This content originally appeared on Modern Web Development with Chrome and was authored by Paul Kinlan
<p>I have just done a little experiment with the existing application. I have in the past talked about Citations and problems finding previous articles that I have written so that I can cross reference what I have been talking about. I have added in some functionality that will search, to find in articles that are related by keywords that have been selected by the tagger.<p />All this is using the <a href="">Yahoo API</a> and it works pretty well. For each tag that the I select from the article that is inputted in to the Ajax tagger, a link is shown for each of the posts that contain that key.<p />Give it a go if you want: <a href=""></a> and use this entry as an example input.<p />This is just a test at the moment, but some other more important aggregation features will be in the next version of the application.<p /></p>
This content originally appeared on Modern Web Development with Chrome and was authored by Paul Kinlan