the only digital money that consumes energy to make (via energetic mining), move (block confirmations consume energy) and store (copies of nodes consume energy to run) its coins

Just like gold.

Meanwhile, unlike gold, we can switch it fast. Switch it from one place to another, or switch it off. It is the first artificial energy storage system that can easily decouple back to nature energy batteries in a second.

It is a nature battery in its own right!

We can also switch it on fast, no biggie. This is huge.

We haven’t yet realized how huge, because Bitcoin mining is only consuming about 200TWh of electric energy per year.

A small drop in a bucket where global energy consumption is nearly 30,000 TWh per year. The hash rate right now is north of 800 billion billion hashes per second, but it could rise higher especially if the price rises into the millions per BTC.

(As a rising price value incentivizes more mining hence a rising hash rate. Moreover, mining is more profitable than buying BTC. Obviously, since miners are the first people to hold bitcoins, they sell at a massive profit).

A 10x is not unreasonable over the next four years of the pro-Bitcoin Trump administration, hence a rise to 8 billion trillion hashes per second can be expected.

More hash rate means more ability to stabilize the climate, energy grids, heating needs in winter months (few may ever feel biting winter colds again) by switching on/off these miners.

And we can go bigger. Why not. Why not 8 trillion trillion hashes per second.

Why not 800 quadrillion quadrillion hashes per second in a world where a node-miner is owned by everybody.

If the singularity is to approach, we better make it a Bitcoin one.

Otherwise, if we don’t use the energy now, an AI overlord will use it later.

This content originally appeared on HackerNoon and was authored by M-Marvin Ken

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