Visualizing Algorithm Runtimes in Python

This article will cover how you can use visualization libraries and software to determine runtime complexities for different algorithms. We will cover the basic usage of matplotlib for visualization of 2d plots and numpy for calculating lines of best f…

This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Cole Gawin

This article will cover how you can use visualization libraries and software to determine runtime complexities for different algorithms. We will cover the basic usage of matplotlib for visualization of 2d plots and numpy for calculating lines of best fit, and then go over how these libraries can be used to determine their runtime complexity either through "guesstimation" or by comparing the plots of their runtimes to that of known functions (i.e. y=x, y=2^n).

If you are interested in downloading the code featured in this article, please visit this repository on my GitHub (chroline/visualizingRuntimes).

What is runtime complexity?

Runtime complexity, more specifically runtime complexity analysis, is a measurement of how “fast” an algorithm can run as the amount of operations it requires increases. Before we dive into visualizing the runtimes of different algorithms, let’s look at a couple of basic examples to explain the concept.

Take the following add function. It accepts two parameters, a and b, and performs addition on a and b.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

When given any two parameters (1 and 2, 2 and 3, 29347 and 93648), the amount of operations does not change. Therefore, we say the algorithm runs in constant, or O(n) , time.

However, now consider the following permutations function. It accepts one main parameter, string, and prints all of the permutations of that string.

def permutations(string, step = 0):
    if step == len(string):
        print "".join(string)
     for i in range(step, len(string)):
        string_copy = [c for c in string]
        string_copy[step], string_copy[i] =string_copy[i], string_copy[step]
        permutations(string_copy, step + 1)

As you could imagine, this function would take much longer than the previous add function; in fact, this function would run in what is called factorial time, represented as O(n!). That is because as the amount of characters in string increases, the amount of operations required to find all the permutations increases factorially.

When comparing the runtimes of two functions visually, you would notice a stark contrast in the graphs they produce. For the add function, you would observe a flat line, as the input of the function does not affect the amount of operations required by the function. However, for the permutations function, you would observe a line that drastically spikes upwards (the slope of the line would approach infinity) because the amount of operations increases factorially as the size of the input increases.

Now that we have covered the basics of runtime complexity analysis, we can begin the process of writing code to visualize the runtimes of different algorithms.


Before running any visualizations, we must first import the necessary libraries and initialize them.

  • matplotlib is a library that will create and display the graphs
  • numpy is a library that consists of numerous mathematical utility functions
  • timeit is a library that we will use to time how long each call to the algorithm takes
  • math is the basic Python math library
  • random is the basic Python randomization library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import timeit
import math
import random

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 6] # set size of plot


Below are some code segments that demonstrate how to use matplotlib and numpy.

sum function

The Python sum function calculates the sum of all elements of a provided Iterable. This function implements an algorithm with a O(n) runtime complexity.

To test this, we will use the linspace method from the numpy library to generate an iterable with 50 evenly-spaced values ranging from 10 to 10,000. The graph, although not a perfectly straight plot, illustrates this.

ns = np.linspace(10, 10_000, 50, dtype=int)
ts = [timeit.timeit('sum(range({}))'.format(n), number=100)
      for n in ns]

plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or')

sum function runtime graph

We can add a line of best fit (using a 4th-degree function) to further exemplify this. The graph will never be a perfectly straight-line, but it should come close.

degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, ts,'or')
plt.plot(ns, [p(n)for nin ns],'-b')

sum function runtime graph with line of best fit

List Indexing

Retrieving an item from a list (list indexing) runs with O(1) runtime complexity, which means that the amount of items in the list does not affect how long the algorithm takes to run. How is this represented in a graph?

lst = list(range(1_000_000))
ns = np.linspace(0, len(lst), 1000, endpoint=False, dtype=int)
ts = [timeit.timeit('_ = lst[{}]'.format(n),
for nin ns]

plt.plot(ns, ts,'or')

degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, [p(n)for nin ns],'-b')

list indexing runtime graph


Now we will look at the graphs produced by the following algorithms:

  • linear search
  • binary search
  • insertion sort

Linear Search

Linear search has a runtime complexity of O(n), which will be represented by an approximately straight line.

Red plots demonstrate searching for an element in a shuffled, blue plots demonstrate searching for an element that is not present in the list.

The line of best fit for the red plots will generally be lesser than that of the blue plots because searching for an element that is not present in the list requires iterating through the entire list.

## searches for an item in a list
def contains(lst, x):
    for y in lst:
        if x == y: return True
    return False

ns = np.linspace(10, 10_000, 100, dtype=int)

# red plots
ts = [timeit.timeit('contains(lst, 0)', 
                    setup='lst=list(range({})); random.shuffle(lst)'.format(n),
      for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or')

# line of best fit for red plots
degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, [p(n) for n in ns], '-r')

# blue plots
ts = [timeit.timeit('contains(lst, -1)', 
      for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'ob')

# line of best fit for blue plots
degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, [p(n) for n in ns], '-b')

linear search runtime graph

Binary Search

Binary search runs with O(log n) runtime complexity.

# searches for an item in a list using linear search
def contains(lst, x):
    lo = 0
    hi = len(lst)-1
    while lo <= hi:
        mid = (lo + hi) // 2
        if x < lst[mid]:
            hi = mid - 1
        elif x > lst[mid]:
            lo = mid + 1
            return True
        return False

ns = np.linspace(10, 10_000, 100, dtype=int)
ts = [timeit.timeit('contains(lst, 0)', 
      for n in ns]

plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or')

degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, [p(n) for n in ns], '-b')

binary search runtime graph

Above is what the graph should look like in a near-perfect simulation. As you can see, there are some some outliers, and in a perfect simulation the line of best fit would be identical to a logarithmic function.

Insertion Sort

What runtime complexity does insertion sort have? We can use the plots of its runtime and compare those plots against the graphs of known runtimes to determine which is the closest match.

def insertion_sort(lst):
    for i in range(1, len(lst)):
        for j in range(i, 0, -1):
            if lst[j-1] > lst[j]:
                lst[j-1], lst[j] = lst[j], lst[j-1]

# 15 values
ns = np.linspace(100, 2000, 15, dtype=int)
ts = [timeit.timeit('insertion_sort(lst)',
                    setup='lst=list(range({})); random.shuffle(lst)'.format(n),
         for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or');

degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, [p(n) for n in ns], '-r')

insertion sort runtime graph

Now, we can compare that graph with graphs of different runtimes to ultimately determine which is most similar and which runtime complexity insertion sort has.

Red plots represent O(log n)blue plots represent O(n^2)green plots represent O(2^n).

# y = log x
# vertically stretched 1000x
ns = range(1, 100)
ts = [math.log(n, 2) * 1000 for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or');

# y = x^2
ns = range(1, 100)
ts = [(n*n) for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'ob');

# y = 2^x
# vertically stretched 20x
# horizontally compressed 1x
ns = range(1, 10)
ts = [math.pow(2, n)*20 for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'og');

comparison runtime graphs

Based on these graphs, it is safe to assume that insertion sort runs in O(n^2) time.

Mystery function runtime analysis

Can we use visualization of the runtimes of mystery functions to guesstimate their runtime complexities?

Mystery function #1

def f(l: list, val): # l is a python list with n items
  d = {}
  for i in range(len(l)):
    d[l[i]] = i
  return d[val]

ns = range(5, 2000)
ts = [timeit.timeit('f(lst, {})'.format(n-1),
                    setup='lst=list(range({})); random.shuffle(lst)'.format(n),
         for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or');

degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, [p(n) for n in ns], '-b')

mystery function 1 runtime graph

Without even comparing this graph to the graphs of the possible runtimes, we can already safely assume that this function operates in O(n) runtime.

Mystery function #2

def g(l): # l is a python list of integers of length n
  pairs = [ (i,j) for i in range(len(l)) for j in range(len(l)) if i < j ]
  result = []
  for (i,j) in pairs:
    if l[i] == l[j]:
  return result

ns = range(5, 200)
ts = [timeit.timeit('g(lst)',
         for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or')

degree = 4
coeffs = np.polyfit(ns, ts, degree)
p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
plt.plot(ns, [p(n) for n in ns], '-b')

mystery function 2 runtime graph

This graph looks very similar to the one for insertion sort, so we can determine that this function has a runtime complexity of O(n^2).

Mystery function #3

def h(n):
   if n <= 1:
       return n
       return h(n-1) + h(n-2)

ns = range(5, 30)
ts = [timeit.timeit('h({})'.format(n),
         for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or')

mystery function 3 runtime graph

This function is more ambiguous than the previous two. It is evident that its runtime must be greater than O(n) as the slope increases as n increases. Let's consider the graphs of runtimes O(n^2) in red and O(2^n) in blue.

# y = n^2
# vertically stretched 20x
ns = range(5, 30)
ts = [n*n*20000 for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'or')

# y = 2^n
# vertically compressed 50x
ns = range(5, 30)
ts = [math.pow(2, n)/50 for n in ns]
plt.plot(ns, ts, 'ob')

comparison runtime graphs

The graph of the runtime of mystery function #3 more closely resembles the blue plots, so therefore the runtime complexity of mystery function #3 is O(2^n).


Using these visualization libraries, we are able to determine the runtime complexities of functions and algorithms by comparing them to plots/graphs of known runtimes (i.e. comparing plots of insertion sort runtime against y=n^2). In addition to determining runtime complexities, this methodology can be used to compare the speeds of different algorithms against each other. With only a few lines of code, you can quickly see the speed at which your chosen algorithms will run with large sets of data!


This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Cole Gawin

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Cole Gawin | Sciencx (2021-05-31T16:16:18+00:00) Visualizing Algorithm Runtimes in Python. Retrieved from

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» Visualizing Algorithm Runtimes in Python | Cole Gawin | Sciencx | |

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