Syncing a site between GitHub and Jekyll

The other day, I built a small Jekyll website for Simplified JavaScript Jargon. If you are not familiar with the project, it is a community attempt at explaining JavaScript related buzzwords in simpler words to prevent JavaScript fatigue and ease adopt…

This content originally appeared on Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel and was authored by Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel

The other day, I built a small Jekyll website for Simplified JavaScript Jargon. If you are not familiar with the project, it is a community attempt at explaining JavaScript related buzzwords in simpler words to prevent JavaScript fatigue and ease adoption for new comers.

The project has long lived as a self-sufficient GitHub repository (gaining a bit of traction and a lot of stars in the process), but I wanted to given a nicer way for users to browse it. Hence a small Jekyll website.

The thing is, I did not want to make the GitHub repository non-usable anymore. Basically, I wanted everything to work both on GitHub and on Tricky! I eventually found a way, not without a struggle though so here are a few lines to explain the process.

The main problem

SJSJ is community-driven. It means that while I take care of the repository and the technical setup, I do not write entries (anymore). Generous contributors do that. They submit a pull-request to add a new Markdown file in the repository, and voila. I wanted this process to remain as simple.

The main problem is that when contributors want to link to another entry from their content, they do something like this:

Redux is an alternative to [Flux](/glossary/ and used a lot together with [React](/glossary/, but you can use it with any other view library.

When clicking such a link on GitHub, it will head to the file file located in the glossary/ folder for instance. Very good. Except that I needed these links to work the same on the Jekyll website.

One source of content. Two ways of browsing it. Two URL structures. A lot of troubles.

How I tried to solve it

I cannot change the way GitHub works (or can I…?), so if I want the entries to be consumable and linkable from both GitHub and Jekyll, I need to dig on the Jekyll side.

It turns out Jekyll 3 has lovely support for collections. And the nice things with collections, is that you can output pages, iterate on them and even specify the permalink you want. Neat.

I created a glossary collection, containing all the Markdown files, outputting pages at /glossary//:

output: true
permalink: /glossary/:path/

A few problems there already. For starters, a collection folder has to be prefixed with an underscore (_) in Jekyll, so the files would actually live in /_glossary/ but served over /glossary/. Secondly, in-content links are rooting to /glossary/.md, not /glossary// so they were broken. Bummer. There has to be a way.

How I actually solved it

The first issue is easily fixed by tweaking the permalink configuration to serve files over /_glossary/ to have a 1:1 mapping between the folder structure and the URL routing:

output: true
permalink: /_glossary/:path/

I thought the second problem would be harder to fix, but it turns out I could simply serve entries with a URL ending in .md. I believe under the hood all this is just URL rewriting, so it was not an issue at all.

output: true
permalink: /_glossary/

Tada! Files are located at /_glossary/.md, served over /_glossary/.md. 1:1 mapping, site is browsable in both GitHub and Jekyll seamlessly.

The “AJAX” entry served over /_glossary/ in Jekyll

Final thoughts

Admittedly enough, this is kind of an odd use case to want content to work on both GitHub and a custom website, but I think SJSJ is a good candidate for that.

Thanks to Jekyll friendly handling of permalinks and a bit of trial and error, it turned out to be quite simple to do.

This content originally appeared on Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel and was authored by Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel

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Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel | Sciencx (2016-05-10T00:00:00+00:00) Syncing a site between GitHub and Jekyll. Retrieved from

" » Syncing a site between GitHub and Jekyll." Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel | Sciencx - Tuesday May 10, 2016,
Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel | Sciencx Tuesday May 10, 2016 » Syncing a site between GitHub and Jekyll., viewed ,<>
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" » Syncing a site between GitHub and Jekyll." Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel | Sciencx - Accessed .
" » Syncing a site between GitHub and Jekyll." Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel | Sciencx [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» Syncing a site between GitHub and Jekyll | Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel | Sciencx | |

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