Getting started with JSON Decoding in Elm

This post was first published on but has now been updated and
moved to this blog.
Something that continually trips beginners up in Elm is dealing with JSON
responses from a third party API. I think this is because it’s a completely ne…

This content originally appeared on Jack Franklin and was authored by Jack Franklin

This post was first published on but has now been updated and moved to this blog.

Something that continually trips beginners up in Elm is dealing with JSON responses from a third party API. I think this is because it's a completely new concept to those picking up Elm from JavaScript. It certainly took me a long time to get comfortable with Elm.

Today, we'll look at using JSON decoders in Elm to deal with data from an API. I've purposefully made some of the data awkward to show some of the more complex parts of decoding JSON. Hopefully the APIs you're working with are much better than my fake one, but this post should have you covered if not!

Before we get into that though, let's go through the basics of Elm decoders.

What is an Elm JSON decoder?

A decoder is a function that can take a piece of JSON and decode it into an Elm value, with a type that matches a type that Elm knows about. For example, if we have this JSON:

{ "name": "Jack" }

Then I need to tell Elm that the value at the name field is a string, so it can parse the JSON value "Jack" and turn it into the Elm string "Jack". Elm ships with many decoders for all of the built in types in Elm, and also the ability for us to make our own decoders, which is of more interest to us, as more often than not you'll be taking an object and converting it into an Elm record.

Layering decoders

The real power of Elm's decoders, which is also why they can be pretty complicated to work with, is that you can combine them to make other decoders. This is something Brian Hicks wrote about in his post on Elm decoders being like Lego, which I highly recommend reading. For example, Elm ships with a decoder for decoding an object with one field, called Its type signature is:

map: (a -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder value

What's important to remember is that all these decoder functions return new decoders. You have to layer the decoders together to match your JSON. In the case of map, its arguments are as follows:

  • (a -> value) a function that will take the decoded value, and should return data of the type value, which is the Elm data you want to get out of your JSON.
  • Decoder a is a decoder that can decode the given JSON and pull out a value of type a, which will be passed into the function given as the first argument.

For example, taking the JSON that we had earlier:

{ "name": "Jack" }

Let's say we want to decode this into the following Elm record:

{ name = "Jack" }

The first step is to create our decoder. We're going to use map, because we want to decode a JSON object where we only care about one field. The JSON we're decoding could have any number of fields, but we use map because we only care about one field.

Note: through the following code examples I've imported the JSON decoding module as import Json.Decode as Decode, so I'll refer to functions as, Decode.string, and so on.

First I'll define my decoder. The first argument is an object that takes the decoded value and turns it into the thing I want to end up with. The second is a decoder that can take a value at a particular field, and decode it. To do that I use, which plucks an item out of the object and applies the given decoder to it:

userDecoder =
map (\name -> { name = name })
( ["name"] Decode.string)

Before we go on, can you guess what the type of userDecoder is here?

It is:

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder { name : String }

Because it's a decoder that returns an Elm record with a name property of type String.

Now let's run this decoder and see what we get. We can run a decoder using Decode.decodeString, which takes a decoder and input. It returns an Elm result, which will be Ok if we were successful, or Err if we had an issue. Normally, if you're decoding HTTP responses and so on, you won't ever call this function manually, the library you're using will do it for you. It is really useful for testing decoders though!

Note: if you're more familiar with Elm decoding you might be aware of some extra Elm packages that exist to make JSON decoding easier. We'll cover those in a future tutorial; for now I'm sticking to the core Elm library only.

I can run my decoder like so:

Decode.decodeString userDecoder """{"name": "Jack"}"""

By wrapping the JSON input with three quotes on each side, I avoid having to escape the quotes in the JSON (three quotes is a multiline string in Elm where you can use double quotes without escaping them). This gives us back:

Ok { name = "Jack" }

Which is perfect, and exactly what we want!

Type aliasing

It's pretty dull to have to repeat the type { name : String } throughout this imaginary example, so I can instead type alias it:

type alias User = { name : String }

When you define a type alias in Elm, you not only get the alias but User is a constructor function:

User : String -> User

This means that I can call:

User "jack"

And get back:

{ name = "Jack" }

We can use this to our advantage. Recall that our userDecoder looks like so:

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder { name : String }
userDecoder = (\name -> { name = name })
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)

Firstly, we can change the type annotation:

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder User
userDecoder = (\name -> { name = name })
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)

And then we can update the function that creates our User:

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder User
userDecoder = (\name -> User name)
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)

But whenever you have something of the form:

(\name -> User name)

Or, more generically:

(\x -> y x)

We can replace that by just passing the function we're calling directly, leaving us with the decoder:

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder User
userDecoder = User ( [ "name" ] Decode.string)

This is the most common pattern you'll see when dealing with decoding in Elm. The first argument to an object decoder is nearly always a constructor for a type alias. Just remember, it's a function that takes all the decoded values and turns them into the thing we want to end up with.

An alternative to

The decoding library also provides Decode.field, which reads out the value in a particular field.

Decode.field "foo" Decode.string is the equivalent of ["foo"] Decode.string, but some find it reads a bit nicer. has the advantage of accepting a list to access nested fields, but if you don't need that you could use Decode.field.

-- these two decoders are equivalent

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder User
userDecoder = User ( [ "name" ] Decode.string)

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder User
userDecoder = User (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)

Decoding a more complex JSON structure

Now we're a bit more familiar with decoders, let's look at our API and dealing with the data it gives us.

The User Type

Our application is dealing with a User type that looks like so:

type alias User =
{ name : String
, age : Int
, description : Maybe String
, languages : List String
, playsFootball : Bool

The only piece of data a user might be missing is description, which is why it's modelled as a Maybe String.

The Data

Keeping in mind the above type we've got, here's the API response we're working with:

"users": [
"name": "Jack",
"age": 24,
"description": "A person who writes Elm",
"languages": ["elm", "javascript"],
"sports": {
"football": true
"name": "Bob",
"age": 25,
"languages": ["ruby", "scala"],
"sports": {}
"name": "Alice",
"age": 23,
"description": "Alice sends secrets to Bob",
"languages": ["C", "scala", "elm"],
"sports": {
"football": false

Immediately you should notice some important features of this response:

  • All the data is nested under the users key
  • Not every user has a description field.
  • Every user has a sports object, but it doesn't always have the football key.

Granted, this example is a little extreme, but it's not that common to see APIs that have data like this. The good news is that if you have a nice, friendly, consistent API, then this blog post will hopefully still help, and you'll have less work!

When dealing with data like this, I like to start with the simplest piece of the puzzle and work up to the most complicated. Looking at the data we have, most of the fields are always present, and always of the same type, so let's start with that and ignore the rest of the fields.

Let's create the userDecoder that can decode a user object. We know we have five fields, so we can use Decode.map5 to do that. The first argument we'll give it is the User type, which will be the function that constructs a user for us. We can easily decode the name field, which is always a string:

userDecoder =
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)
-- more fields to come here

And we can do the same for age, which is an integer:

userDecoder =
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)
( [ "age" ]
-- other fields to come, hold tight!

And we can do the same for languages. languages is a list of strings, and we can decode that by using the Decode.list decoder, which takes another decoder which it will use for each individual item. So Decode.list Decode.string creates a decoder that can decode a list of strings:

userDecoder =
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)
( [ "age" ]
-- we'll decode the description field here in a mo
( [ "languages" ] (Decode.list Decode.string))
-- we'll decode the sports object here in a mo

A top tip when you want to test decoders incrementally is that you can use Decode.succeed to have a decoder pay no attention to the actual JSON and just succeed with the given value. So to finish our decoder we can simply fill in our missing fields with Decode.succeed:

userDecoder =
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)
( [ "age" ]
(Decode.succeed Nothing)
( [ "languages" ] (Decode.list Decode.string))
(Decode.succeed False)

That makes our decoded description value always Nothing (recall that description is a Maybe), and our playsFootball value always False.

Order of decoders

Something that I failed to realise early on when I was getting used to JSON decoding is why the decoders above are ordered as such. It's because they match the ordering of values in the User type alias.

Because the User fields are defined in this order:

type alias User =
{ name : String
, age : Int
, description : Maybe String
, languages : List String
, playsFootball : Bool

We have to decode in that order, too.

Decoding maybe values

If we have a key that is not always present, we can decode that with Decode.maybe. This takes another decoder, and if that decoder fails because the key it's looking for isn't present, it will be decoded to Nothing. Else, it will be decoded to Just val, where val is the value that was decoded.

What this means in practice is that to decode a maybe you simply write the decoder you would write if the field was always present, in our case:

( [ "description" ] Decode.string)

And we then wrap it in Decode.maybe:

(Decode.maybe ( [ "description" ] Decode.string))

And that's it! We're now nearly done with our decoder:

userDecoder : Decode.Decoder User
userDecoder =
( [ "name" ] Decode.string)
( [ "age" ]
(Decode.maybe ( [ "description" ] Decode.string))
( [ "languages" ] (Decode.list Decode.string))
(Decode.succeed False) -- just this one to go!

It's time to get a bit more complex and decode the sports object. Remember that we just want to pull out the football field, if it's present, but set it to False if it's not present.

The sports key will be one of three values:

  • {}
  • { "football": true }
  • { "football": false }

And we use it to set the playsFootball boolean to True or False. In the case where the football key isn't set, we want to default it to False.

Before dealing with the case where it's missing, let's pretend it's always present, and see how we would decode that. We'd create a decoder that pulls out the football field, and decodes it as a boolean: [ "sports", "football" ] Decode.bool

That would pull out the football key in the sports object, and decode it as a boolean. However, we need to deal with the football key being missing. The first thing I'm going to do is define another decoder, sportsDecoder, which will take the sports object and decode it: [ "sports" ] sportsDecoder

sportsDecoder = [ "football" ] Decode.bool

This is equivalent to the previous example but we've now split the code up a little. Remember earlier that we used Decode.succeed to make a JSON decoder succeed with a given value? That's what we need to use here. We effectively want to try to decode it first, but if it goes wrong, just return False. If we were writing our decoder out in English, we'd say:

  1. Try to find the value in the football field and decode it as boolean.
  2. If something goes wrong, don't worry about it, just set the value to False.

It turns out that Elm gives us Decode.oneOf, which does exactly that! Decode.oneOf takes a list of decoders and will try each of them in turn. If anything goes wrong it will try the next decoder in the list. Only if none of the decoders work will it fail.

So the first thing we can do is wrap our existing sportsDecoder in a Decode.oneOf call:

sportsDecoder =
[ [ "football" ] Decode.bool ]

That will work when the field is present, but now we need to cover the other case and always return False:

sportsDecoder =
[ [ "football" ] Decode.bool
, Decode.succeed False

With that change, we decode the value if it exists, or we set it to False. We're done!


I hope this article has gone some way to showing that Elm's decoding isn't quite as scary as it first seems. Yes, it's not always immediately intuitive, and takes time to get used to, but once you get the hang of it I think you'll find it really nice to be able to so explicitly deal with JSON and decode it into your application's types.

If you'd like to look at the code, I've got a small app on Github that uses the decoders in this article, and you can find me on Twitter (or the Elm slack channel!) if you have any questions.

This content originally appeared on Jack Franklin and was authored by Jack Franklin

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Jack Franklin | Sciencx (2018-04-19T00:00:00+00:00) Getting started with JSON Decoding in Elm. Retrieved from

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» Getting started with JSON Decoding in Elm | Jack Franklin | Sciencx | |

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