Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS

This tutorial will allow you to scale customer interactions using Dialogflow before passing the conversation to an agent or another system. The following project will be composed of a backend built with NestJs/Express, Twilio’s Conversations API, and…

This content originally appeared on Twilio Blog and was authored by Catalin Negru

This tutorial will allow you to scale customer interactions using Dialogflow before passing the conversation to an agent or another system. The following project will be composed of a backend built with NestJs/Express, Twilio’s Conversations API, and our DialogFlow integration.


If you don’t have a Twilio account, you can get one for free here.

For the following exercise, you’ll need the following:

High Level Flow

Before we dive into the coding aspects of the tutorial, let's go over the user flow and backend calls that we will create.

Integrate dialogflow with Conversations in NestJS architecture

  1. User sends the first message to our Twilio Phone Number.
  2. Twilio Messaging Service creates a new conversation for the user.
  3. Conversations Service fires a webhook that tells our backend that a new conversation was created.
  4. Our backend receives the webhook and creates an isolated scoped webhook. When creating the scoped webhook, we also specify that we want to play all messages to this webhook, allowing us to capture the first message as well.
  5. Our Twilio Conversations Service fires the scoped webhooks for the first message.
  6. Our backend receives the first message and passes it to Dialogflow.
  7. Dialogflow responds with the message.
  8. Our backend writes Dialogflow’s response to the conversation.
  9. User receives the Dialogflow message.

Create our backend

Creating our NestJs project & folder structure

Let's install NestJS CLI globally and create a project named twilio-conversations-dialogflow-demo.

In a terminal, run the following commands:

$ npm i -g @nestjs/cli
$ nest new twilio-conversations-dialogflow-demo

When prompted, select NPM as the package manager and wait for all the dependencies to be installed.

Open up the project in your favorite code editor, and make a quick modification to our .prettierrc file to avoid any issues when copying and pasting code from this guide.

Replace the content in your .prettierrc with the configuration below to match this guide’s formatting:

  "singleQuote": true,
  "trailingComma": "all",
  "tabWidth": 4

Within your editor or file manager, create your project folder structure as shown below:

 ┣ 📂controllers
 ┃ ┗ 📂conversations
 ┣ 📂enums
 ┣ 📂services
 ┣ ...

Environment File & Environment Enums

Create a .env file at the root of your project. Write your SERVICE_TWILIO_ACCOUNT, SERVICE_TWILIO_SID, and SERVICE_TWILIO_SECRET within the environment file.


Create an environment.enums.ts file in src/enums. We will use the enums to select the environment variables across our configuration

export enum EnvironmentEnums {

Project Dependencies

Install all the dependencies which we will be using npm:

$ npm i twilio @nestjs/config @google-cloud/dialogflow uuid

Create TwilioService

Create a new service named twilio.service.ts under src/services. The Twilio service will act as our primary object when interacting with Twilio’s API.

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { EnvironmentEnums } from 'src/enums/environment.enums';
import { Twilio } from 'twilio';

export default class TwilioService {
    private readonly client: Twilio;
    private readonly conversationsServiceId: string;

    constructor(private configService: ConfigService) {
        this.client = new Twilio(
                accountSid: this.configService.get(
        this.conversationsServiceId = this.configService.get(

     * Creates a scoped conversation webhook
     * @param conversationId
     * @returns webhook sid
    public createConversationWebhook = async (
        conversationId: string,
    ): Promise<string> => {
        const conversationsUrl = `${this.configService.get(

        const createRequest = await this.client.conversations
                configuration: {
                    method: 'POST',
                    filters: ['onMessageAdded'],
                    url: conversationsUrl,
                    replayAfter: 0,
                target: 'webhook',

        return createRequest.sid;

     * Creates a message in the conversations service
     * @param conversationId
     * @param message
     * @returns message sid
    public sendMessage = async (conversationId: string, message: string) => {
        const messageResponse = await this.client.conversations
                body: message,

        return messageResponse.sid;

    public getClient = (): Twilio => this.client;

Create DialogflowService

Create a new service named dialogflow.service.ts under src/service. The Dialogflow service will act as our primary object for interacting with Dialogflow’s API.

import dialogflow, { SessionsClient } from '@google-cloud/dialogflow';
import { google } from '@google-cloud/dialogflow/build/protos/protos';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import { EnvironmentEnums } from 'src/enums/environment.enums';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';

export default class DialogflowService {
    private readonly sessionClient: SessionsClient;
    private readonly sessionPath: string;

    constructor(private configService: ConfigService) {
        const sessionId = uuid();
        const dialogflowProjectId = this.configService.get(
        const dialogFlowPrivateKey = this.configService.get(
        const dialogFlowClientEmail = this.configService.get(

        this.sessionClient = new dialogflow.SessionsClient({
            credentials: {
                private_key: dialogFlowPrivateKey,
                client_email: dialogFlowClientEmail,

        this.sessionPath = this.sessionClient.projectAgentSessionPath(

    public getResponse = async (userMessage: string) => {
        const request: = {
            session: this.sessionPath,
            queryInput: {
                text: {
                    text: userMessage,
                    languageCode: 'en-US',
        const [response] = await this.sessionClient.detectIntent(request);
        const textResponse =
            response.queryResult?.fulfillmentText ||
            'Can you please ask me something else?';
        return textResponse;

Create Controller Types

Create a new file named conversations.entities.ts under src/controllers/conversations, this will be our object definition types for the incoming requests from Twilio and our API responses.

If you choose to continue this exercise later or build a production ready app using this sample - you can refer to NestJs’s OpenAPI documentation and build your OpenAPI docs from these entities.

export class ConversationWebhookBody {
    MessagingServiceSid: string;
    RetryCount: string;
    EventType: string;
    State: string;
    Attributes: string;
    MessagingBinding: {
        ProxyAddress: string;
        Address: string;
    DateCreated: string;
    ChatServiceSid: string;
    AccountSid: string;
    Source: string;
    ConversationSid: string;

export class ScopedConversationBody {
    MessagingServiceSid: string;
    EventType: string;
    Attributes: string;
    DateCreated: string;
    Index: string;
    MessageSid: string;
    AccountSid: string;
    Source: string;
    RetryCount: string;
    WebhookType: string;
    Author: string;
    ParticipantSid: string;
    Body: string;
    WebhookSid: string;
    ConversationSid: string;

export class WebhookStatusResponse {
    status: 'ok';

Create Controller

Create a new file named conversations.controller.ts under src/controllers/conversations, as this will be our controller that will handle the incoming requests.

Below we will create two endpoints.

The /conversations/events endpoint will handle the onConversationAdded event, which will be sent by Twilio’s Conversations when a new conversation is created. After this event is received, we will create our scoped webhooks for this specific conversation.

The /:conversationId/events endpoint will handle the onMessageAdded event, which will be sent by Twilio’s Scoped Webhooks when a new message is received in the conversation.

import { Body, Controller, Post } from '@nestjs/common';
import DialogflowService from 'src/services/dialogflow.service';
import TwilioService from 'src/services/twilio.service';
import {
} from './conversations.entities';

export default class ConversationsController {
        private readonly twilioService: TwilioService,
        private readonly dialogflowService: DialogflowService,
    ) {}

    async eventHandler(
        @Body() conversationWebhookBody: ConversationWebhookBody,
    ): Promise<WebhookStatusResponse> {
        await this.twilioService.createConversationWebhook(
        return { status: 'ok' };

    async conversationHandler(
        @Body() scopedConversationBody: ScopedConversationBody,
    ): Promise<WebhookStatusResponse> {
        const dialogFlowResponse = await this.dialogflowService.getResponse(

        await this.twilioService.sendMessage(

        return { status: 'ok' };

Import Controller & Services into AppModule

Lets connect our newly created services to the application’s root module. Open the app.module.ts file which was automatically created by the NestJs CLI. We want to import all the files we’ve created above into the root module.

I’ve also removed the import for the AppService and AppController, which was automatically created in the code below.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config';
import ConversationsController from './controllers/conversations/conversations.controller';
import DialogflowService from './services/dialogflow.service';
import TwilioService from './services/twilio.service';

    imports: [ConfigModule.forRoot()],
    controllers: [ConversationsController],
    providers: [TwilioService, DialogflowService],
export class AppModule {}

For cleanup, you can now remove app.service.ts, app.controller.ts, and app.controller.spec.ts from the src directory.

Create our Dialogflow agent

For this exercise, we will be using Dialogflow ES. However, the steps involved are similar if you choose to use another version. You’ll need to navigate to

Create Agent

  1. Click the Create Agent button as shown in the image below.
    Create Agent in Dialogflow
  2. Leave the default language set to English, and select create a new Google project (you can also configure the time zone if you wish). Click Create and wait a few seconds.
    Dialogflow create a new Google project
  3. Once the agent is created, navigate to Small Talk and enable the option from the toggle. Settings should auto-save. If it does not auto-save, then click the Save button as highlighted.
    Saving in "Small Talk" in Dialogflow
  4. Navigate to the agent’s configuration by clicking the gear icon. Then, copy the Project ID for this agent.
    Dialogflow Project ID location
  5. Navigate into the backend’s codebase and set the GCP_DF_PROJECT_ID to the value shown above within the .env file.

Create Google Service Account API Access

  1. Navigate to your Google Cloud Console and make sure your currently selected project is the one containing your agent. You can also access the project by clicking the project’s name in your Dialogflow’s agent configuration.
    Currently selected project in Google Cloud Console
  2. Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
    Service Accounts in Google Cloud Console
  3. Click on Create Service Account.
    Create a Service Account in Google Cloud Console
  4. Name your Service account, write a quick description, then click “Create and Continue”.
    Description for a service account
  5. Add the “Dialogflow API Admin” role to the service account and click Continue.
    Adding an API Admin role to a service account
  6. For Step 3, click Done as we don’t need to assign user access.
  7. You will now see the newly created Service Account, click the 3 dots next to the account and navigate to “Manage keys”.
    Manage keys to a service account
  8. Click on ADD KEY and Create new key.
    Create a new key for a GCP Service Account
  9. Select JSON key type and click Create, this will download a .json file to your machine.
    Download a GCP Service Account key in JSON format
  10. Open the downloaded .json file and copy the client_email to GCP_DF_CLIENT_EMAIL within the .env file of your backend.
  11. Copy the private_key from the .json file into GCP_DF_PRIVATE_KEY within the .env file of your backend.

Start our Ngrok Instance

Let's start our ngrok instance so we have an endpoint handy for our next steps. The application will use port 3000 by default. The port can be found by navigating to the main.ts file within your backend codebase.

If you have a paid version of ngrok, make sure to start it with a subdomain:

$ ngrok http --region=us 3000

Otherwise, you can start ngrok with an auto-generated subdomain. Just be careful: if your ngrok instance restarts, you’ll need to update all the endpoints across this application.

$ ngrok http --region=us 3000

Copy your endpoint and navigate into the backend’s codebase and set the APPLICATION_ENDPOINT to your ngrok’s external facing url.

Configure Twilio

Purchase a Twilio phone number

If you don’t have an unused Twilio phone number, you can purchase one via the Phone Numbers Console (for a more detailed walkthrough you can click here). Please make sure that this number has SMS capabilities.

Create a Twilio API key

Create a Twilio API key either through the console, api or CLI. Once you have your key SID and the key secret. Navigate to the .env file on your backend and update the following parameters:

  • SERVICE_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID - your Twilio account ID, value starts with ACXXXXXX
  • SERVICE_TWILIO_KEY_SID - API key’s SID, value starts with SKXXXXXX
  • SERVICE_TWILIO_KEY_SECRET - Secret generated with API key

Create a new Conversations Service & Configure Webhooks

  1. Navigate to your Twilio Conversations Services dashboard and click “Create a new service” button.
    Create a new Twilio Conversations Service
  2. Name your conversations service “dialogflow-demo-test” or a name you prefer, then click the “Create” button.
    Name a new Twilio Conversations service
  3. On the next screen, copy the Service SID
    Conversations service SID in Twilio Console
  4. Navigate into the backend’s codebase and set the SERVICE_TWILIO_CONVERSATION_SID to the value shown above within the .env file.
  5. Within our newly created Conversations Service, navigate to Webhooks and set your Post-Event URL to Set the Method to HTTP POST, so we receive all our events as POST requests.
    Set a post-event webhook in Twilio Conversations
  6. Uncheck every webhook event for now – only the onConversationAdded Post-webhooks event should be checked.
    Setting webhook events in Twilio Conversations
  7. Click the Save button

Create a new Messaging Service

Navigate to the Messaging Service dashboard within your Twilio console.

  1. Click “Create Messaging Service” button
  2. Name your service “dialogflow-demo-ms” and click “Create Messaging Service”
  3. Add your senders to the pool. This would be your Twilio phone number you’ve purchased above.
  4. Under Integrations, enable the radio Autocreate a Conversation. This will automatically create a conversation for each new person texting your number which does not belong to a conversation already.
  5. Click the “Add Compliance Info” button and then the “Skip Setup” button.

Configure a default Messaging Service and Conversation Service

Navigate to the Conversational Messaging Defaults within your Twilio console, and set your Default Messaging Service and Default Conversation Service to our services created above.

Change the Default Messaging and Conversations services in Twilio Conversations

Don’t forget to click “Save” after making your changes

Run our project

Return to your backend code, open up a terminal within the project’s root and start the backend:

$ npm run start:dev

Your project should successfully start.

Testing the flow

Go ahead and send a message from your phone to the phone number purchased above and your Dalogflow automation should respond with its quirky remarks. Congratulations! You got it working!

Integrate DialogFlow ES with Twilio Conversations using NestJS

Awesome – you now have a working DialogFlow ES and Twilio Conversations integration, so you can automate your customer conversations. Next, try building the UI using our Conversations API Quickstart to build an end to end flow where the conversation is handled by a human..

We can’t wait to see what you build!

Catalin is a Senior Solutions Engineer at Twilio. Equipped with knowledge and an IDE, he's invested in teaching customers how to build their desired digital journeys using technology. Catalin can be reached at catalin [at]

Nick is a Solutions Engineer at Twilio. He helps developers from different industries architect engaging experiences that keep their customers coming back. He can be reached at nlittman [at]

Github Repo

The repo for this demo can be found at

This content originally appeared on Twilio Blog and was authored by Catalin Negru

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Catalin Negru | Sciencx (2022-07-05T18:17:39+00:00) Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS. Retrieved from

" » Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS." Catalin Negru | Sciencx - Tuesday July 5, 2022,
Catalin Negru | Sciencx Tuesday July 5, 2022 » Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS., viewed ,<>
Catalin Negru | Sciencx - » Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from:
" » Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS." Catalin Negru | Sciencx - Accessed .
" » Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS." Catalin Negru | Sciencx [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» Integrate Dialogflow with Twilio Conversations using NestJS | Catalin Negru | Sciencx | |

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